GN 04440.000 Federal Quality Review of Disability Determinations

Subchapter Table of Contents
Section   Latest
GN 04440.002 Introduction to the Federal Quality Review TN 108 07-20
GN 04440.003 Explanation of Quality Review Terms TN 146 07-22
GN 04440.004 Quality Review Exclusions TN 136 09-21
GN 04440.005 Types of Federal Quality Reviews TN 125 09-20
GN 04440.006 Quality Reviewer Responsibilities TN 117 07-20
GN 04440.007 Use of Queries by the Office of Quality Review (OQR) TN 114 07-20
GN 04440.008 Quality Review Process TN 115 07-20
GN 04440.010 Certified Electronic Folder (CEF) TN 53 04-19
GN 04440.015 Federal Quality Review of Certified Electronic Folder (CEF) Cases TN 121 08-20
GN 04440.020 The Scope of Quality Review (QR) for Certified Electronic Folder (CEF) Cases TN 158 04-24
GN 04440.025 Processing Concurrent Claims or Split Samples in Certified Electronic Folder (CEF) Cases TN 112 07-20
GN 04440.030 Cases Involving Special Notice Options (SNO) TN 127 10-20
GN 04440.110 Probability of Reversal (POR) in the Quality Review Process TN 162 06-24
GN 04440.111 Reopenings Certified Electronic Folders (CEF) TN 130 11-20
GN 04440.118 Substitution of Judgment (SOJ) in the Quality Review Process TN 157 04-24
GN 04440.123 High- and Low-Impact Grace Periods TN 92 02-20
GN 04440.130 Medical Review in the Office of Quality Review (OQR) TN 152 11-23
GN 04440.150 Processing Correct Or Corrected Disability Cases TN 159 05-24
GN 04440.201 Deficiency Citation and Support TN 155 03-24
GN 04440.202 Group I Decisional Deficiencies TN 160 05-24
GN 04440.203 Group I Documentation Deficiencies TN 138 10-21
GN 04440.204 Group II Deficiencies TN 122 08-20
GN 04440.205 Quality Review Subsequent Returns TN 164 06-24
GN 04440.230 Introduction to Technical Corrective Actions (TCAs) TN 166 07-24
GN 04440.231 Substantive Technical Corrective Actions (TCAs) TN 150 01-23
GN 04440.232 Non-substantive Technical Corrective Actions (TCAs) TN 167 07-24
GN 04440.244 Assuming Jurisdiction TN 105 07-20
GN 04440.247 Reviewing Informal Remand Cases TN 106 07-20
GN 04440.250 Reviewing Cases That Have Been Inadvertently Effectuated TN 15 02-11
GN 04440.300 Trailer Material and Update after Transfer (UAT) Alerts TN 163 06-24
GN 04440.310 Disability Hearing Unit (DHU) Jurisdiction Cases TN 15 02-11
GN 04440.320 Policy Issue Referrals TN 69 06-19
GN 04440.401 Resolving Deficiency Disagreements - Informal Resolution Request (IRR) and Request for Program Consultation (RPC) TN 168 09-24
GN 04440.405 Request for Program Consultation (RPC) Process Description TN 161 05-24
GN 04440.425 Rescinding or Correcting Deficiencies after Rebuttal TN 83 11-19
GN 04440.501 Completion of the SSA-1774-U5, Request for Corrective Action TN 151 03-23
GN 04440.505 Completing the SSA-847-U3, SSA Request for Case Action TN 54 04-19
GN 04440.520 Completing the SSA-3023-F3, Medical Consultant's Review of Psychiatric Review Technique Form TN 119 07-20
GN 04440.524 Completing the SSA-392, Medical Consultant's Review of Physical Residual Functional Capacity Assessment TN 109 07-20
GN 04440.525 Completing the SSA-392-SUP, Medical Consultant's Review of Mental Residual Functional Capacity Assessment TN 109 07-20
GN 04440.901 SSA-1774-U5 - Request for Corrective Action TN 6 05-95
GN 04440.905 SSA-1774A-U5 - Continuation - Request for Corrective Action TN 6 05-95
GN 04440.910 SSA-847-U3 - SSA Request for Case Action TN 6 05-95
GN 04440.915 SSA-5524-U3 - Request for Assistance TN 14 12-10
GN 04440.925 SSA-3023 - Medical Consultant's Review of Psychiatric Review Technique Form TN 6 05-95
GN 04440.929 SSA-392 - Medical Consultant’s Review of Physical Residual Functional Capacity Assessment TN 40 03-19
GN 04440.930 SSA-392-SUP - Medical Consultant's Review of Mental Residual Functional Capacity Assessment TN 40 03-19
GN 04440.935 Review and Adjudicating Components TN 14 12-10
GN 04440.936 State-Specific Instructions for Acquiescence Rulings (AR) TN 133 04-21
GN 04440.950 Exhibit of Group I and Group II Deficiency Codes in the Office of Quality Review (OQR) Case Processing System TN 124 09-20

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