TN 99 (03-25)

SI 00820.130 Evidence of Wages or Termination of Wages


Social Security Act §1612 and §1631;
20 CFR §416.1102, §416.1110 thru 416.1112; Social Security Protection Act of 2004, §202

A. Policy for primary and secondary sources of wage evidence

Wage evidence can come in several forms and from different sources. When obtaining wage evidence, we consider sources in a priority order of primary and secondary sources. This order is based both on the general reliability of the evidence and the burdens associated with obtaining it. For Supplemental Security Income (SSI) earned income verification, primary sources are considered the most reliable and complete; whereas secondary sources may require additional scrutiny, averaging, and additional documentation.

1. Primary evidence of wages

Consider the following items as primary evidence of wages. For the order of priority for developing wage evidence, see SI 00820.130C in this section.

  1. a. 

    Wages posted or received from a payroll data provider (PDP) through the Payroll Information Exchange (PIE). For information on PIE and automated wage evidence from PDPs, see SI 00820.148.

  2. b. 

    Pay stubs. At a minimum, pay stubs must show:

    1. 1. 

      the worker's name or full Social Security number (SSN),

    2. 2. 

      gross wages, and

    3. 3. 

      the period covered by the earnings.

      Accept original pay stubs (e.g., provided as a paycheck stub or provided electronically to the worker on a company or government-sponsored website) and unaltered photocopies and facsimiles as primary evidence of wages if the pay stubs contain the information stated in this section. For additional information on photocopies of pay stubs, see SI 00820.130C.1.d in this section.

  3. c. 

    Wage information from an SSA-approved wage verification company (e.g., The Work Number (TWN)) listed in Evidence of Wages – Wage Verification Companies, SI 00820.147.


    TWN provides the same wage information we receive from the current PDP through PIE. If you have obtained PDP wage information from PIE covering the entire period subject to development or verification, do not obtain additional wage information using TWN. However, you may access TWN to obtain past-month and historical wage information not supplied by the PDP through PIE.

  4. d. 

    Oral statement from the employer.* See SI 00820.130C.4.a.

  5. e. 

    Written statement from the employer (e.g., SSA-L4201-BK, Letter to Employer Requesting Wage Verification). * Do not send SSA-L4201s to employers that provide wage verification through an SSA-approved wage verification company.


*To minimize burdens on employers, we seek secondary evidence of wages listed in SI 00820.130A.2.a through SI 00820.130A.2.c (in this section) prior to contacting the employer for an oral or written wage verification.

For more information on:

  • the order of priority in developing evidence of wages, see SI 00820.130C.

  • verifying wage termination events and associated evidence, see SI 00820.130E.

  • step-by-step charts on developing wages, see SI 00820.135.

2. Secondary evidence of wages

Consider the following as secondary evidence of wages if wage and employment information through PIE is unavailable and attempts to obtain pay stubs, and wage evidence from an SSA-approved wage verification company are unsuccessful:

  1. a. 

    Queries obtained through the Interstate Benefits Inquiry (IBIQ), the National Directory of New Hires (NDNH), or SSA Access to State Records Online (SASRO) databases when documented according to SI 00820.130C.4 in this section;

  2. b. 

    Master Earnings File (MEF), Form W2 (Wage and Tax statement), or Federal or State tax forms;

  3. c. 

    Wage information from the Internet Ticket Operations Provider Support System (iTOPSS) query when documented according to SI 00820.130C.4 in this section; and

  4. d. 

    Wage information from a non-SSA approved wage verification company when provided by the individual according to SI 00820.130C.7 in this section;

    IMPORTANT: If the worker’s employer(s) uses a non SSA-approved wage verification company, the worker must request evidence from that company. SSA employees must not establish online accounts with non-approved wage verification companies, enter any of the worker's personally identifiable information into a non SSA-approved website, or otherwise contact or disclose information to non-approved wage verification companies.

