HI 00815.000 State Enrollment of Eligible Individuals

Subchapter Table of Contents
Section   Latest
HI 00815.001 State Payment of Medicare Premiums (Buy-In Program) TN 49 01-24
HI 00815.006 Establishing State Payment of Medicare Part B Premiums (State Buy-In) TN 49 01-24
HI 00815.018 When State Payment of Medicare Premiums (State Buy-In) Begins TN 49 01-24
HI 00815.021 The End of State Payment of Medicare Premiums Under a Buy-in Agreement TN 51 02-24
HI 00815.023 Medicare Savings Programs Income Limits TN 46 11-23
HI 00815.024 SSA’s Role in Medicare Savings Programs (MSP) Applications TN 52 05-24
HI 00815.025 SSA Outreach to Low-Income Medicare Beneficiaries – Extra Help and Medicare Savings Programs TN 54 06-24
HI 00815.030 Establishing State Buy-in for Medicare Part B through The Public Welfare Accretion Process TN 51 02-24
HI DAL00815.030 Establishing State Buy-In For SMI In Initial Claims through the Public Welfare (PW) Accretion Process (RTN 05, 10/2015)
HI 00815.033 SSA/CMS Processing of PW Accretion
HI 00815.036 State Response to Public Welfare (PW) Accretion TN 49 01-24
HI 00815.039 Effect of Buy-In on the Individual TN 40 12-22
HI 00815.042 Implications and Options for Beneficiaries When State Payment of Medicare Premiums (State Buy-in) Ends TN 40 12-22
HI 00815.045 Establishing Buy-In Eligibility for Persons Who Refuse to Cooperate — State Accretions TN 53 06-24
HI 00815.048 Establishing Buy-In Eligibility for Persons Who Refuse to Cooperate — CMS Accretions Under SSI Program
HI 00815.051 Establishing Buy-In Eligibility for Deceased Individuals
HI 00815.055 Establishing State Buy-In Eligibility for Railroad Retirement Board (RRB) Annuitants
HI 00815.060 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) State Buy-In Data Processing TN 17 08-17
HI 00815.063 Systems Processing of State Responsibility Items TN 40 12-22
HI 00815.066 Systems Processing of CMS Responsibility Items
Problem Case Procedures
HI 00815.070 State/Carrier/Intermediary/CMS/SSA Coordination on Problem Cases Involving HI Query Codes 42, 44, or 56
HI 00815.073 SSA DO/BO Assistance to States TN 40 12-22
HI DAL00815.073 Field Office (FO) Assistance to the Texas Health and Human Services Commission
HI 00815.076 Social Security Administration (SSA) DO/BO Action Upon Receipt of HI/MBR Status Query (HMQ) Reply TN 40 12-22
HI 00815.079 Reconciliation of SSI Master Record and the SID (Supplemental Income Data) Line on the MBR
HI 00815.082 Social Security Administration Field Office (FO) Procedures for Resolving Individual State Buy-In Problem Cases Due to Problem with SSR-MBR Interface
HI 00815.085 SSA DO/BO Procedures for Resolving Individual Buy-In Problem Cases Not Involving SSR-MBR Interface TN 40 12-22
HI 00815.088 Servicing DO/BO Processing of CMS-1957
HI 00815.091 State Agency and Parallel DO Processing of CMS-1957
HI 00815.094 CMS Central Office Procedures for Resolving Buy-In Problem Cases
HI 00815.204 Form CMS-1957 (SSO Report of State Buy-In Problem) TN 30 07-20
HI 00815.208 Buy-In Form for Railroad Annuitants - Sample

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