TN 10 (10-00)

RM 01301.515 What Happens When the System Determines That SSN or Identifying Information Provided by the Requester Does Not Match Our Records

The information in this section is not applicable while mailing of the Social Security Statement is suspended. See information on accessing earnings information using the MySocialSecurity web portal in OA 00205.010.

A. Introduction

The SSN, name, date of birth or sex provided by the Social Security Statement requester may not match our records if:

  • the data was keyed incorrectly on the input record,

  • the requester transposed digits in the SSN,

  • the requester provided incorrect data,

  • the requester failed to report a name or date of birth change or correction, or

  • we have not yet updated SSA records to include recently reported changes or corrections.

B. Process — Electronic Verification of SSN — Statement 2001

When an SSN is verified electronically, the system searches for one Numident record to which all the information alleged by the requester can be matched.

Only when the alleged SSN, name, date of birth and sex are matched to one Numident record is the SSN verified as “correct.”

C. Process — SSN is Verified as Incorrect — Statement 2001

When the SSN, name, date of birth or sex on a request does not match the Numident record, the Statement 2001 system prepares a Form SSA-7014A advising the requester to:

  • enter corrected information on the Form SSA-7014A and return it to WBDOC for processing, or

  • if the information provided on the original request is correct, contact their local SSA FO for assistance.

D. Process — SSA-7014A Returned to WBDOC with the Same Data — WBDOC Process

When the requester returns the Form SSA-7014A to the DOC with the same SSN, name, date of birth or sex information, WBDOC:

obtains a Numident Printout,


Then, WBDOC...

the SSN is void,

sends all material to the FO under cover of Form SSA-984 and with box B.2. checked.

the information provided is not reflected on the Numident record,

sends material to the FO under cover of a Form SSA-984 with box B.1. checked.

it appears that the Numident record needs to be updated or corrected,

obtains an SSA-7005-SM-OR or SSA-7014A and sends all material to the FO under cover of a Form SSA-984 with box B.4. checked.

E. Process — SSA-7014A Returned to WBDOC with Different Data — WBDOC Process

When a Form SSA-7014A is returned to the DOC with different SSN, name, date of birth, or sex information, the DOC obtains an SSA-7005-SM-OR or another SSA-7014A using the information provided.

  • If the system verifies that the number is correct, WBDOC mails the SSA-7005-SM-OR to the requester.

  • If the system verifies that the number is incorrect, WBDOC forwards all material to the FO under cover of Form SSA-984 checked in box B.1.

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RM 01301.515 - What Happens When the System Determines That SSN or Identifying Information Provided by the Requester Does Not Match Our Records - 02/10/2012
Batch run: 03/29/2017