Information obtained from third-party sources (e.g., iTOPSS and NDNH) is subject to additional documentation requirements. See instructions in this section

  • SI 00820.130C.4 for documenting wage evidence from third parties.

  • SI 00820.130C.6 for handling evidence that reflects only an annual or quarterly wage amount.

3. Combination of types of evidence of wages

Accept a combination of various forms of primary and secondary evidence if it results in a more accurate wage determination.

EXAMPLE: Using a Combination of Primary and Secondary Evidence to Compute Monthly Earnings

An SSI eligible recipient receives weekly wages from working at a local deli.

At their redetermination in 01/2023, they provide SSA with pay stubs for the months of 07/2022 ($600), 08/2022 ($500), and 10/2022 ($700).

We previously posted the recipient's wages as verified for the months of 01/2022 through 06/2022 ($4,500 total).

The claims specialist (CS) obtained a Summary Earnings Query (SEQY) for the recipient that showed total earnings of $8,000 for the entire year of 2022. The CS also queried the NDNH database and found that the recipient earned $1,500 in the 3rd quarter of 2022.

The CS computed the recipient's earnings for each month by using both primary and secondary evidence as follows:




Total gross wages for 07/2022 thru 09/2022 (NDNH)


Gross wages paid in 07/2022 (pay stubs)


Gross wages paid in 8/2022 (pay stubs)


Computed gross wages paid in 9/2022





Total gross wages paid in 2022 (SEQY)


Gross wages paid from 1/2022 thru 9/2022 (previously verified, pay stubs, and computed wages)


Gross wages paid in 10/2022 (pay stubs)


Remaining gross wages for 11/2022 thru 12/2022





Remaining gross wages for 11/2022 thru 12/2022


Remaining gross wages for 11/2022 and 12/2022. (The recipient alleges that they worked both months.)


Gross wages paid in 11/2022 and 12/2022

The CS successfully computed the recipient's wages using information derived from primary evidence and secondary evidence.

The CS confirms the recipient agrees with the information obtained from NDNH and the months the individual worked in 2022 and records this information on a Report of Contact.

The CS accurately posts verified wages to the Supplemental Security Record (SSR) for the entire year of 2022, documents the same Report of Contact with the steps taken to use preferred evidence, uploads pay stubs into the Evidence Portal, and issues a receipt acknowledging the pay stub report.

4. Precedent files as evidence of wages

An existing precedent file may provide evidence of wages in some cases. For precedent instructions, see SI 00820.142.

5. No acceptable evidence of wages

If you cannot obtain acceptable primary or secondary evidence, accept the individual’s statement regarding wages, either signed or recorded on a Report of Contact page, which includes the amount, frequency of wages, and dates received.

B. Policy for “reported” wages

1. Wages considered "Reported"

The SSI record distinguishes among three categories of wage documentation: alleged, "reported," and verified. For more information on this distinction, see SI 00820.143.

"Reported" wages are reports of monthly wages submitted to SSA within a certain timeframe and sourced from pay stubs or other wage evidence in the individual’s possession. To be classified as “reported” wages, a wage amount must:

  • be submitted by a recipient, representative payee or deemor without evidence;

  • reflect the total gross wages received for the current month or the month immediately preceding the month in which we receive the report; and

  • be posted to the SSI Claims system or the SSR before the recurring payment tape cutoff for the subsequent month; or be submitted using myWR, SSAMWR, or SSITWR on any day during the current reporting month.

Once posted, the SSR will show “reported” wages with a verification code of “0.”

2. “Reported” wages considered verified

Consider "reported" wages as verified if they meet the criteria in SI 00820.143E (Monthly Wage Reporting).

Do not routinely redevelop "reported" type wages by seeking wage evidence unless the reports are inaccurate or inconsistent according to the criteria in this section.

If wages are paid in a development period where one of the exceptions in this section applies, consider the "reported" wages as alleged; then, verify all "reported" and alleged wages for the entire period of review.

