Basic (07-08)

DI 11020.140 General Instructions for Completing Notices

For information on preparing and sending appropriate notices:

  • NL 00601.000 - Notification Policy and Procedures

  • NL 00603.000 - Notice Selection and Preparation

  • NL 00603.025 - Designating Notice Information on Disability Determination Form

  • NL 00701.000 - Form Notices

  • DI 11010.345 - Preparing Notices in Disability Claims

    NOTE: Use the Document Processing System (DPS) to prepare the notice (“CDB Initial Denial-SGA After Age 22” located in the “Initial Claims” folder) with proper attachments containing required personalized information.

For information on preparing notices for the blind, see NL 01001.010.

For information on other notices:

  • NL 00700.000 - Letters and Paragraphs for Title II, Title XVI, and Title XVIII

  • NL 00800.000 - Notices for Title XVI

  • DI 26535.036E - Interim notices for capability or payee in question

To Link to this section - Use this URL:
DI 11020.140 - General Instructions for Completing Notices - 04/05/2012
Batch run: 03/26/2025