TN 19 (05-07)

GN 01070.001 General DOTEL Information

A. Overview of DOTEL communications

DOTEL is a procedure providing telephone contact between SSA components. The basic feature permits the use of telephone facilities to expedite the processing of claims and claims related actions. The main intent of this procedure is to provide a direct channel for rapid communication between processing centers (PCs) and field offices to reduce processing time.

The following procedures do not alter the requirements for documenting factors of entitlement or the evidence requirements set forth in GN 00301.001.

B. Definitions

1. Claims adjudicator

The technician in the field office or PC who has the authority to approve or disapprove a claims entitlement or payment action, such as the claims representative (CR), claims authorizer (CA/CTE), or benefit authorizer (BA/BTE)

2. Claims file

For the purpose of this subchapter, a claims file is either:

  • an electronic file (e.g., MCS, MSSICS, RPS); or

  • a paper file

3. Processing center

Includes all PCs as well as the Office of Disability Operations (ODO) and the Office of International Operations (OIO)

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GN 01070.001 - General DOTEL Information - 05/21/2007
Batch run: 02/12/2014