If the report is the first indication that the beneficiary is entitled to a pension,
obtain Form SSA-150, or SSA-308. For information about reports from the Office of
Personnel Management (OPM), see RS 00605.374.
Develop and obtain evidence following instructions in RS 00605.366A.1.b. through RS 00605.366A.1.g. in this section.
After developing and obtaining any necessary evidence, process a Primary Insurance
Amount (PIA) recomputation in the Change in PIA (CIP) web-based application and document
information about the pension on the applicable WEP screens, see MS INTRANETCIP 001.001.
Electronically store evidence through NDRed system or in eView for disability claims,
as appropriate. For information about storing documents through NDRed or eView, see
GN 00301.322.