Payment of premiums in the FO should be discouraged for the reasons given in HI 01001.025.
However, if the beneficiary offers to pay their premiums in the FO:
Explain the advantages of paying their future premiums directly to the Medicare Premium
Collection Center (MPCC). Payments received in the FO could delay the payment process
by at least 5-7 days. Mailing the payment saves the time and expense of visiting the
FO. It also helps hold down administrative costs, which affects the cost of premiums
each year. Additionally, note that FOs cannot accept credit card payments in the office
or over the phone. If a beneficiary received a Medicare Premium Bill (CMS-500), encourage
the individual to send their payment with the payment coupon from their CMS-500 as
soon as possible in order to avoid possible termination directly to:
Medicare Premium Collection Center
P.O. Box 790355
St. Louis, MO 63179-0355
If the beneficiary insists on paying in the FO and they have their CMS-500 payment
coupon, forward their payment and coupon to the Medicare Premium Collection Center
at the address below. Avoid sending additional items or correspondence other than
the payment and CMS-500 coupon. To reduce delays as much as possible, the payment
needs to be sent out the same day it’s received from the beneficiary. NOTE: The Medicare
Number must be clearly shown on the check or money order. The letters B, I, L, O,
S, and Z aren’t used in Medicare Numbers because they are similar to certain numerals.
Medicare Premium Collection Center
P.O. Box 790355
ST. Louis, MO 63179-0355
If the beneficiary doesn’t have their CMS-500 payment coupon, a manual CMS-500 coupon
should be created by the FO and sent to the MPCC by close of business the same day
to reduce delays as much as possible, to the address in Steps 1 and 2 above. Avoid
sending additional items or correspondence other than the payment and CMS-500 coupon.
NOTE: The Medicare Number must be clearly shown on the check or money order. The letters
B, I, L, O, S, and Z aren’t used in Medicare Numbers because they are similar to certain
Don’t deposit a beneficiary payment intended for Medicare premiums into Social Security’s
Trust Fund.
PLEASE NOTE: Depositing the funds into Social Security’s Trust Fund will initiate the Inter-Governmental
Payment and Collection (IPAC) system process and will cause an even more significant
Inform the beneficiary that if they are in direct bill status, the fastest way to
make a Medicare premium payment is through their secure account. If the
beneficiary has questions about their account, direct them to 1-800-MEDICARE
(1-800-633-4227). TTY users should call 1-800-486-2048. NOTE: The beneficiary cannot
pay through if they are not in direct bill, such as LAF S9 for Part B,
or if the beneficiary has been final terminated for non-payment
NOTE: If a spouse wants to remit SMI premiums for both, instruct the spouse to remit the
payments separately, to ensure the payments are processed timely. Each payment should
have a CMS-500 payment coupon, and there should only be one payment per person, per
envelope, and the same instructions listed above in Steps 1-5 apply.
A separate receipt should be made out for each enrollee. Avoid accepting remittances
in cash, however, if the beneficiary insists; follow the procedures in Section C.
Procedure – Receipt of Cash.
If a payment is accepted, prepare an automated receipt (see GN 02403.030).
NOTE:The Medicare Number must be clearly shown on the check or money order.
The letters B, I, L, O, S, and Z aren’t used in Medicare Numbers because they are
similar to certain numerals
Provide the beneficiary with a copy of the receipt. It is the responsibility of the
FO to follow up on the premium payment if it is not shown on the direct billing record
within 30 business days. Use the processing or post mark date and the amount of premium
payment to verify the entry on the direct billing record, Health Insurance/Supplementary
Medical Insurance Query Response (HIQR). Direct follow-up inquiries to Direct
Billing. If no substantive response is received to the first follow-up, follow up again in
15 business days.
If the entry is on the direct billing record, no action is necessary. If the remittance
is not reflected on the current HIQR, Medicare Premium Payment Query (MPPQ), develop
the case as a premium problem and forward to the email address above. Attach all necessary
information, including: a copy of the canceled check (back and front) showing it was
endorsed for CMS Premiums Retail by the Federal Reserve Bank in Cleveland, or a copy
of the beneficiary’s bank statement or credit card statement showing the payment to
CMS, or if the payment was deposited by SSA – the IPAC number as proof the funds were
transferred from SSA’s Trust Fund to CMS’s Trust Fund. In order to prevent duplicative
remittances, a copy of the RFQD screen alone is no longer enough proof to credit a