RS 00605.000 Initial Computation of the PIA - Recomputations and Recalculations

Subchapter Table of Contents
Section   Latest
RS 00605.001 PIA Computation Methods TN 17 07-92
RS 00605.005 Benchmark Year (Eligibility Year) TN 95 10-23
RS 00605.010 Initial PIA Computations TN 17 07-92
RS 00605.015 1978 New Start (NS) Computation Method (Average Indexed Monthly Earnings (AIME)) Primary Insurance Amount (PIA) TN 49 04-12
RS SEA00605.015 AIME PIA Worksheets
RS 00605.016 Elapsed Years Using the 1978 New Start Method TN 49 04-12
RS 00605.017 Base Years, Computation Years, and Divisor Months Under the 1978 NS Method TN 25 11-96
RS 00605.018 Total Earnings in Computation Years Under the 1978 NS Method - Indexing the ER TN 97 11-23
RS 00605.021 Computation of the PIA Under the 1978 NS Method TN 99 11-23
RS 00605.022 Frozen Minimum Primary Insurance Amount (PIA) TN 104 11-23
RS 00605.023 Frozen Minimum Primary Insurance Amount (PIA) Recalculations and Recomputations TN 49 04-12
RS 00605.024 Guarantee Primary Insurance Amounts (PIAs) Alternatives to the 1978 New Start (NS) Method TN 49 04-12
RS 00605.025 NS Transitional Guarantee PIA TN 17 07-92
RS 00605.030 1977 Simplified OS PIA TN 102 11-23
RS 00605.033 Allocating Pre-1951 Earnings to Base Years Under the 1977 Simplified OS TN 17 07-92
RS 00605.035 DIB Guarantee PIA TN 103 11-23
RS 00605.040 1965 NS Method TN 100 11-23
RS 00605.045 Consolidation of Old Computation Methods (NS90/OS90) TN 101 11-23
RS 00605.050 1967 Simplified OS PIA TN 17 07-92
RS 00605.060 1965 OS TN 25 11-96
RS 00605.070 Special Minimum PIA TN 122 01-24
RS 00605.075 DRCs and the Special Minimum TN 17 07-92
RS 00605.100 Elimination of the Minimum Benefit - General TN 17 07-92
RS 00605.201 Introduction - Disability Computation Points TN 17 07-92
RS 00605.210 Determining the Period of Disability - (Freeze Period) TN 109 12-23
RS 00605.215 Effects of a Period of Disability TN 17 07-92
RS 00605.220 The Freeze Computation - RIB, DIB, and Survivor PIAs TN 105 12-23
RS 00605.225 Non-Freeze Computation TN 107 12-23
RS 00605.230 DIB Dropout Years TN 17 07-92
RS 00605.235 Childcare Dropout Years TN 111 12-23
RS 00605.238 Extended DIB Eligibility TN 106 12-23
RS 00605.300 Effect Of Other Payments and Pensions TN 34 06-04
RS 00605.320 FERS/FECA Offset TN 73 06-20
RS 00605.360 Windfall Elimination Provision TN 124 02-24
RS DAL00605.360 WEP Applicability (RTN 21, 04/2011)
RS DAL00605.361 Exceptions to WEP - Dallas
RS 00605.362 Windfall Elimination Provision Exceptions TN 121 01-24
RS 00605.364 Determining Pension Applicability, Eligibility Date, and Monthly Amount TN 125 03-24
RS DAL00605.364 Determining Pension Applicability, Eligibility Date and Monthly Amount for WEP (RTN 22 – 10/2013)
RS 00605.366 Pension Development TN 128 07-24
RS 00605.367 Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) Development TN 94 08-23
RS 00605.369 WEP Computation and Recomputation Methods TN 108 12-23
RS 00605.370 WEP Guarantee TN 126 03-24
RS 00605.372 Special Situations Applied To WEP TN 112 12-23
RS 00605.374 OPM and SSA Computer Match Alerts TN 78 12-20
RS 00605.377 WEP Benefit Estimates Under Personal Earnings and Benefit Estimate Statement (PEBES) TN 27 05-99
RS 00605.380 National Guard Civilian Pensions for Dual Status Technicians: Petersen Court Case TN 66 08-19
