Development of continuing eligibility during a period of absence from the U.S. may
be severely hampered by problems in contacting the recipient. Have the recipient provide
the name of an individual in the U.S. who will know how to contact them during the
period of absence.
Because of circumstances unique to each situation, such as reliability and speed of
mail service, ability to contact the recipient by telephone, the ending date of the
period of absence, and the expected impact of the development on eligibility, the
FO should make a case-by-case assessment of the feasibility of initiating development
versus deferring development until the recipient's return.
Develop immediately based on a posteligibility report, diary, or alert if it indicates
a probability of incorrect payment and the date of the recipient's expected return to the U.S. is sufficiently far in the
future to permit development abroad. Develop issues requiring a contact abroad through
the Office of International Operations (OIO) (see GN 00904.000 and GN 00905.000 for further information). The following telephone numbers have been specifically
identified for this purpose: 1-410-965-9285, 965-9288, or 965-9293.
NOTE: OIO staff may not be familiar with SSI program requirements. Be prepared to explain
exactly what information is needed when requesting development through OIO.