DI 41005.000 Processing Instructions

Subchapter Table of Contents
Section   Latest
DI 41005.001 General Completion of the SSA-833-U5 for Statutory Blindness Cases Discussed in this Subchapter TN 1 10-23
DI 41005.005 General Completion of the SSA-4268-U4 and Rationale for Statutory Blindness Cases Discussed in this Subchapter TN BASIC 03-86
DI 41005.010 Claimant in Freeze Status Files for DIB TN 5 07-24
DI 41005.015 Work Issue CDR: All Statutorily Blind Individuals Except DIB, CDB, and DWB Persons Age 55 or Older TN BASIC 03-86
DI 41005.020 Work Issue CDR: Statutorily Blind Individual Age 55 or Over TN 3 06-24
DI 41005.025 Individual Age 60-65 - DIB Withheld or Terminated TN 4 06-24
DI 41005.030 Redeterminations for Statutory Blindness Cases TN 2 06-24
DI 41005.035 Exhibits TN BASIC 03-86

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Batch run: 07/01/2024