GN 02315.000 Small Estate Statutes

Subchapter Table of Contents
Section   Latest
GN 02315.001 Small Estates TN 3 08-89
GN 02315.005 State Jurisdiction - Small Estates TN 3 08-89
GN 02315.015 Foreign Jurisdiction - Small Estates TN 25 07-24
GN 02315.025 Submittals to Chief Counsel - Small Estates TN 3 08-89
GN 02315.036 Alabama — Small Estates TN 14 10-14
GN 02315.037 Alaska Small Estates TN 12 03-14
GN 02315.038 American Samoa — Small Estates TN 6 02-09
GN 02315.039 Arizona Small Estates TN 15 12-14
GN 02315.040 Arkansas Small Estates TN 13 09-14
GN 02315.041 California Small Estates TN 19 10-20
GN 02315.042 Colorado – Small Estates TN 14 10-14
GN 02315.043 Connecticut Small Estates TN 9 06-13
GN 02315.044 Delaware Small Estates TN 10 07-13
GN 02315.045 District of Columbia Small Estates TN 10 07-13
GN 02315.046 Florida — Small Estates TN 14 10-14
GN 02315.047 Georgia — Small Estates TN 17 04-15
GN 02315.048 Guam Small Estates TN 15 12-14
GN 02315.049 Hawaii Small Estates TN 15 12-14
GN 02315.050 Idaho Small Estates TN 12 03-14
GN 02315.051 Illinois Small Estates TN 11 01-14
GN 02315.052 Indiana Small Estates TN 11 01-14
GN 02315.053 Iowa Small Estates TN 24 02-24
GN 02315.054 Kansas Small Estates TN 16 12-14
GN 02315.055 Kentucky — Small Estates TN 14 10-14
GN 02315.056 Louisiana Small Estates TN 23 08-23
GN 02315.057 Policy for Maine Small Estates TN 9 06-13
GN 02315.058 Maryland — Small Estates TN 6 02-09
GN 02315.059 Massachusetts Small Estates TN 9 06-13
GN 02315.060 Michigan Small Estates TN 11 01-14
GN 02315.061 Minnesota Small Estates TN 20 05-21
GN 02315.062 Mississippi — Small Estates TN 14 10-14
GN 02315.063 Missouri Small Estates TN 16 12-14
GN 02315.064 Montana – Small Estates TN 14 10-14
GN 02315.065 Nebraska Small Estates TN 16 12-14
GN 02315.066 Nevada Small Estates TN 15 12-14
GN 02315.067 New Hampshire Small Estates TN 9 06-13
GN 02315.068 New Jersey Small Estates TN 8 03-13
GN 02315.069 New Mexico Small Estates TN 13 09-14
GN 02315.070 New York Small Estates TN 21 03-22
GN 02315.071 North Carolina — Small Estates TN 14 10-14
GN 02315.072 North Dakota – Small Estates TN 14 10-14
GN 02315.073 Ohio Small Estates TN 11 01-14
GN 02315.074 Oklahoma Small Estates TN 13 09-14
GN 02315.075 Oregon Small Estates TN 12 03-14
GN 02315.076 Pennsylvania — Small Estates TN 6 02-09
GN 02315.077 Puerto Rico — Small Estates TN 8 03-13
GN 02315.078 Rhode Island Small Estates TN 9 06-13
GN 02315.079 South Carolina Small Estates TN 14 10-14
GN 02315.080 South Dakota – Small Estates TN 14 10-14
GN 02315.081 Tennessee — Small Estates TN 14 10-14
GN 02315.082 Texas Small Estates TN 13 09-14
GN 02315.083 Utah – Small Estates TN 14 10-14
GN 02315.084 Policy for Vermont Small Estates TN 9 06-13
GN 02315.085 Virginia Small Estates TN 18 12-15
GN 02315.086 Virgin Islands Small Estates TN 8 03-13
GN 02315.087 Washington Small Estates TN 12 03-14
GN 02315.088 West Virginia Small Estates TN 10 07-13
GN 02315.089 Wisconsin Small Estates TN 11 01-14
GN 02315.090 Wyoming – Small Estates TN 14 10-14
GN 02315.091 Saipan, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands TN 15 12-14
GN 02315.200 Affidavit Showing Right to Receive Money Under Section 13100 of the California Probate Code - Exhibit TN 19 10-20

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Batch run: 07/15/2024