TN 1 (10-99)

RM 01351.001 Initial Earnings Statement Request with Additional Information Indicating the Earnings Record May Not be Correct

The information in this section is not applicable while mailing of the Social Security Statement is suspended. See information on accessing earnings information using the MySocialSecurity web portal in OA 00205.010.

A. Introduction

Requests processed under the following instructions include requests which make no reference to receipt of a previous statement of earnings, e.g., Form SSA-7050, Request for Itemized Statement of Earnings, Form SSA-581, Authorization to Obtain Earnings Data from the Social Security Administration and/ or written correspondence. Generally this type of request is received when the number holder requests a statement of earnings to verify the accuracy of their earnings record. In most cases, the requester indicates:

  • an employer may have erroneously reported earnings under an incorrect SSN or name.

  • an employer or amount of earnings should be on the record for a specified period.

NOTE: If a previous statement of earnings is mentioned, process the request per RM 01351.002.

B. Policy

In order to verify the accuracy of the earnings record, the individual needs a more detailed earnings statement. However, the individual must give the period of employment in question to satisfy the request. Consider a period of employment as:

  • employer, year/quarter and amount.

  • employer and year/quarter.

  • year/quarter and amount.

C. Procedure

If the period of employment is specified, as indicated in RM 01351.001B., forward the request to DERO under cover of Form SSA-2543 (Request for Action by DERO), Check box 3.

If the period of employment is not specified, as indicated in RM 01351.001B., sort for data entry.

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RM 01351.001 - Initial Earnings Statement Request with Additional Information Indicating the Earnings Record May Not be Correct - 02/10/2012
Batch run: 05/01/2013