For a step-by-step chart on how to determine if “reported” wages can be considered verified, see SI 00820.135A.

3. Exceptions to accepting “reported” wages as verified

If any of the following exceptions apply during the development period, do not consider “reported” wages as verified. You must develop all wages, including months of “reported” wages, according to the policy in this section:

  • Diary data (DIAR) segment of the SSR contains an S2, K6, K7, S7, J3, or J5;

  • More than two consecutive months with an alleged wage amount during the period of review; or

  • Number of months with an alleged wage amount is greater than the total number of months during the period of review with a "reported" or verified wage, or a combination of both.

For a step-by-step chart on how to verify “reported” wages that cannot be accepted as verified, see SI 00820.135B.

C. Policy and procedure for developing and documenting evidence of wages

Develop evidence of wages in the following order:

  1. 1. 

    Wage evidence received from PDPs through PIE. Generally, this type of evidence automatically post to the associated SSI Claims system Wages page;

  2. 2. 

    Pay stubs;

  3. 3. 

    Wage evidence from an SSA-approved wage verification company;

  4. 4. 

    IBIQ/NDNH/SASRO queries when documented according to SI 00820.130C.4 in this section;

  5. 5. 

    MEF/W-2s/tax forms when documented according to SI 00820.130C.4 in this section;

  6. 6. 

    iTOPSS queries when documented according to SI 00820.130C.4 in this section;

  7. 7. 

    Oral statement from employer;

  8. 8. 

    Written statement from employer (e.g., an SSA-L4201-BK – Letter to Employer Requesting Wage Information);

  9. 9. 

    Evidence from non-approved wage verification companies when obtained according to SI 00820.130C.7in this section; and

  10. 10. 

    The individual’s allegation recorded on a signed statement or Report of Contact.


Do not use an SSA-L725, Employer Verification of Monthly Wages, for Title XVI wage verification. The SSA-L725 is a Title II wage verification form that requests the amounts earned for services performed within the calendar month, regardless of the amounts paid.

1. Procedure for wage and employment evidence received from PDPs through PIE

SSA is now using wage and employment information from a PDP through PIE for recipients, deemors, and ineligible children who:

  • provide SSA with authorization to obtain wage and employment information; and

  • work for an employer that participates in payroll services with the PDP.

Wage and employment information received from PDPs through PIE automatically posts to the SSI Claims system Wages page if the identifying information (e.g., EIN) matches the SSA record. Generally, wage and employment information updates monthly before the Goldberg-Kelly Notice Cutoff. For more information about PIE, see SI 00820.148.

For information on processing EE diaries and related limited issues that are generated when the exchange cannot post information automatically, see SI 02310.200.


For more information on requesting wage and employment information authorization (WEIA), see GN 00204.150.

2. Procedure for wage evidence: pay stubs

Process pay stubs according to the following:

a. SSI recipients, deemors, and representative payees must provide evidence of wages

Stress to SSI recipients, deemors, and representative payees that they are responsible for providing evidence of wages, retaining all pay stubs, and providing pay stubs as requested.


It is mandatory to recruit and train all SSI recipients, deemors, and representative payees to report wages through electronic reporting systems (i.e., myWageReport (myWR), Supplemental Security Income Telephone Wage Reporting (SSITWR) system, and the SSA Mobile Wage Reporting (SSAMWR) application) unless we are getting their wage and employment information through PIE or an exception or exclusion applies. For more information on monthly wage reporting and recruiting reporters for wage reporting, see SI 00820.143 and SI 00820.144.

b. Monthly wage reports submitted with pay stubs

For instructions on processing monthly pay stub reports, see SI 00820.143F.

