TN 43 (06-22)

GN 01070.781 Field Office (FO) and Workload Support Unit (WSU) Coordination on Claims Processing

A. How to identify the WSU assigned the claim

Use the number holder’s (NH) Social Security number (SSN) to query the Modernized Claims System (MCS) Development Worksheet (DW01) screen.

The FO code on the DW01 indicates the WSU assigned to the claim. For a list of WSU office codes, see GN 01070.782D.

To locate the WSU address, telephone number, or email address, use the Detailed Office/Organization Resource System (DOORS). FOs use the administrative telephone number to contact the WSU.

B. Assist claimants who provide evidence into the FO for claims attested by or receipted in by the WSU

1. Record evidence received in the FO

When a WSU claimant provides his or her proofs into the FO, an FO employee authorized to examine and certify documents takes the actions in this section.

For more information about who we authorize to certify documents, see GN 00301.090.

  • Examine and evaluate the evidentiary document(s) for authenticity and validity per GN 00301.050.

  • Access Shared Process and enter the evidentiary document(s) on the Evidence (EVID) screen, unless you should not record the document(s) or form(s) on the EVID screen per GN 00301.286E.3.

  • Certify a photocopy of the evidentiary document(s) and fax the certified photocopies into the Non-Disability Repository for Evidentiary Documents (NDRed) or eView.

  • Establish the issue “SEERMK” and an associated remark with a next day tickle on the MCS DW01 screen to alert the WSU that you certified the document(s) via the Shared Process or faxed them into NDRed or eView.

  • Annotate the MCS DW03 screen with the FO code, the name, and the direct phone number of the FO employee who established the EVID or faxed the evidence into NDRed or eView.

  • Call or email the WSU immediately to notify them that you recorded proofs on the EVID screen or faxed proofs into NDRed or eView. This prevents processing delays and unnecessary re-contacts with the claimant.

  • Complete the Social Security Number Application Process (SSNAP) actions when enumeration updates are necessary.

NOTE: If the claimant brings the already signed application via signature proxy, return the application to the claimant.

2. FO does not retain evidence faxed into NDRED or eView

After you store and view the document for content in either eView or NDRed, do not retain the item, per GN 00301.322.

C. Assist claimants who provide their proofs or application to the FO in-person or by mail/faxwhen the WSU has not attested or receipted in the application

When a WSU claimant provides his or her proofs or pen-and-ink signed application to the FO in-person or by mail/faxinstead of sending them directly to the WSU, the FO coordinates with the WSU.

1. Claimant provides both the application and proofs to the FO

If the claimant provides both the signed application and proofs into the FO, the FO claims specialist takes the actions in this subsection.

  • Call or email the WSU and ask them to transfer jurisdiction of the claim in MCS.

  • Receipt in the claim by accessing #7 Claims Movement on the MCS Menu.

  • Annotate the ATTEST issue on the MCS DW01 screen to indicate that we received a signed application (witnessed signature).

  • Receipt in all proofs on the MCS DW01 screen.

  • Adjudicate the claim.

  • Return the signed application to the claimant. Include the witnessed signature cover notice in GN 00201.015K.

2. Claimant provides only the proofs to the local FO before the WSU attests and receipts the application

If the claimant provides only the proofs to the local FO before the WSU attests and receipts the application (whether or not the claimant mailed the application yet), offer to reprint the application and complete the adjudication of the claim immediately.

If the claimant agrees to the FO adjudicating the claim, the FO claims specialist takes the actions in this subsection.

  • Call or email the WSU immediately and ask them to transfer jurisdiction of the claim to the FO.

  • Obtain a pen-and-ink signature on the reprinted application, per the witnessed signature procedures in GN 00201.015H.

  • Annotate the ATTEST issue on the MCS DW01 screen to indicate that we received a signed application (witnessed signature).

  • Receipt in the claim and all proofs on the MCS DW01 screen.

  • Adjudicate the claim.

  • Return the signed application to the claimant. Include the witnessed signature cover notice in GN 00201.015K.

    NOTE: Attestation does not apply because the FO adjudicator cannot confirm with the claimant the information previously taken in the WSU.

D. WSU receives signed application after jurisdiction transferred to FO

If a WSU receives a signed application after transferring jurisdiction to the FO for adjudication, the WSU follows the duplicate application procedures in GN 00204.028.

E. WSU procedures to handle iClaims with appointments

The WSU assigned the claim assumes jurisdiction and adjudicates the iClaim application unless it meets one of the conditions listed in GN 01070.781E.1. or GN 01070.781E.2. below. When importing assigned iClaims, use the MCS DW01 and eLAS screens to determine if there is a pending appointment in an FO.

1. If the appointment is within five calendar days

The WSU transfers the iClaim to the FO with the pending appointment. The WSU updates MCS remarks and notifies the FO via email to the FO email box.

2. If the appointment is more than five calendar days in the future

The WSU contacts the claimant to advise that the WSU will process his or her claim and will cancel the appointment with the FO.

If the claimant does not agree, document the discussion in remarks and transfer the iClaim to the FO.

If the WSU was not successful in contacting the claimant after at least two attempts prior to their FO scheduled appointment, the WSU will document the attempts to contact in remarks and will transfer the iClaim to the FO. The FO should receipt in the claim and retain jurisdiction. The FO will take the necessary action to process the claim during the scheduled appointment. If the claimant is a non-responder for the scheduled appointment, the FO will retain jurisdiction of the claim and continue processing.


F. Transfer iClaims with mutual agreement

WSU and FO managers may transfer an iClaim between their offices by mutual agreement for enhanced service delivery. Contact the other office via telephone or email to discuss the situation and facilitate the transfer.

G. References

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GN 01070.781 - Field Office (FO) and Workload Support Unit (WSU) Coordination on Claims Processing - 06/14/2022
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