Accept a combination of various forms of primary and secondary evidence if it results
in a more accurate wage determination.
a Combination of Primary and Secondary Evidence to Compute Monthly
An SSI eligible recipient receives weekly wages from working at a local deli.
At their redetermination in 01/2023, they provide SSA with pay stubs for the months
of 07/2022 ($600), 08/2022 ($500), and 10/2022 ($700).
We previously posted the recipient's wages as verified for the months of 01/2022 through
06/2022 ($4,500 total).
The claims specialist (CS) obtained a Summary Earnings Query (SEQY) for the recipient
that showed total earnings of $8,000 for the entire year of 2022. The CS also queried
the NDNH database and found that the recipient earned $1,500 in the 3rd quarter of 2022.
The CS computed the recipient's earnings for each month by using both primary and
secondary evidence as follows:
Total gross wages for 07/2022 thru 09/2022 (NDNH)
Gross wages paid in 07/2022 (pay stubs)
Gross wages paid in 8/2022 (pay stubs)
Computed gross wages paid in 9/2022
Total gross wages paid in 2022 (SEQY)
Gross wages paid from 1/2022 thru 9/2022 (previously verified, pay stubs, and computed
Gross wages paid in 10/2022 (pay stubs)
Remaining gross wages for 11/2022 thru 12/2022
Remaining gross wages for 11/2022 thru 12/2022
Remaining gross wages for 11/2022 and 12/2022. (The recipient alleges that they worked
both months.)
Gross wages paid in 11/2022 and 12/2022
The CS successfully computed the recipient's wages using information derived from
primary evidence and secondary evidence.
The CS confirms the recipient agrees with the information obtained from NDNH and the
months the individual worked in 2022 and records this information on a Report of Contact.
The CS accurately posts verified wages to the Supplemental Security Record (SSR) for
the entire year of 2022, documents the same Report of Contact with the steps taken
to use preferred evidence, uploads pay stubs into the Evidence Portal, and issues
a receipt acknowledging the pay stub report.