Whenever possible, process monthly wage reports that the individual submits with pay stubs using the SSI Monthly Wage Verification (SSIMWV) system. Issue the receipt via SSIMWV and archive the receipt to the Online Retrieval System (ORS). Use the receipt as documentation of the wage evidence received and do not take further action to document the wages. If processing multiple months of pay stubs in SSIMWV, generate a separate receipt for each month to satisfy legal documentation requirements.

c. Documenting multiple months of pay stubs

For SSI Claims system cases:

When not using SSIMWV, you must document multiple months of pay stubs by storing wage evidence in the Evidence Portal.

Alternatively, you may record each pay stub on a single Evidence screen (EVID) or all pay stubs on one Report of Contact page and lock it. Identify monthly gross wages for each month in the period that you are documenting. Record the following on EVID or on a Report of Contact page:

  • The source of the evidence as pay stubs;

  • Time period covered by the pay stubs;

  • Gross wages paid;

  • Pay date (if shown);

  • The employer’s name; and

  • Any applicable deductions from gross wage (e.g., cafeteria plans, certain child support garnishments).

For non-SSI Claims system cases:

When not using SSIMWV to document multiple months of pay stubs, you must:

  • Store evidence in the Evidence Portal (EP); or

  • Record multiple months of pay stubs on an EVID screen (one EVID for each pay stub), SSA-5125 (Periodic Reporting Income Summary Worksheets), or SSA-5124 (Income Summary Worksheets). Store completed worksheets in the EP.

    For additional information related to the SSA-5125 and SSA-5124, see SI 00820.132 and SI 00820.131.

    For additional information on electronic evidence documentation and retention, see GN 00301.286.


For information on SSIMWV and documenting pay stubs processed using SSIMWV , see SI 00820.144D and SI 00820.130C.2b. in this section.

d. Pay stub does not show pay date

If the pay date is not on the pay stub, record the worker's statement of the pay date (either signed or on a Report of Contact). For additional information on electronic evidence documentation and retention, see GN 00301.286.

e. Photocopied pay stubs submitted

Accept copies of pay stubs as primary evidence of wages. Do not recontact the individual to request original pay stubs unless the copies are questionable (see SI 00820.130C.2.h in this section) or you cannot determine earnings from the information provided on the copies.

Document the wage information from the photocopied pay stubs in the same manner that you would document original pay stubs (e.g., SI 00820.130C.2.b and SI 00820.130C.2.c in this section).

For instructions on handling questionable wage evidence, see SI 00820.130C.2.h.

f. Missing pay stubs

If all pay stubs are not available, but you can determine the wages attributable to the missing pay stub(s) by other evidence (e.g., wage verification company, year-to-date totals), do not obtain the missing pay stub(s).

g. Pay stubs that do not contain all the required information

When pay stubs do not contain all the required information discussed in this section SI 00820.130A.2, use other primary or secondary evidence to resolve any discrepancies, following the priority order in SI 00820.130Cin this section. Document the evidence and the resolution using the instructions on electronic evidence documentation in GN 00301.286.

h. Pay stubs with questionable credibility

If the pay stubs are questionable, obtain further evidence of wages per SI 00820.130A.1.b, through SI 00820.130A.3. in this section.

Examples of questionable pay stubs may include those with:

  • altered or missing data fields;

  • inconsistencies among fields of a single pay stub;

  • inconsistencies with other pay stubs from the same source;

  • inaccurate information shown; or

  • data fields that are difficult to read or illegible due to damage to the original record or technical problems with printing, photocopying, or faxing.

3. Procedure for wage evidence: SSA-approved wage verification companies

If PIE does not provide wage and employment information and pay stubs are unavailable, accept wage evidence from an SSA-approved wage verification company, such as The Work Number, as primary evidence of wages, unless there is evidence to the contrary (e.g., evidence of a cafeteria plan not included in the verification company's response).

If there is evidence to the contrary, obtain additional evidence to resolve the discrepancy. For documentation requirements, see SI 00820.147D.4. For wage verification procedures when wages are over $65 per month, see SI 00820.135.

