TN 12 (02-25)

GN 00312.240 Madagascar – Vital Statistics Records

A. Policy for requesting birth, marriage, divorce, and death records

Madagascar has no single, nationwide repository of civil registration records. Records are held at the local level in municipalities.

B. Procedure for requesting birth, marriage, divorce, and death records

1. Office to Contact

Contact the municipality where the event took place for birth, marriage, and death records. Contact the district court where the divorce was granted.

Individuals residing outside the United States may contact the Madagascar Embassy (or the designated representative) in the country of their residence.

2. Birth records

There are three kinds of birth certificates:

  • Acte de Naissance Integral— shows complete information about the individual and parents

  • Extrait de Naissance—shows complete information about the individual and parents' names

  • Bulletin de Naissance—shows only individual's date of birth (DB) and parents' names

Include the following information in requests for birth records:

  • Full name of child at birth

  • Sex of child

  • Date and place of birth

  • Names of the parents, including the parent's maiden surname

  • Names of the parents of a single parent

  • Address at the time of birth

For requests to the Madagascar Embassy the Malagasy parents shall submit a letter of request addressed to the Embassy of Madagascar,  along with the original birth certificate and the Family Record Book, if available.

3. Marriage records

There are two kinds of marriage certificates:

  • Acte de Marriage—shows complete information

  • Bulletin de Marriage—shows each party's date and place of birth and the date and place of marriage

4. Death

Family members provide a handwritten or typewritten duly signed and addressed to the Madagascar Embassy.

5. Fee



Fee for Madagasy Citizens

Fee for Non-Madagasy Citizens

Acte de Naissance Integral

300 FMG

2000 FMG

Extrait de Naissance

250 FMG

750 FMG

Bulletin de Naissance

200 FMG

1000 FMG

Acte de Marriage

1000 FMG

2000 FMG

Bulletin de Marriage

300 FMG

1000 FMG

Death Certificates

300 FMG

2000 FMG

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GN 00312.240 - Madagascar – Vital Statistics Records - 02/05/2025
Batch run: 02/05/2025