TN 9 (12-23)

RS 00620.050 Work Recomputation Applicability in Life Cases

A. Work recomputation requirements in life cases

1. General requirements for work recomputations

To be entitled to a work recomputation in a life case the number holder (NH) must meet the following requirements:

  1. a. 

    The NH must have six quarters of coverage (QC's) after 1950 and before the quarter of the application filing date.

  2. b. 

    The NH must have covered earnings of more than $1,200 in a calendar year after 1953 (1965 was last qualifying year possible), which was the latest of the following:

    • A year after the year the NH became entitled (filed effective application) to RIB or DIB (after the year DIB waiting period began if entitled to DIB before 01/1961).

    • A year after the year the NH became entitled to a dropout computation.

    • A year in or after the year the NH became entitled to a previous work recomputation.

  3. c. 

    The NH's must file the application for the work recomputation after the qualifying year in RS 00620.050A.1. in this section.

  4. d. 

    The recomputation must have yielded a primary insurance amount (PIA) increase.

2. Requirements for a qualifying year

The following are requirements for a qualifying year:

  1. a. 

    A calendar year after 1953 in which the NH had more than $1,200 in covered earnings must elapse between the year of original entitlement to retirement insurance benefits (RIB) or disability insurance benefits (DIB) and the year of filing for the work recomputation.

  2. b. 

    An intervening year of more than $1,200 in earnings is necessary if the work recomputation was a sequel to a dropout recomputation. The qualifying year may be the same one in which a previous work recomputation application was filed.

3. Application requirement

The NH must have filed their request for recomputation on a prescribed application form after the earliest qualifying year.

B. Computing the work recomputation

1. Transitional work recomputation

Two methods of computing the work recomputation are used:

  1. a. 

    A 1960 new or old start method.

  2. b. 

    Year of filing recomputation is a base year if earnings are available. If not consider a current year recomputation later.

2. Work recomputation

When calculated by the 1960 method use only the 1960 new start (NS) method for the work recomputation. Year of filing for the recomputation is not included as a base year.

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RS 00620.050 - Work Recomputation Applicability in Life Cases - 12/19/2023
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