Unendorsed Title XVI check(s) returned to the field office (FO), because of a change
in entitlement, are not remittances. Enter these returned check(s) into the mailroom
or reception area log per GN 02403.004D and then enter into the Debt Management System (DMS) per GN 02403.007, so they appear on that day's Field Office Daily Receipt Listing (FODRL) per GN 02403.021.
Returned SSI checks paid under Title VIII and returned claimant representative/attorney
fee checks are included in the following procedures. Title XVI claimant representative/attorney
fee checks issued by Treasury have a Payment Identification Code (PIC) of RA-RZ.
Follow procedures for returned benefit checks more than one year old in GN 02405.300.
Process returned, smudged, or mutilated checks by following instructions in GN 02406.230.