Identification Number:
Intended Audience:All
Originating Office:ORDP OISP
Title:Omitting Food from In-Kind Support and Maintenance Calculations
Type:EM - Emergency Messages
Program:Title XVI (SSI)
Link To Reference:See References at the end of this EM
Retention Date: 3/26/2025

A. Purpose

This emergency message (EM) is to inform Regional and Field Office staff that we are omitting food from our calculations of in-kind support and maintenance (ISM) as of 09/30/2024. This means that food is no longer part of the pro rata share calculation on the household contribution screen located within the SSI Claims System path. We will determine ISM and a claimant’s pro rata share by only calculating a claimant’s shelter expenses and contributions. The definition of in-kind income now notes the exception that we are eliminating food from our calculations of ISM.

B. Calculation of In-Kind Support and Maintenance beginning 09/30/2024

Under our new rule, we will no longer include food in our calculations of ISM.

The following changes apply to the SSI program as of 09/30/2024:

    1. Calculations of in-kind support and maintenance only include shelter.
      2. Food is removed from both the inside and outside ISM calculations. This includes removing food from the household operating expenses on the Household Expenses and Contribution page within the SSI Claims System.
      3. We are removing “food” from the ISM calculation, and we will remove the following food questions from the SSI Claims Systems path for living arrangements effective 09/30/2024:
          · Eat all meals out?

          · Buys food separately from household?

        After the new rule is implemented and to avoid disadvantaging claimants who are currently in a Federal Living Arrangement (FLA)/A based on paying for their own food, the following food question will be added within the SSI Claim System:
          · Do others within the household pay for or provide you with all your meals?
      4. For periods after implementation of the regulatory change, food will no longer be part of the ISM calculation. This will eliminate the need for questions regarding Earmark Sharing and Token Contribution within the SSI Claims System path. The food questions will still appear in the path for living arrangements input prior to this change. Workaround: The Token Contribution question has not yet been removed from the SSI Claims System path: “CLAIMANT MAKES TOKEN CONTRIBUTION Y/N”. Do not ask the applicant or recipient this question. If it appears in the claims path, answer ‘NO’ to bypass.

      5. Outside ISM development will be needed. However, as of 09/30/2024 food will no longer be included in outside ISM calculations.

      6. Updates to applicable POMS, publications, notices, and forms will follow the release of this EM.

      C. Processing Instructions
      How to Update Cases with H Type Income to Omit Food from ISM Calculation
      1During all initial claims, RZs, and post-eligibility events, if there is H type income on the SSR and the claimant has not had a change to their residence address, create a new living arrangement effective 09/30/2024 and go to step 2.

      If there are undocumented living arrangements prior to 09/30/2024, develop and document under prior rules considering separate consumption. If there is no ongoing H type income, no further development is needed.

      If there is ongoing H type income, create a new living arrangement effective 09/30/2024 go to step 2.
      2Once you reach the Household of Another screen within the living arrangement effective 09/30/2024, the following question will be presented: “Do others within the household pay for or provide you with all your meals?”

      If they answer yes, go to step 3.
      If they answer no, go to step 4.

      NOTE: If they receive SNAP benefits (formerly known as food stamps), the answer will be no because they are not receiving ALL meals from within the household.
      3The individual is now in the VTR path for ISM development. Evaluate their shelter contribution to determine if ISM applies.

      If the claimant is not contributing their pro rata share to shelter items, they are placed in a FLA/B living arrangement and charged ISM under the VTR rules.

      If the claimant contributes their pro rata share to shelter items, go to step 4.
      4The claimant is placed in a FLA/A living arrangement with the possibility of ISM calculated under PMV rules. Develop the shelter items to determine if the claimant is contributing their pro rata share. If yes, no inside ISM will be applied.

      NOTE: Development of outside ISM is needed.
        NOTE: For non-MSSICS cases with H type income, document the household expenses and contributions using the following forms prior to 09/30/2024, SSA-8011-F3, Statement of Household Expenses and Contributions; or on or after 09/30/2024 use the SSA-8012, Statement of Household Expenses and Contributions. Forms will be available shortly after release.
    E. Definition of in-kind income beginning 09/30/2024

    In-kind income is not cash but is something else that the individual can use to meet the individual’s needs for food or shelter.

    EXCEPTION: Food is not included in the calculations of ISM, which is a type of unearned income that we have special rules for valuing.

    Direct all program-related and technical questions to your Regional Office (RO) support staff using vHelp or Program Service Center (PSC) Operations Analysis (OA) staff. RO support staff or PSC OA staff may refer questions, concerns, or problems to their Central Office contacts.

