TN 50 (06-24)

RM 10210.255 Who Must Submit Evidence of Age for an SSN Card

A. Original or new SSN card

Each applicant for an original or new (different) SSN must submit evidence to support the date of birth alleged.

  • See RM 10210.020B for evidence requirements for original or new (different) SSN requests.

  • See RM 10225.066B. for evidence requirements for new (different) SSNs based on adoption of a U.S.-born child. If a prospective adopting parent of a U.S. citizen child cannot provide sufficient evidence to obtain an SSN for the child while waiting for a domestic adoption to become final, the parent can obtain an adoption taxpayer identification number (ATIN) from the Internal Revenue Service (see RM 10225.055C).

  • Prospective adoptive parents of non-citizen children can apply for Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers (ITINs--see RM 10225.105).

B. Replacement SSN card

Each applicant for a replacement SSN card must submit evidence of age if:

  • The applicant alleges having a prior number but it cannot be located; or

  • The FO interviewer questions the accuracy of the prior date of birth shown on the Numident; or

  • The applicant alleges the date of birth shown on the prior Numident record is incorrect (see RM 10212.200); or

  • Special Indicators (SPINs)/Fraud codes 1, 2, 5, 7, 8, or 9 appear on the Numident (see RM 10215.200); or

  • The alleged SSN is a void SSN (see RM 10201.040).

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RM 10210.255 - Who Must Submit Evidence of Age for an SSN Card - 06/14/2024
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