TN 4 (04-23)

DI 55030.001 Overview of Earnings Verification in Ticket Cases

A. The earnings verification process for Ticket users

Field offices (FOs) play an important role in making the Ticket to Work program operate smoothly. They verify earnings reports for program participants (i.e., Ticketholders) submitted to SSA from employment networks (ENs) and State vocational rehabilitation (VR) agencies that are serving Ticketholders as ENs. The Ticket Program Manager (TPM) contractor for the Ticket to Work program receives earnings reports from the EN or State VR agency and posts the individual’s wages to the internet Ticket Operations Provider Support System (iTOPSS). iTOPSS updates the data in the disability control file (DCF) through an overnight batch process. FOs ensures that these wages are verified. This helps to ensure that our agency:

  • makes timely adjustments to benefits when a Ticketholder works,

  • makes timely payments to ENs or State VR agencies where Ticketholders assign their ticket to work, and

  • makes timely decisions when conducting progress reviews for purposes of determining whether a Ticketholder is using a ticket, and, therefore, exempt from continuing disability reviews (CDRs). (For information on the TPM's role in timely progress reviews, see DI 55025.025.) (Also, see DI 55060.001 for the TPMs and ORDES's roles.)

B. Accepting earnings evidence from the TPM

Under the Ticket to Work program, the TPM annotates wage information it receives from ENs and State VR agencies serving Ticketholders as ENs in iTOPSS. The TPM evaluates the evidence of earnings it receives (see DI 55030.010B for further information).

C. No change in Ticketholder reporting responsibilities

Ticketholders working with ENs or VRs are still responsible for reporting their work or earnings directly to SSA.

NOTE: The earnings evidence the ENs or State VR agencies submit adds another source of information about Ticketholder earnings. It does not change the earnings reporting requirements for Ticketholders.

D. Elements of processing TPM posted earnings

1. Treat evidence reported by an EN or State VR agency as a third-party report

  1. a. 

    The TPM posts wage evidence that comes from ENs and State VR agencies

  2. b. 

    Field Offices (FOs) are not required to verify earnings posted by the EN if preferred evidence was submitted per DI 55030.001B above. All other evidence submitted by the EN should be developed as a third party report of alleged gross earnings. (See DI 13010.020C.2. for reporting earnings.)

2. Make timely trial work period (TWP) service month and substantial gainful activity (SGA) determinations

FO responsibilities for title II only cases: Use eWork to process work determinations to the disability control file (DCF). (See DI 13010.025 for processing work in eWork.)

  • Make timely TWP service month determinations, and record the determination on the DCF via eWork. For concurrent cases, wages must be posted to the DCF via Modernized Supplemental Security Income Claims System (MSSICS) (See DI 13010.035 for TWP process.)

  • Make timely SGA determinations after a title II Ticketholder has entered the extended period of eligibility (EPE), and record the determination on the DCF via eWork. For concurrent cases, wages must be posted to the DCF via MSSICS

NOTE: During the 8th and 9th TWP months, eWork cannot “push” earnings determinations to the DCF. Please post earnings manually during the 8th and 9th TWP months. See DI 55030.015G for instructions on updating the DCF.

3. Input earnings to the Supplemental Security record (SSR)

For cases with title XVI involvement, wages inputted via MSSICS are automatically posted to the DCF.

  • Ticketholders can directly update their wages in MSSICS via SSI telephone wage reporting (SSITWR).

  • FOs can record wages into MSSICS via SSI monthly wage verification (SSIMWV).

NOTE: Wages for SSI recipients cannot be manually updated on the DCF. (See SI 00820.143.)

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