Systems uses the Master Beneficiary Record, the Supplemental Security
Record, the Medicare Application Processing System (MAPS), and files from other Federal
agencies to produce files of Medicare beneficiaries who appear to meet criteria for
an outreach letter. Vendors use those files to send outreach letters to potential
eligibles. Generally, beginning in May through June of each year, SSA mails outreach
letters to potential QMBs, SLMBs, QIs and prescription drug subsidy (Extra Help) eligibles;
however, we mail letters to QDWIs at the end of November.
The letters to potential QMBs, SLMBs, QIs who have not filed for a prescription drug
subsidy (Extra Help) include information about the Extra Help program. Field offices
(FO) assist beneficiaries when needed to file an application for Extra Help, the SSA-1020,
or take an application through MAPS.
The letters are:
SSA-L447 - Countable income appears to be less than 135% of poverty and the beneficiary
has Extra Help but does not have MSP.
SSA-L448 - Countable income appears to qualify the beneficiary for Extra Help and
MSP, but the beneficiary has neither.
SSA-L441 - Former Disability Insurance beneficiaries who lost their free Medicare
Part A because of work and do not have Medicaid according to SSA records.
Letters to QDWIs (the SSA-L441) arrive shortly before the Medicare General Enrollment
Period (GEP) so that potentially eligible individuals will contact their local Medicaid
office first then contact SSA second when appropriate to schedule an application.
(For more information about Medicare enrollment, eligibility, and coverage for the
working disabled, see HI 00801.170).
The outreach letters ask beneficiaries to contact their State or local medical assistance
(Medicaid) office, social service or welfare office listed in the government pages
of the phone book about MSP and contact SSA about Extra Help.
REMINDER: Since an application for Extra Help also serves as an application for MSP, there
is no reason for us to provide MSP outreach letters to Extra Help applicants.