Since the automated system that performs mandatory CPR selects qualified SSI debts
only under control of RECOOP, non-RECOOP debts must be manually coded on the SSR for
CPR; i.e., the FO must add a RECOVER FROM Title II BENEFITS (K TAC) decision via the
Overpayment Decisions (UOPD) screen in MSSICS, see MS
As with automated CPR, once the K TAC has posted to the SSR, the system generates
the ROAR notice that informs the debtor about the reduction of Title II benefit as
payment toward the SSI debt. Do not use the Manual Adjustment Credit and Award
Data Entry (MACADE) system to process cross program recovery actions of any kind.
You do not need to tell the debtor in advance and you do not need to obtain the debtor's
approval for CPR. The notice produced by the ROAR system will serve as SSA's official
notification (see the exhibit for an example of the notice).
IMPORTANT: Until the automated CPR system is changed to select RECOOP cases with regular monthly
installments, instructions in SI 02220.020C., Manual CPR for Non-RECOOP SSI debts, will also apply to RECOOP cases with regular
monthly installment payments.
NOTE: See SI 02220.025B.2.a. for identifying RECOOP cases, or look at the ARC in the MPMT data on the SSR to see
if anything on the account is in RECOOP (ARC of 1, 2, 3, or 4). You can also look
at the sequence level ARC in the second field of the OPSQ data, which tells when a
sequence is in RECOOP jurisdiction.