Document the
Document the claimant’s explanations for the name discrepancy, supporting documentation,
and the determination made on a Form SSA-553 (Special Determination).
NOTE: A simple statement of opinion, such as "I believe the birth record presented belongs
to the claimant", is not sufficient. Document the rationale for concluding that the
record pertains to the claimant.
EXAMPLE: The claimant applied under the name Martín García. The birth certificate (BC) provided
shows the name Martín García Florez. The DOB on the BC matches our records. Interview
with the claimant identified that they used a traditional compound surname when they
entered the U.S., but now use only their father's surname.
The following explanation would be adequate: "Claimant used mother's surname (García)
on the application. The claimant's mother's name in our records is Carla Rodriguez
García. Since other identifying information matches the information in our records,
we assume the record pertains to the claimant."
EXAMPLE: The claimant applied under the name Frank De Caker. The passport provided shows the
name Florigio De Caker. The DOB on the passport is October 5, 1945. The DOB in our
records is October 15, 1945. Because we cannot use the DOB to verify the claimant's
identity, we requested additional documentation. The claimant provided a BC with a
DOB of October 15, 1945, which matches our records. Interview with the claimant identified
that when their family immigrated to the U.S. they registered their given names as
the English equivalent of their Italian given names.
The following explanation would be adequate: “When the claimant’s family immigrated
to the U.S. they registered their first names as the English equivalent of their Italian
given name. We used the DOB on the BC to establish the claimant's age. Since the identifying
information matches the information in our records, we assume the record pertains
to the claimant.”