NOTE: If the individual was a resident of a public medical treatment institution, there
is no ISM countable for the month they leave the institution.
EXAMPLE 1: Individual Leaves Public Institution
Jerry Smith, an SSI recipient, has been ineligible (N22) for the past 4 months due
to incarceration in the county jail. On 5/9/99 Jerry is released from jail and resumes
living in Jerry's own home. On 05/10/99 Jerry contacts the FO to have benefits reinstated.
The FO does a redetermination and reinstates Jerry's benefits effective with 05/99.
For the period Jerry was ineligible (N22), it is not necessary to develop whether
Jerry received any ISM. However, for 05/99 the CR charges Mr. Smith with a full month's
worth of ISM (capped at the PMV).
EXAMPLE 2: Publicly Operated Community Residence (POCR)
George Smith, filing for SSI, lives in Jefferson County Family Shelter. George has
no income and does not pay for their care in the shelter. Using the SSA-8045 precedent,
the CR determines that the Jefferson County Family Shelter is a publicly operated
community residence (POCR). Therefore, although George is in a public institution,
George is eligible for SSI while a resident. Since George is not paying for their
food and shelter, the CR must find out whether George receives ISM. The CR determines
that the food and shelter received in the POCR is not ISM based on the social services
exclusion described in SI 00815.050C.