TN 91 (05-24)

SI 00820.125 `When Wage Verification Is and Is Not Required

A. Policy – When wage verification is and is not required

1. Wage Verification is Required

Verification of wage amounts and frequency of receipt is required whenever an individual alleges (or you believe) they received wages, sick pay, or temporary disability payments unless verification is not required per SI 00820.125A.2. or SI 00820.125A.3. in this section.

2. When Wage Verification is Not Required

a. Initial Claim

Verification of wages is not required for an individual who:

  • Alleges they have not worked or received earnings (e.g., wages/sick pay) in any month from the month of filing through the current month and you have no reason to question the allegation, or

  • Alleges earnings (alone, or in combination with other income) that make them clearly ineligible for SSI after consideration of all applicable exclusions, or

  • Is being denied SSI for reasons other than earnings; or

  • Has applied for or is receiving Title II benefits and alleges wages which, for the year, are the same amount as:

    • Wages on the SSA earnings records (e.g., SEQY/DEQY), or

    • A Title II earnings determination based on current wages.

b. Redetermination or Review of Income

Verification of wages is not required for an individual who:

  • Reports a change in work status indicating a change in reported income, but SSI payments are being terminated within 2 months of the change for an unrelated reason (e.g., cessation of disability); or

  • Submits monthly wage reports that meet the policy requirements to be considered “reported” in SI 00820.143E. and are not subject to one of the exceptions listed in SI 00820.130B.2. Monthly wage reports meeting both of these criteria are considered verified unless a wage interface alert is generated; or

  • Alleges wages of $65 or less per month for all months in the determination period and it is someone other than a student, an ineligible child or, in some cases, a member of an eligible couple (For wage development under $65 see SI 00820.140); or

  • Alleges, for any month(s), earnings (alone or in combination with other income) that, after consideration of all applicable exclusions, made the individual clearly ineligible for SSI (including 1619(b)); or

  • Is ineligible for any month for SSI for reasons other than earnings; or

  • Has applied for or is receiving Title II benefits and alleges wages for the year that are the same amount as:

    • Wages on the SSA earnings records (e.g., DEQY/SEQY); or

    • A Title II earnings determination based on current earnings

3. Deemors with Public Income Maintenance (PIM) Payments

Assume that all income of the person who received the PIM payment was used (counted or excluded) in determining the payment. Apply this assumption even if the deemor's income was used in computing a PIM payment for an SSI claimant. Further verification of the income is not required (see SI 01320.141C.1. for additional information).

B. References

  • Student - SSI (SI 00501.020)

  • Evidence of Wages or Termination of Wages (SI 00820.130)

  • Monthly Wage Reporting (SI 00820.143)

  • Monthly Wage Reporting – Recruiting Reporters (SI 00820.144)

  • Deeming Concept – Child (SI 01310.115)

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SI 00820.125 - `When Wage Verification Is and Is Not Required - 06/23/2008
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