TN 27 (02-25)

RM 10212.200 Changing NUMIDENT Data for Reasons Other than Name Change

A. Why we change NUMIDENT data

The NUMIDENT houses specific information for each number holder. We only correct or change information on an existing NUMIDENT iteration when there is a documented keying error.

However, when an applicant wishes to update information previously submitted, or to correct information when we cannot document a keying error, we update the NUMIDENT by creating a new iteration appended to the previous iteration.

1. When there is a keying error

A keying error has occurred when the data on the paper application for a Social Security card (SS-5) does not match the data on the NUMIDENT. Therefore, the only way to determine whether a keying error has occurred is to compare the information on the paper SS-5 or SS-5 microprint with the NUMIDENT.

After reviewing the paper SS-5 or SS-5 microprint, if we determine that a keying error has occurred, we correct the incorrect NUMIDENT record information using Numident Correction Processing (NCP) in the Social Security Number Application Processing (SSNAP). This action does not add to the number of NUMIDENT iterations and will not count against the annual or lifetime SSN card limits.

However, when, for any reason, we are unable to review the SS-5 or SS-5 microprint, we do not use the NCP process. We do not correct or change the current NUMIDENT iteration. Instead, we update the information on the NUMIDENT by creating a new iteration as provided in RM 10212.200A.2.

Keying Errors: For instructions see details

  • RM 10215.051 Correcting Keying Errors in Fields Other than "Name on Card" Field

  • RM 10210.295 Date of Birth Change on the NUMIDENT

  • RM 10215.055 Correct a Coding Error that Resulted in an Incorrect Employment Legend on the SSN Card

  • RM 10220.415 Numident Correction Processing (NCP)

  • RM 00702.006 How to Correct Keying Errors

2. Updating NUMIDENT data by creating a new iteration

The applicant must submit a completed SSN application accompanied by evidence of identity and evidence, if required, to support the update. We will create a new NUMIDENT iteration with the new information, following RM 10212.200B.

B. How do you create a new NUMIDENT iteration to update data on the NUMIDENT

1. Request evidence

Individuals requesting an update of information on their NUMIDENT record must submit:

  • An application for a replacement SSN card; and

  • Evidence of identity to establish that the individual for whom the SS-5 is submitted is same person to whom SSA assigned the SSN as provided in RM 10210.420; and

  • Evidence to support the update, if required in RM 10212.200B.2.

2. Obtain documentation

Use this table to determine when supporting evidence is required for the update and additional actions needed.

For this update

Obtain this supporting documentation, when required, and follow any additional instructions

Sex field

  • The agency is not making changes or updates to the sex field on the NUMIDENT. For keying errors, see Section A.1 above.


The sex field on the NUMIDENT should not be used to make any determination about initial or continuing benefit eligibility.

  1. a. 
    • Even though we cannot update the sex marker at this time, if the applicant would still like a replacement card and all criteria are satisfied, issue the replacement card according to RM 10205.015.

    • If the applicant does not request a replacement card, follow procedures to provide written notification of why the request to update the NUMIDENT record cannot be processed, see RM 10212.200B.5. In the Social Security Number Application Process (SSNAP) select "Other" and annotate, "Currently, SSA's record systems are unable to process changes to sex markers."

Date of birth (DOB) field

See Date of Birth Change on the NUMIDENT in RM 10210.295.

Place of birth (PLB) field

Evidence of place of birth:

  • U.S. born:

    • a birth certificate (BC) established before age five and issued by a state or local bureau of vital statistics (BVS) for an individual born within its jurisdiction; or another acceptable proof of age document listed in RM 10210.265, provided the document also lists the individual's PLB.

  • Foreign born:

    • an acceptable document such as a foreign BC or another acceptable proof of age document listed in RM 10210.265, provided the document also list the individual’s PLB.

See RM 10212.200B.3.b. for additional processing information.

Citizenship field

Evidence of U.S. citizenship:

  • U.S. public birth record showing birth in one of the 50 U.S. states, the District of Columbia, American Samoa, Puerto Rico, Guam, the Virgin Islands of the U.S. (on or after 01/17/1917), or the Northern Mariana Islands (on or after 11/04/1986, NMI Local time),

  • U.S. passport,

    • U.S. passports may be current or expired but must meet the criteria in RM 10210.505 to be acceptable evidence of U.S. citizenship.

  • Certificate of Naturalization,

  • Certificate of Citizenship, or

  • Other documents listed in RM 10210.505, RM 10210.510, RM 10210.520, and RM 10210.525.

Interviewers should request and obtain the U.S. citizenship document with the highest probative value available to the applicant ("available" means the applicant either possesses the document or can obtain it within 10 working days) before accepting a document of a lower probative level.

You may use primary, secondary, third-level, or fourth-level evidence to change the citizenship data on a NUMIDENT record.

EXAMPLE: If primary evidence of U.S. citizenship is not available then the interviewer may accept secondary evidence to update the citizenship data on the NUMIDENT record.

Parent's name field

Evidence of parent's name:

  • U.S. born:

    • Original or amended BC, or

    • Final adoption decree issue by the court or court determination of paternity

  • Foreign Born:

    • an acceptable document such as a BC or another acceptable proof of age document listed in RM 10210.265 , provided the document also list the individual’s parent’s name.

See RM 10212.200B.3.b. for additional processing information.

3. Process the request

  1. a. 

    If you update the PLB field or parent's name field on the NUMIDENT

    • In the “Remarks” field on the SSNAP Summary screen, list any evidence or documents the individual submitted to support the change on the NUMIDENT, if not previously captured in SSNAP.

    • When changing a parent’s name on a child’s NUMIDENT record, ask if the parent is a title II beneficiary, an SSI recipient, or a representative payee. If so, review the MBR, SSR, or RPS record and initiate or complete actions necessary to update the record (for example, correcting a parent’s name on the SSR record or ensuring that actions are taken to complete a new representative payee application).

4. When to suppress an SSN card

Process the requested change but suppress the issuance of a replacement SSN card when the correction will not affect any data on the face of the SSN card (as with a change of the DOB, PLB, or parent’s name fields on the NUMIDENT) unless the applicant is requesting a replacement card. (See RM 10205.400 for information on replacement card limits.)

5. When to send written notice

Send a written notice if you are unable to update the record or to provide the individual with a replacement card. Follow these instructions:

  • RM 00299.020 Form SSA-L676 – Refusal to Process SSN Application, or

  • RM 10205.090 Form SS-5 Received, and Additional Documentation is Needed, or

  • RM 10215.110 Policy on Providing Written Notice and Second Review When SSN or Card May Not Be Issued, or

  • RM 10215.115 Procedures for Providing Written Notice to an SSN Applicant.

C. References

  • RM 10210.505 Primary Level Evidence of U.S. Citizenship

  • RM 10210.510 Secondary Level Evidence of U.S. Citizenship for a U.S. Born Applicant

  • RM 10210.520 Third Level Evidence of U.S. Citizenship for a U.S. Born Applicant

  • RM 10210.525 Fourth Level Evidence of U.S. Citizenship for a U.S. Born Applicant

  • RM 10220.210 Evidence Requirements for Documentation of Harassment, Abuse, or Life Endangerment (HALE)

  • GN 00301.030 Acceptability of Documentary Evidence

  • GN 00301.080 Certification by Custodian of the Record

  • GN 00301.045 Validity of Documents

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RM 10212.200 - Changing NUMIDENT Data for Reasons Other than Name Change - 02/07/2025
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