If the debtor asks to review records in person at the FO, obtain all systems queries
and explain what the queries show.
If a request is made by telephone to the FO, set up an appointment for a review of
the queries. Set the appointment well within the 60-day time limit the debtor has
to submit evidence.
If a request is made to a PSC or TSC, advise the FO, via a priority MDW, to contact
the debtor to set up an appointment. Annotate the MDW accordingly, “Urgent-TOP/Credit
Bureau Case.”
In all situations, the FO will attempt to satisfy the review request without the need
to obtain the paper claims folder. Obtain the folder, however, if the debtor indicates
they wish to review the folder (see SM 01201.205 for SSI folder recall).
If the folder review has not been conducted by the time of the TRO certification run, select EXPLANATION OF OVERPAYMENT
on the Update Sequence Data (UOSD) screen in Direct SSR Update (See MS
Certification occurs no less than 60 days after the date of the pre-offset notice.