TN 24 (03-95)

SI 00820.140 Wage Verification - $65 or Less

A. When to use

Use the procedure in SI 00820.140B. below when:

  • an individual alleges wages of $65 or less per month for some or all of the period being verified, and

  • there is only one employer involved, and

  • the individual is not self- employed during the period, and

  • the individual is not a student child or an ineligible child (SI 01320.185).

EXCEPTION: Verify and enter to the SSR the specific monthly amounts when one or both members of an eligible couple have earned income of $65 or less, but their total earned income exceeds $65 per month.

B. Procedure

Follow the wage verification procedure in SI 00820.135 with these modifications:


IF the allegation of wages is... THEN...

$65 or less in each month

For initial claims:

  • verify only that wages did not exceed $65 per month, and

  • enter to the SSR $65 as verified wages for each of those months.

For post-entitlement (redetermination or review of income):

  • it is not necessary to verify wages or to input wages as verified when an individual alleges never earning over $65 in a month for the entire period being reviewed.

over $65 in some months

  • for months under $65:

    verify only that wages did not exceed $65 per month, and

    enter to the SSR $65 as verified wages for each of those months.

  • for months over $65, verify and enter to the SSR the specific monthly amounts. See SI 00820.135.

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SI 00820.140 - Wage Verification - $65 or Less - 03/11/1999
Batch run: 09/22/2016