    F. Impacted POMS sections

    This EM impacts the following POMS sections. These sections will be updated based on the regulatory change of omitting food from ISM calculations:

    SI 01120.200 Information on Trusts, Including Trusts Established Prior to January 01,
    2000, Trusts Established with the Assets of Third Parties, and Trusts Not
    Subject to Section 1613(e) of the Social Security Act

    SI 01120.201 Trusts Established with the Assets of an Individual on or after 01/01/00
    SI 00810.005 What is Income
    SI 00810.020 Forms and Amounts of Income
    SI 00810.410 Infrequent or Irregular Income Exclusion
    SI 00810.700 Income of Members of Religious Orders – General
    SI 00815.050 Medical and Social Services, Related Cash, and In-Kind Items
    SI 00815.350 Proceeds of a Loan
    SI 00815.400 Bills Paid by a Third Party
    SI 00815.550 Receipt of Certain Noncash Items
    SI 00820.010 In-Kind Items Provided as Remuneration for Employment
    SI 00820.545 Work Expenses – Interaction with Other Policies
    SI 00830.099 Guide to Unearned Income Exclusions
    SI 00830.420 Child Support Payments
    SI 00830.455 Grants, Scholarships, Fellowships, and Gifts
    SI 00830.536 Job Corps
    SI 00830.537 AmeriCorps and National Civilian Community Corps (NCCC) Payments
    SI 00830.605 Home Energy Assistance and Support and Maintenance Assistance
    SI 00835.001: Introduction to Living Arrangements and In-Kind Support and
    SI 00835.005: Flowchart for Sequential Development of Living Arrangement (LA) and
    In-Kind Support and Maintenance (ISM)
    SI 00835.020: Definitions of Terms Used in Living Arrangements (LA) and In-Kind
    Support and Maintenance (ISM) Instructions

    SI 00835.120: Rental Liability as LA Basis
    SI 00835.140: Separate Consumption
    SI 00835.150: Separate Purchase of Food
    SI 00835.160: Sharing
    SI 00835.170: Earmarked Sharing
    SI 00835.200: The One-Third Reduction Provision
    SI 00835.300: Presumed Maximum Value (PMV) Rule
    SI 00835.310: Distinguishing Between In-Kind Support and Maintenance (ISM) and
    Other Unearned In-Kind Income

    SI 00835.320: Rebuttal Procedures and Presumed Maximum Value (PMV) Rule
    SI 00835.331: Treatment of Home Energy Assistance (HEA) and Support and
    Maintenance Assistance (SMA) in Determinations of Inside In-kind
    Support and Maintenance (ISM) and Cash from Within a Household

    SI 00835.340: Computation of In-Kind Support and Maintenance from Within a

    SI 00835.350: Computation of In-Kind Support and Maintenance (ISM) from Outside a
    Household (Including Vendor Payments by a Third Party Outside the
    SI 00835.382: Form SSA-L5061 (Letter to Landlord
    SI 00835.390: Food, or Shelter That is Remuneration for Work But is not Wages
    SI 00835.400: In-Kind Support and Maintenance (ISM) only to the Claimant
    SI 00835.450: Cash Income from Within and from Outside Households
    SI 00835.465: ISM and Households - Household Costs
    SI 00835.470: ISM and Households - Conversions
    SI 00835.473: Conversions — Arrearages
    SI 00835.474: Conversions — Converting to Monthly Amounts
    SI 00835.475: Averaging
    SI 00835.480: Contributions Toward Household Operating Expenses
    SI 00835.481: Policy Effective Dates for Loans of Food and Shelter
    SI 00835.482: Loans of In-Kind Support and Maintenance
    SI 00835.485: Household Composition
    SI 00835.500: First-of-the-Month (FOM) Residence and ISM Determinations
    SI 00835.510: Breakpoints
    SI 00835.515: Gradual Changes in ISM
    SI 00835.520: Redetermination Guidelines for LA and ISM
    SI 00835.600: SSA-8006-F4 — Statement of Living Arrangements, In-Kind Support and

    SI 00835.625: SSA-8011 — Statement of Household Expenses and Contributions
    SI 00835.630: Use of Form SSA-8008, Living Arrangements/In-Kind Support and
    Maintenance Development Guide and Summary

    SI 00835.640: Exhibit of Form SSA-8008
    SI 00835.704: In-Kind Support and Maintenance Provided Residents of Institutions
    SI 00835.706: In-Kind Support and Maintenance Provided Residents of Institutions
    SI 00835.707: Procedures For Determining ISM Provided To Residents of Institutions
    SI 00835.708: In-Kind Support and Maintenance Provided Residents of Private For-
    Profit Residential Care Institutions

    SI 00835.710: In-Kind Support and Maintenance Provided Residents of Private
    Nonprofit Residential Care Institutions

    SI 00835.712: Exclusion of In-Kind Support and Maintenance for Residents in Private
    Nonprofit Residential Care Institutions

    SI 00835.713: Determining In-Kind Support and Maintenance for a Member of a
    Religious Order Who Moves into a Private Nonprofit Residential Care

    SI 00835.714: In-Kind Support and Maintenance Provided Residents of Educational or
    Vocational Training Institutions

    SI 00835.716: In-Kind Support and Maintenance Provided Residents of Public

    SI 00835.790: Non-institutional Care Situations

    EM-24048 - Omitting Food from In-Kind Support and Maintenance Calculations - 09/26/2024