The PC either receives a T2RD Entitlement and Eligibility (EE) alert per SM 03020.360
or an MDW for development of the Certificate of Election. Consult the special message
field before acting on requests for survivor benefits from dually entitled beneficiaries
who are at least age 62 and under FRA in the month of NH’s death.
The PC will:
Ascertain whether the NH’s death termination action has processed. If not, process
the NH’s death termination per instructions in GN 02602.050; and
Confirm dual entitlement (DE) and age of widow(er) or surviving divorced spouse.
Verify marital status at time of death if it appears questionable to determine continuing
eligibility, proper BIC designation and entitlement to the LSDP.
EXAMPLE: The presence of a subsequent spouse on the MBR, or an address or name change for
a BIC “B” that occurred before the NH died may indicate that the marriage ended before
their death.
For manual conversion or suspension action, see instructions in SM 00820.150 for systems
processing instructions.
If Special Message field does not indicate that SSA-4111 was mailed, send Exhibit
letter in NL 00703.932 (E3932) and an SSA-4111. Include a return envelope pre-addressed to the servicing
Input Special Message Data (SMS1) screen, “SSA-4111 mailed to [widow(er) or surviving
divorced spouse] on MM/DD/YY PC X.” Do not control for return of SSA-4111.
Pay the LSDP if payable after verifying payment has not been made.
If the beneficiary returns the SSA-4111 electing reduced benefits, follow RS 00207.025C.1., steps 3 through 5, and delete applicable special message field.
If the file contains a Certificate of Election but there is no determination regarding
reduced benefits, the benefit authorizer/benefit technical expert (BA/BTE) requests
a determination from the claims authorizer/claims technical expert (CA/CTE) before
taking any action on the resumption action.