Basic (02-94)

GN 01734.005 How OIO Totalization Modules Review and Complete Claims Taken by a Field Office (FO) or by the Claims Development Branch (CDB)

A. Introduction

GN 01702.001 - GN 01702.525 explains in general how field offices process claims for benefits under all of the agreements. GN 01733.205 - GN 01733.220 explains the applications and evidence obtained specifically for the agreement with Luxembourg.

B. Procedure

Follow these steps for reviewing claims in a totalization module:


Step Action
1 Review the file for the required applications and evidence listed in GN 01733.205 - GN 01733.220. See GN 01704.570 for additional instructions for developing and evaluating evidence.
2 Check the file for proof of lag earnings if lag wages or lag self-employment are alleged. Remember that proof of lag earnings is required through the quarter of filing or quarter of death.
If additional proof is needed, request the FO to obtain it.
3 Check the file for a U.S. totalization earnings record which can be sent to the Luxembourg agency.
If there is no totalization earnings record in file, request it from OCRO following the instructions in GN 01704.570.
4 When all the material required above is in file, refer to the guidelines in GN 01734.205 for preparing a claims package for the Luxembourg agency.

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GN 01734.005 - How OIO Totalization Modules Review and Complete Claims Taken by a Field Office (FO) or by the Claims Development Branch (CDB) - 02/21/1996
Batch run: 10/17/2016