When a temporary absence for school attendance ends and the individual does not return
to the permanent living arrangement, the individual can establish a new permanent
living arrangement.
Exception: When a temporary absence for school attendance ends, the individual can have a new
period of temporary absence. A new period of temporary absence is possible as long
as the individual still intends to return to the permanent living arrangement. In
this situation, the individual’s permanent living arrangement does not change as shown
in the following example.
EXAMPLE: Mary Doe is a 19-year-old student at a school for the blind. The field office (FO)
has determined that Mary is temporarily absent from their parents' home where Mary
is subject to the value of one-third reduction (VTR). Because Mary is over age 18
and deeming has stopped, Mary can receive countable ISM from parents and be subject
to the VTR. In June, a week before graduation, Mary Doe decides to stay on at the
school and work as a day camp counselor until the end of July. Although, Mary’s temporary
absence due to school attendance ends in June, another period of temporary absence
begins. The second period is a temporary absence for reasons other than school attendance
or confinement in a Medicaid facility. As long as Mary returns to their parents' home
by the end of July, the entire period of absence is temporary, and we continue to
charge the VTR in July and ensuing months.