TN 1 (11-00)

RM 01310.018 Facts on Which Statement Is Based

A. Description of facts

The following chart describes the facts shown at the bottom of page 2 on the statement and explains how the system uses this information.

Facts Given


The system uses...

Your Name

The name of the person to whom the information pertains

this name to verify the Social Security Number (SSN).

Your Social Security Number

The SSN of the person to whom the information pertains

this number to:

  • control the request,

  • access the earnings, and

  • locate cross-referred SSNs.

Your Date of Birth

The date of birth of person to whom the information pertains

this date of birth to:

  • verify the SSN,

  • compute the credits, and

  • compute the benefit estimates.

Estimated Annual Earnings YYYY On

The amount of earnings for next year and subsequent years as determined by the system

NOTE: See RM 01310.018B.

this amount when....

  • projecting the earnings for future years,

  • establishing estimated credits, and

  • determining the retirement benefit estimate amounts.

Other Social Security Numbers Assigned to You

Other numbers assigned to the number holder (NH)

NOTE: This entry will not appear if there are no other verified SSNs for the number holder

the combined earnings from the records of the verified numbers to produce the SSA-7005-SM-SI or SSA-7005-SM-OR.


B. Description of additional entries for on-request versions of statements

Lag and future projected earnings for the on-request version of the Statement appear as separate entries:

  • XXXX [last year]Earnings

  • XXXX [this year]Earnings

  • Your Estimated Future Average Yearly Earnings

We display the money amounts that the SSN holder provided on the request form.

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RM 01310.018 - Facts on Which Statement Is Based - 04/01/2013
Batch run: 03/29/2017