Important: You must have a signed authorization via the SSA-8240 to obtain wage information from electronic wage verification companies. Obtain Authorization to Obtain Wage and Employment Information from Payroll Data Providers per GN 00204.150C.

4. Procedure for wage evidence: secondary evidence of wages

a. Sources of secondary wage evidence

If PIE does not provide wage information and attempts to obtain original pay stubs and wage evidence from an SSA-approved wage verification company are unsuccessful, use secondary evidence of wages to develop earnings.

Use the following sources as secondary evidence of wages and develop according to the priority order in the first paragraph of SI 00820.130C in this section:

  • IBIQ/NDNH/SASRO queries when the worker agrees with the wage information in the query;

  • MEF/W-2s/tax forms;

  • iTOPSS queries (e.g., QERN tab or the Consolidated Wage Page (CWP) in the Electronic Disability Collect System (EDCS)) when the worker agrees with the wage information provided in the query;

  • Non SSA-approved wage verification companies. SSA staff must not access or disclose information to non-SSA approved wage verification company websites to obtain evidence but may accept such evidence when it is provided by the individual.

Wage information obtained from IBIQ/NDNH/SASRO and iTOPSS queries is considered third-party information and may only be used as wage evidence when the worker agrees with the information on the query. Additional documentation is required for these sources as discussed in SI 00820.130C.4.b in this section.

For more information on developing and verifying income discovered using IBIQ/NDNH/SASRO queries, see SI 00810.550C.

For iTOPSS QERN query information, see MS 07807.063.


Do not save IBIQ/NDNH/SASRO printouts or queries in the Evidence Portal. For the required documentation, see SI 00820.130C.3.b in this section.

b. Additional documentation requirements for certain sources of secondary evidence

When using secondary wage evidence, document the steps taken to obtain pay stubs and wage verification company data and why they were unsuccessful on a Report of Contact. Additionally:

  • For third-party sources (e.g., NDNH, OCSS, IBIQ, SASRO, iTOPSS), document that the worker agrees with the wage information prior to using the evidence. Seek other evidence if the worker does not agree with the third-party evidence.

  • For secondary sources in which averaging is required to obtain monthly amounts (e.g., OCSS, MEF, W-2s), document the worker's allegation concerning the months worked. For more information on calculating monthly wage amounts when using these queries, see SI 00820.130C.6. in this section.

  • When using a combination of primary and secondary evidence as described in SI 00820.130A.3 in this section, document the combination of primary and secondary evidence that you used to develop and verify the monthly earnings on a Report of Contact. For more information on electronic evidence documentation and retention, see GN 00301.286.


  • MEF queries, W-2 and other tax forms that provide annual amounts: Document steps to obtain higher priority evidence and allegation of months worked on a Report of Contact or signed statement.

  • IBIQ/NDNH/SASRO/OCSS queries that provide quarterly amounts: Document on a Report of Contact or signed statement steps taken to obtain higher priority evidence, the person's acceptance of the wage amounts provided on the query, and the months in which the person alleges working.

  • iTOPSS queries: Document steps taken to obtain higher priority evidence and that the person agrees with the pay stub details reported through the Ticket to Work program on a Report of Contact or signed statement.

5. Procedure for wage evidence: employer statement

To minimize burden on businesses, we prioritize many sources of primary and secondary evidence over employer contact. If wage and employment information from PIE, pay stubs, wage evidence from an SSA-approved wage verification company, and secondary evidence are unavailable, as listed in the first three bullets under SI 00820.130A.2 in this section, contact the employer to develop and verify wages.

Document the steps to obtain pay stubs, wage verification company data, or secondary evidence and why they were unsuccessful on a Report of Contact. For instructions on electronic evidence documentation and retention, see GN 00301.286.

a. Requesting employer statement

Request employer statements to develop and verify wages in the following order:

  • Oral statement from the employer (e.g., telephone) recorded on either an SSA-5002 form or Report of Contact page.


