TN 28 (02-01)

SI 02310.020 Federal Benefit Interfaces – VA, RRB, OPM

A. Process — general

1. Records Matched

SSA matches the SSR with the benefit records of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), the Railroad Retirement Board (RRB), and the Office of Personnel Management (OPM).

2. Data Comparison

SSA compares the SSN, name, date of birth, and agency claim number on the SSR and the agency"s payment records.

3. Purpose

The interfaces:

  • Report and record the receipt and amount of benefits paid by the other agency;

  • Establish the correct agency claim number;

  • Annotate the SSR with the agency claim number to facilitate future interfaces; and

  • Provide checks on other eligibility factors (e.g., marriage, residence) based on the data in the other agency"s records.

4. Schedule

The interfaces are scheduled as follows:

  • VA - Every month, starting 09/99; before that, every odd month. The VA cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) is paid in January.

  • RRB - Every month, starting 09/99; before that, every odd month. The RRB COLA is paid in January.

  • OPM - Every month starting 03/98; before that, every odd month. The OPM COLA is paid in January.

B. Process - VA/RRB/OPM interfaces

1. Recurring Benefit Change

If there is a change in the recurring VA/RRB/OPM payment amount, the SSR:

  • Updates the unearned income (UM) entry with the new amount;

  • Updates the UM verification code; and

  • Generates a notice that advises the recipient of the VA/RRB/OPM payment change and the effect that change will have on the recipient"s SSI payment amount.

2. Other Issue(s) Detected

If the interface detects a change other than a change in the VA/RRB/OPM payment amount (such as an indication that development of retroactive benefits is needed), it updates the SSR to show the new recurring amount and generates an alert to the servicing FO.

3. Augmented VA

See SI 00830.314 for instructions on augmented benefits.

4. References

  • VA - SM 02002.001 ff.

  • RRB - SM 02002.100 ff.

  • OPM - SM 02002.200 ff.

  • “double-counting” alerts - SI 00830.110

C. Process — record processing section (RPS) clerical operations


For each VA and RRB case referred to the servicing FO, RPS will send the SSID and the extract of the other agency"s record under cover of a route slip citing the applicable POMS reference. See SI 02310.999 for samples of the extracts.

D. Procedure - verification

If a person challenges the income amount we will use to compute the SSI benefits, ask him/her for verification of payments. If his/her records are insufficient, proceed as described below.

1. VA

  1. a. 

    See SI 00830.300 for types of VA payments. Obtain verification of VA benefit data from the VA Regional Office per SI 00830.320.

  2. b. 

    VA pension and compensation benefits can be paid under the same VA claim number (although not simultaneously). Consider the possibility of a change in type of payment and whether the $20 monthly exclusion applies.

2. RRB

Verify RRB payments per SI 00830.225.

3. OPM

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SI 02310.020 - Federal Benefit Interfaces – VA, RRB, OPM - 02/27/2001
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