If a noncitizen appears to be eligible for SSI based on the allegations of the noncitizen
and sponsor, verify the sponsor's current income and resources (see SI 00810.001. and SI
01110.001.) In initial claim situations, compare the current income and resources with the statements in the DHS file. See
SI 01320.925 when the DHS file is not available. (If the noncitizen is ineligible based on the
established income or resources of the sponsor, deny or suspend eligibility; do not
contact DHS (or curtail such contact if already initiated)).
Photocopy, or record on a Report of Contact (RC), the sponsor's allegations made to
DHS regarding their income and resources on the affidavit of support.
If the sponsor alleged income or resources to DHS that they did not allege to the
field office (FO), and the discrepancy is material to the noncitizen's eligibility
and payment, the sponsor must explain the discrepancy and submit evidence of the loss
of income or resources. For example, if they allege self-employment income to DHS
but now alleges no self-employment income, they could submit a tax return showing
a net loss of income or a record of a bankruptcy judgment. If they allege ownership
of property to DHS but now alleges no property, they could explain and submit documentation
for its disposition. If they do not provide an explanation and evidence that you consider
adequate, state your conclusion on an RC; deny the claim for failure to submit required