If benefits are terminated or suspended on the MBR, destroy the undeliverable mail
even if it meets the criteria for undeliverable mail that requires development as
previously described.
If a more current address is found on the MBR, remail the notice using an appropriate
cover letter (i.e., Undeliverable Mail Cover Letter found in the Document Processing
System (DPS) or Aurora).
If a more current address is not found on the MBR, check for a Supplemental Security
Income (SID) Data Line on the MBR. For more information on the SID, see SM 00510.510
. Query the Supplemental Security Record (SSR) when a SID line is present for a more
current address.
On the Supplemental Security Income Queries (SSQM) screen key in “ADDR” on the Segment
Request Identifiers line (see MS 05203.006).
When the record is displayed, look for the address change date (ACD) field.
If this date is later than the ADDR Updated field on the MBR, accept the Supplemental
Security Insurance (SSI) address as the most current address for the beneficiary.
If a more current address is found, update the MBR via the Post Entitlement Online
System (POS) (see MS 06303.002), and remail the notice using an appropriate cover
letter (i.e., Undeliverable Mail Cover Letter found in DPS or Aurora).