    Do not disclose an individual’s PII on voicemail messages to employers.

  • Written statement from the employer (e.g., SSA-L4201-BK, Letter to Employer Requesting Wage Information). Do not send SSA-L4201s to employers that provide wage evidence through an SSA-approved wage verification company.

Include the following information when recording an employer's statement on an SSA-5002 or Report of Contact:

  • The source of the evidence, person contacted;

  • The employer’s name

  • Time period covered by oral/written statement;

  • Gross wages paid;

  • Pay date (if known); and

  • Any applicable deductions or exclusions from gross wages.

    For additional information related to wage verification procedures, see SI 00820.135.

6. Procedure for wage evidence: evidence reflects only an annual or quarterly wage amount

If the evidence (e.g., queries, tax forms) reflects only an annual or quarterly wage amount, process the evidence according to the following:

a. Calculating monthly wage amounts

Ask the worker to state the work months covered by the annual or quarterly wage amount and document their allegations on a signed statement or a Report of Contact. Posting the alleged work months to the corresponding SSI Claims system Wages page alone is insufficient documentation.

Divide the annual or quarterly wage amount by the number of alleged work months to calculate the monthly wage amounts for the alleged work months. When determining whether to average either quarterly or yearly earnings, give preference to the quarterly earnings.

If it appears that the wages belong to someone other than the individual worker or deemor (e.g., the name shown on the NHDH query is different), do not post the wages to the record.

For instructions on handling potentially erroneous or duplicate earnings postings on SSA earnings records, see RS 01404.140.

b. Calculating monthly wage amounts when previous months verified

When the system shows previously verified wages for a particular employer for a portion of the year or quarter that you are developing, do not change the verified amounts unless new evidence indicates that the prior determination was erroneous.

Determine the wages for the unverified months by subtracting the previously verified amounts from the annual or quarterly totals for the employer and dividing the remaining amount by the number of unverified months of work alleged.

Document that you subtracted the previously verified amounts from the annual or quarterly totals and divided the remaining amount by the number of unverified alleged work months on a Report of Contact.

7. Procedure for using wage evidence from non SSA-approved wage verification companies

You may accept wage evidence from non SSA-approved wage verification companies as secondary evidence of wages only under certain conditions per SI 00820.147C.1.c. If an employer will not provide wage verification and refers you to a non-SSA approved company for wage information, ask the worker to obtain the evidence from the company directly.


SSA employees must not establish online accounts with non-approved wage verification companies or enter any personal or worker information in non-SSA approved wage verification websites, or otherwise contact or disclose information to the non-approved wage verification company.

8. Procedure for wage evidence: no acceptable evidence of wages is available

If evidence of wages is not available, obtain the individual's statement either signed (i.e., SSA-795) or recorded on a Report of Contact that includes the gross amount, frequency, and duration of wages.

If the sole evidence of wages is the individual’s statement, document the steps taken to obtain acceptable primary and secondary evidence, and why they were unsuccessful on a Report of Contact. Post the alleged wages in the verified column of the SSI Claims system Wages page or via 1719b using a verification code of “9.” For instructions on electronic evidence documentation and retention, see GN 00301.286.

9. Procedure for wage evidence: suspected fraud cases

In any suspected fraud case, obtain the employer’s written statement regarding wages using the SSA-L4201-BK.

For information on obtaining evidence in suspected fraud cases, see GN 04115.005.

For information on obtaining additional overpayment notification procedures related to collection of overpayments when fraud is suspected, see SI 02201.007.

10. Procedure for wage evidence: work report receipts

SSA is required by law to issue a receipt when we receive a report of a change in an SSI recipient’s work activity or earnings. This policy applies to work-related reports received from the recipient, or from the recipient’s or beneficiary’s representative payee or authorized representative. For further information related to work reports and situations where we require a receipt, see DI 13010.020.

