NOTE: When a local/State education agency makes a third party payment for the food and shelter
provided at the ED/VOC institution, determine that the recipient receives countable
ISM if these funds are not otherwise excludable (SI 00835.706C.6.).
EXAMPLE 1: Child Subject To Deeming is Away at School
Lucy Jones, a 14-year-old eligible child, is a resident at the State School for the
Hearing-Impaired. Lucy will live at school during the school year (09/10/98 - 06/10/99).
Lucy lives with their parents between semesters and during vacations. The claims specialist
(CS) determines that Lucy's permanent residence is their parents' home where Lucy
is subject to deeming. And, the CS identifies this as a situation where ISM development
is needed for both the parents' home and the school. Per (SI 00835.042), when a child subject to deeming is away at school, ISM is potentially countable
in both the permanent residence (the parents' home) and in the school.
After developing the living arrangements, the CS determines that Lucy receives no
ISM in the parents' home. But, the CS learns from the parents that they do not pay
for Lucy's food and shelter at the school. Further development reveals that the State
Department of Education pays for Lucy's food and shelter which is valued at $400 per
month. The CS determines that this third party payment results in countable ISM for
Lucy. Lucy is charged with ISM capped at the PMV for each month that Lucy is at school
including September and June. See SI 00835.400, " ISM only to the Claimant" for detailed instructions for processing this type of
case within the SSI Claims System.
EXAMPLE 2: Child Not Subject To Deeming is Away at School
James Wilson, a 15-year-old eligible child, is a resident at the same school as in
(SI 00835.714), Example 1. James lives at school during the school year and lives with a grandparent
between semesters and during vacations. The CS determines that James' permanent residence
is the grandparent's home where James is not subject to deeming. Following the temporary absence rules in (SI 00835.040 and SI 00835.042), the CS determines that any ISM James receives would be based on the permanent living
arrangement, i.e., their grandparent's home. ISM James receives while at school (a
temporary absence) is not counted per (SI 00835.040C.2.).