TN 53 (02-06)

SI 01130.050 Guide to Resources Exclusions


Social Security Act as amended, §1613(a);

A. Introduction

The following is a list of instructions which addresses a partial or total exclusion of resources. Those in bold print involve exclusions under a Federal statute other than the Social Security Act (see SI 01130.060).

B. List of Instructions about Resources Exclusions



Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Accounts

SI 01130.740

Advance Earned Income Tax Credit Payments

SI 01130.676

Agent Orange

SI 01130.660

Austrian Social Insurance Payments

SI 01130.615


SI 01130.200

Burial Funds/Burial Spaces

SI 01130.400 - SI 01130.412

Child Tax Credits

SI 01130.676

Clinical Trial Participation Payments

SI 01130.735

Commingled Funds

SI 01130.700

Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) (Formerly ACTION) Programs

SI 01130.687

Dedicated Financial Institution Accounts

SI 01130.601

Disaster Assistance

SI 01130.620

Earned Income Tax Credits

SI 01130.676

Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program (EEOICP)

SI 01130.690

Federal Tax Refunds and Advanced Tax Credits for SSI Resources

SI 01130.676

Filipino Veterans Equity Compensation Fund (FVECF) Payments

SI 01130.684

Food Programs With Federal Involvement

SI 01130.685

Food Stamps

SI 01130.685

German Social Insurance Payments Under ZRBG (“Ghetto Pension” Law)

SI 01130.611

Gifts to Children With Life-Threatening Conditions

SI 01130.689

Grants, Scholarships, Fellowships, and Gifts

SI 01130.455


SI 01130.100

Home Replacement Funds

SI 01130.110

Household Goods and Personal Effects

SI 01130.430

Indian Lands, Restricted Allotted

SI 01130.150

Individual Development Accounts (IDAs)TANF Funded

SI 01130.678

Individual Development Accounts (IDAs) Demonstration Project

SI 01130.679

Japanese-American and Aleutian Restitution Payments

SI 01130.683

Life Insurance

SI 01130.300

Low Income Energy Assistance

SI 01130.688

Nazi Persecution, Payments to Victims of

SI 01130.610

Netherlands WUV Payments to Victims of Persecution

SI 01130.605

North Vietnam, Department of Defense (DOD) Payments to Certain Persons Captured and Interned by

SI 01130.682

Plan for Achieving Self-Support (PASS)

SI 01130.510

Prepaid Burial Contracts

SI 01130.420

Property Essential to Self-Support

SI 01130.500 - SI 01130.504

Radiation Exposure Compensation Trust Fund

SI 01130.680

Real Property, Undue Hardship

SI 01130.130

Real Property Following Conditional Benefits

SI 01130.140

Relocation Assistance

SI 01130.670

Repair/Replacement of Lost, Damaged or Stolen Resources

SI 01130.630

Replacement of Excluded Resources

SI 01130.630

Retroactive Payments (Title II and Title XVI)

SI 01130.600

Restitution Payments for Misused Benefits (Title II, Title VIII and Title XVI)

SI 01130.602

Ricky Ray Hemophilia Relief Fund

SI 01130.695

State Annuities for Certain Veterans

SI 01130.662

Veterans' Children With Certain Birth Defects, Payments to

SI 01130.681

Victims' Compensation

SI 01130.665

C. Reference

SI 00830.099, Guide to Unearned Income Exclusions

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SI 01130.050 - Guide to Resources Exclusions - 08/15/2017
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