This section applies only to members of religious orders who have taken a vow of poverty.
Food or shelter or both that is not considered part of a member's wages is ISM. If
the food or shelter or both is earned income, it cannot also be considered ISM.
Members of religious orders are required to turn over all money to the order, as fulfillment
of the vow of poverty. Because of the vow of poverty, the order has an express obligation
to provide food and shelter for the member. When the member lives in a convent, or
any facility or living quarters provided by the order, the order provides food and
shelter to the member.
Food or shelter or both provided to an individual is countable income (ISM) unless
the individual pays for it with their own funds. Under the vow of poverty, the member
turns over their money to the order in fulfillment of the vow and not as a payment
for food or shelter or both. Food or shelter or both provided by the order is counted
as ISM. (For additional information about income received by members of religious
orders see SI 00810.700.)