RS 00605.383 Exclusion of Military Reservists from WEP TN 113 12-23
RS 00605.386 Exclusion of Certain Totalization Benefits from WEP TN 27 05-99
RS 00605.390 Exhibit of Form SSA-150, Modified Benefit Formula Questionnaire — Exhibit TN 27 05-99
RS 00605.391 Exhibit of Form SSA-58, Modified Benefit Formula Questionnaire - Employer - Exhibit TN 27 05-99
RS 00605.392 Exhibit of Form SSA-308, Modified Benefit Formula Questionnaire - Foreign Pension TN 27 05-99
RS 00605.401 Recomputations and Recalculations TN 115 12-23
RS 00605.405 Recomputations and Administrative Finality TN 28 08-99
RS 00605.407 Disadvantageous Recomputations TN 28 08-99
RS 00605.501 Current Recomputations - 1977 Amendments TN 117 12-23
RS 00605.530 Recomputation of DIB PIA TN 30 11-01
RS 00605.532 Freeze Recomputation of DIB PIA TN 28 08-99
RS 00605.535 The Non-freeze Recomputation of DIB PIA - Policy TN 28 08-99
RS 00605.540 Recomputation to Include RR Compensation in Survivor Cases - Policy TN 28 08-99
RS 00605.560 Automatic Earnings Reappraisal Operation (AERO) TN 28 08-99
RS 00605.570 Processing Recomputation Requests TN 28 08-99
RS 00605.580 Recalculation of Benefits TN 28 08-99
RS 00605.590 Deemed Military Wage Recalculations TN 28 08-99
RS 00605.800 PIAs for Benefit Estimates - the Personalized Earnings and Benefit Estimate Statement (PEBES) TN 28 08-99
RS 00605.900 List of RAW PIA and Family Maximum Computations TN 97 11-23
RS 00605.905 1978 NS AIME PIA Chart TN 97 11-23
RS 00605.910 Family Maximum Chart TN 97 11-23
RS 00605.925 Indexing Factor Charts TN 116 12-23
RS 00605.926 Indexing Factors for 2001 Eligibility TN 30 11-01
RS 00605.927 Indexing Factors for 2002 Eligibility TN 30 11-01
RS 00605.928 Indexing Factors for 2003 Eligibility TN 31 12-02
RS 00605.929 Indexing Factors for 2004 Eligibility TN 33 11-03
RS 00605.930 Indexing Factors for 2005 Eligibility TN 35 10-04
RS 00605.931 Indexing Factors for 2006 Eligibility TN 36 10-05
RS 00605.932 Indexing Factors for 2007 Eligibility TN 37 10-06
RS 00605.933 Indexing Factors for 2008 Eligibility TN 40 10-07
RS 00605.934 Indexing Factors for 2009 Eligibility TN 41 10-08
RS 00605.935 Indexing Factors for 2010 Eligibility TN 42 10-09
RS 00605.936 Indexing Factors for 2011 Eligibility TN 44 11-10
RS 00605.937 Indexing Factors for 2012 Eligibility TN 48 11-11
RS 00605.938 Indexing Factors for 2013 Eligibility TN 50 11-12
RS 00605.939 Indexing Factors for 2014 Eligibility TN 53 05-14
RS 00605.940 Indexing Factors for 2015 Eligibility TN 54 12-14
RS 00605.941 Indexing Factors for 2016 Eligibility TN 55 12-15
RS 00605.942 Indexing Factors for 2017 Eligibility TN 56 12-16
RS 00605.943 Indexing Factors for 2018 Eligibility TN 58 01-18
RS 00605.944 Indexing Factors for 2019 Eligibility TN 60 11-18
RS 00605.945 Indexing Factors for 2020 Eligibility TN 71 11-19
RS 00605.946 Indexing Factors for 2021 Eligibility TN 75 11-20
RS 00605.947 Indexing Factors for 2022 Eligibility TN 83 11-21
RS 00605.948 Indexing Factors for 2023 Eligibility TN 90 11-22
RS 00605.949 Indexing Factors for 2024 Eligibility TN 98 11-23
RS 00605.950 Benefit Table for Determining PIA and Maximum Family Benefits at June 1978 Rates TN 114 12-23
RS 00605.955 Processing Procedures for Advance File No Bendpoint (AFNB) Claims and Non-AFNB Future Month of Entitlement (MOE) Cases TN 120 01-24

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