Once a debt is selected for administrative offset, SSA sends the debtor a notice using
the debtor's address of record from the MBR and the supplemental Security Record (SSR).
If the MBR/SSR does not have an address or if the notice is returned as undeliverable
based on the MBR/SSR address, then the TOP (Treasury Offset Program) system will get
any available address from the credit bureau via an automated address request operation
run out of central office.
If the credit bureau provides a new address, SSA will mail the pre-offset notice using
that address.
If the credit bureau does not provide a new address, then the case will be deleted
from TOP.
NOTE: The automated address request operation run out of central office is a separate project
from the credit bureau address requests made by the Debt Management Systems (DMS).
The automated operation has no impact on the DMS requests.
The pre-offset notice tells the debtor about the planned offset action and:
That they owe a delinquent overpayment debt in a particular amount;
That SSA plans to refer the debt to Treasury for TRO/TOP, refer the debt to TOP/External
Collection Operation (ECO), and send information about the debt to credit bureaus
after 60 days have expired from the date on the notice;
That SSA will not take this action if, before the end of that 60-day period, the debtor
pays the debt in full, makes regular installment payments under an agreement with
SSA, requests waiver, or furnishes evidence showing that they do not owe all or part
of the stated amount or SSA does not have the right to collect the debt; and
That the debtor may review and copy SSA's records about the debt.
NOTE: SSA uses one notice to inform the debtor about the proposed administrative offset,
TRO, and credit bureau reporting. The same due process rights described in this section
are offered for all collection tools.