D. Procedure for verifying “reported” wages

1. Do not routinely verify wages that meet criteria to be considered “reported” wages unless an exception applies

Consider “reported” wages as verified if they meet the criteria in SI 00820.143E (Monthly Wage Reporting). Do not routinely verify “reported” wages, unless one of the exceptions applies to the period that you are developing, see SI 00820.130B.3 in this section.

2. No wage interface alert on the SSR

If an exception applies during the development period and a wage interface alert is not present in the DIAR segment of the SSR, verify the wages using the procedures in SI 00820.130C in this section.

3. Wage interface alert on the SSR

If a wage interface alert applying to the period that you are developing is present in the DIAR segment of the SSR, develop for evidence of wages using the instructions:

  • SI 02310.055 Master Earnings File (MEF) Match (K6 and K7 Diary)

  • SI 02310.056 Master Earnings File (MEF) Match (J3 and J5 Diaries)

  • SI 02310.062 State Wage Record Match (S2 Diary)

  • SI 02310.063 State Wage Record Match (S7 Diary)

E. Termination of wages

Develop termination of wages whenever workers allege that they have stopped working or changed jobs. Accept a worker’s report of wage termination on a signed statement or Report of Contact page unless you have reason to question the accuracy of the statement (e.g., claimant frequently fails to report work information accurately). The statement must include:

  • the date last worked; and

  • the date of the final paycheck paid by the employer.

If the individual is not able to provide an accurate statement or evidence on the record conflicts with the statement, obtain primary evidence of wage termination. In order of priority, as evidence of termination of wages, accept the following:

  • Information from an SSA-approved wage verification company listed in SI 00820.147 (Evidence of Wages – Wage Verification Companies) indicating the date employment ceased;

  • Oral statement from the employer; or

  • Written or faxed evidence from the employer.

Store wage termination evidence in the Evidence Portal or document the evidence on a Report of Contact page. When recipients, their representative payees, or their authorized representatives report a wage termination event, issue a work report receipt according to SI 00820.130C.10 in this section.


Develop for receipt of unemployment benefits when an individual alleges termination of wages. For more information about unemployment benefits, see SI 00830.230. If the individual is an SSI recipient and they are not receiving unemployment benefits, refer the recipient for unemployment benefits as described in SI 00510.005.

F. References

  • SI 00510.005 Types of Other Program Benefits

  • SI 00810.550 Developing Income Discovered in Negative Verification

  • SI 00820.131 Income Summary Worksheets

  • SI 00820.132 Periodic Reporting Income Summary Worksheets

  • SI 00820.135 Wage Verification-Over $65 Per Month

  • SI 00820.142 Alternative Wage Verification – Sheltered Workshop Pays $65 or Less Per Month to All

  • SI 00820.143 Monthly Wage Reporting

  • SI 00820.144 Monthly Wage Reporting – Recruiting Reporters

  • SI 00820.145 Form SSA-L4201-BK (Letter to Employer Requesting Wage Information)

  • SI 00820.147 Evidence of Wages – Wage Verification Companies

  • SI 00820.148 Automated Wage Verifications from Payroll Data Providers Received through the Payroll Information Exchange (PIE)

  • SI 00830.230 Unemployment Insurance Benefits

  • SI 02201.005 SSI – What Is an Overpayment?

  • SI 02310.200 Payroll Data Provider Wages Received through the Payroll Information Exchange (PIE) (EE Diary)

  • DI 13010.020 Work Reports

  • GN 00204.150 Authorization to Obtain Wage and Employment Information from Payroll Data Providers via an Information Exchange for the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Programs

  • GN 00301.286 Electronic Evidence Documentation and Retention

  • GN 04115.005 Obtaining Evidence in the Development of Violations

  • MS 08509.001 Interstate Benefit Inquiry (IBIQ)

  • MS 05203.015National Directory New Hire, Wage, Unemployment Menu (NDNH)

  • MS 01701.003 Evidence Screen


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