TN 26 (03-11)

DI 11005.020 Curtailing Completion of the SSA-3368 (Disability Report-Adult) or the SSA-3820 (Disability Report - Child) Forms

A. Introduction to curtailing completion of the SSA-3368 or SSA-3820

This section lists situations in which the Disability Determination Services (DDS) will usually make the disability determination based on medical considerations alone, so the vocational history is unnecessary. In these situations, the field office (FO) can partially complete the SSA-3368 (Disability Report - Adult) or the SSA-3820 (Disability Report - Child).

NOTE: The FO still has the responsibility to recognize, develop, document, and resolve substantial gainful activity issues and complete a SSA-3367 (Disability Report - Field Office) even when curtailing completion of a disability report. For guidance on completing form SSA-3367, see DI 11005.045. For guidance on FO responsibilities in work activity development, see DI 11010.140A.

B. When to curtail completion of the SSA-3368 or SSA-3820

When curtailing medical development in terminal illness (TERI), compassionate allowance (CAL), and military service casualty (MSCC) cases, if there is any doubt that the claim may result in an allowance, it is in the claimant's best interest to complete the entire form(s) to avoid unnecessary recontact with the claimant.

CAUTION: If it is probable that the FO or DDS recontact with the applicant will be difficult for the reasons described in DI 11005.001, at the initial interview, the interviewer should complete all the necessary forms indicated in DI 11005.018A.1.a. and DI 11005.018A.1.b.

The FO may curtail completion of the disability report forms when expediting the case as one of the following.

1. Presumptive Disability/Presumptive Blindness (PD/PB) cases

Classify and expedite the case as PD/PB when the allegation is consistent with FO observations and the categories for PD/PB findings in DI 11055.231.

For development requirements in title XVI claims, see DI 11055.230. You can also use FO findings to determine whether to curtail forms completion in both title II and title XVI claims, even though PD/PB provisions apply only to title XVI.

2. Terminal illness (TERI) cases

Classify and expedite the case as TERI when it meets the criteria in DI 11005.601C.

NOTE: In those cases where the claimant did not allege a terminal illness, make every effort to ensure that the claimant sees no material, which would indicate that he or she has a terminal illness. Do not use the words "terminal" or "terminal illness" on any material in the case folder that might disclose that information to the claimant.

3. Compassionate allowances (CAL) cases

Classify and expedite the case as CAL when the claimant alleges one of the medical conditions found in the list of CAL conditions in DI DI 23022.080.

NOTE: System software recognizes the diseases or conditions on the CAL list; therefore, refer to the list on a regular basis to verify that you have the most updated information.

For EDCS (3368 and 3820) guidelines, see DI 81010.085A.

For information on curtailment of the EDCS 3368 for CAL conditions, see DI 81010.025B.3.

4. Military Service Casualty Cases (MSCC) cases

Classify and expedite the case as MSCC, following the guidelines in DI 11005.003 and DI 11005.006 .

C. Procedure for curtailing completion of the SSA-3368 or SSA-3820

1. Sections to curtail when partially completing the SSA-3368 or SSA-3820

Do not complete sections five (Education and Training) and six (Job History) of the paper SSA-3368 or section nine (Work History) of the paper SSA-3820.

NOTE: Curtailing completion procedures do not apply to a SSA-3368 or SSA-3820 already completed in the file or completed online.

2. Alert the DDS when curtailing completion of SSA-3368 or SSA-3820

Draw a line through the uncompleted section parts of the paper SSA-3368 or SSA-3820 to alert the DDS that the form is not complete. When a SSA-3368 or SSA-3820 is curtailed in EDCS the curtailed sections are grayed out and the FO does not complete them. For instructions on how to curtail completion in EDCS, see DI 81010.020.

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DI 11005.020 - Curtailing Completion of the SSA-3368 (Disability Report-Adult) or the SSA-3820 (Disability Report - Child) Forms - 07/27/2018
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