The period of ineligibility begins on the first day of the month after the month the
resource was transferred for less than fair market value. The rule applies for initial
claims and in posteligibility situations.
Exception: If an individual transfers resources several times, the total uncompensated value
of all the transfers in the applicable period is used to determine the length of the
period of ineligibility and the period would begin on the first day of the month after
the first transfer.
Example 1: Transfer Before Filing Month On 6/6/00 Jones files for SSI. Jones alleges that they transferred a resource on
12/21/99. The claims representative (CR) determines that the individual transferred
the resource for less than fair market value and that Jones is subject to a period
of ineligibility of 4 months. The CR determines that the period of ineligibility would
be from 1/00 (the month after the transfer) through 4/00. Since Jones did not file
for SSI until 6/6/00, the period of ineligibility has no effect on their SSI eligibility.
Example 2: Transfer in Filing Month Johnson gives away $2,500 cash to their sibling on 5/15/00 and files for SSI on 5/20/00.
The first month of the period of ineligibility is 6/00 (the month after the transfer).
Example 3: Transfer After Filing Month Smith files for SSI on 4/28/00. Smith learns that Smith is over the resource limit
because Smith has $6,500 in savings. Smith gives away $5,000 on 5/3/00 and reports
this to the field office. The CR determines that Smith is ineligible due to excess
resources for 4/00 and 5/00 and that the period of ineligibility due to the transfer
begins in 6/00 (the month after the transfer).
Example 4: Posteligibility Transfer James has been on SSI for several years. On 6/3/00 James inherits a piece of real
property worth $10,000. James transfers ownership of the property to a relative on
6/21/00 and receives no compensation. The inheritance counts as income in 6/00 and
the period of ineligibility due to the transfer begins in 7/00. (See SI 01150.110E. and SI 01150.001B.5. for policy on transfers occurring in the month of receipt.)
Example 5: Multiple Transfers Thomas files for SSI on 10/22/00. The CR learns that Thomas gave away $2,500 cash
on 3/15/00 and that Thomas gave away an $1,500 cash on 5/3/00. The period of ineligibility
would be based on uncompensated value of $4,000 ($2,500 + $1,500) and would begin
in 4/00 (the month after the first transfer).