GN 02215.000 Methods of Recovery for Title II, Title XVI, and Title XVIII Overpayments - Part II

Subchapter Table of Contents
Section   Latest
Recovery From Debtors in Foreign Countries
GN 02215.001 Overpayment Notice Modifications - Debtor Outside U.S. TN 15 08-90
GN 02215.005 Foreign Currency Refunds TN 15 08-90
GN 02215.010 Transfer of Overpayment Jurisdiction to DIO TN 57 05-24
GN 02215.015 State Department Assistance — DIO, OEIO - Overpayment Refund TN 12 03-89
GN 02215.050 Liability of Deceased's Estate TN 36 07-21
GN 02215.055 Estate Administered by Legal Representative TN 17 02-93
GN 02215.070 Estate Closed or Will Not be Administered TN 17 02-93
Compromise Settlements
GN 02215.100 Authority to Make Compromise Settlements TN 59 10-24
GN 02215.105 Compromise settlement overview TN 12 03-89
GN 02215.120 PC Handling of Compromise Offers TN 12 03-89
GN 02215.125 SSA Does Not Have Authority to Compromise TN 45 01-23
GN 02215.150 When a Title II Debt is Referred for Civil Suit TN 58 06-24
GN 02215.155 Joining a Representative Payee and Beneficiary TN 17 02-93
GN 02215.160 Estate is Involved - Overpayment TN 17 02-93
GN 02215.166 Completion of the Certificate of Indebtedness - PC Procedure TN 17 02-93
GN 02215.168 Completion of the Claims Collection Litigation Report (CCLR) – PC Procedure TN 38 12-21
GN 02215.170 Handling of Overpayment Claims for Referral to DOJ - RO Procedure TN 53 01-24
GN 02215.175 DOJ Requests for Check Listing or Information TN 17 02-93
GN 02215.180 Recovery After Referral to the RO or DOJ TN 17 02-93
GN 02215.185 Bankruptcy Proceedings - Overview TN 23 02-08
GN 02215.190 Debtor Involved in Bankruptcy Proceedings - FO Procedure TN 47 03-23
GN 02215.195 Debtor Involved in Bankruptcy Proceedings - PC Procedure TN 47 03-23
GN 02215.196 Objection to a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Discharge TN 47 03-23
GN 02215.200 Preparation of the Bankruptcy Proof of Claim TN 47 03-23
GN 02215.225 Bankruptcy Petition Pending — Refund Received or Underpayment Determined TN 47 03-23
GN 02215.226 Waiver Request Pending - Bankruptcy TN 47 03-23
GN 02215.227 Bankruptcy Petition Pending — Subsequent Debt - PC Procedure TN 47 03-23
GN 02215.230 Result of Bankruptcy Proceedings - PC Procedure TN 48 03-23
GN 02215.235 Suspension or Termination of Collection Action for Title II and Title XVI Debts TN 37 11-21
GN 02215.250 Resuming Collection Efforts TN 49 04-23
GN 02215.270 Claims Collection Litigation Report - Exhibit TN 55 04-24
GN 02215.290 Recommendation to Accept Compromise Offer - Exhibit TN 25 11-16
GN 02215.300 Recommendation to Reject Compromise Offer - Exhibit TN 17 02-93

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