TN 120 (06-24)

GN 02406.245 Payment Over Cancellation (POC)/Credit Reversal

A. Department of the Treasury (Treasury)process

By keying in specific stop codes, the Social Security Administration (SSA) requests Treasury to either issue a courtesy disbursement check prior to obtaining status of the original check (B-stop) or investigate the status first and issue a replacement check if the original check is still uncashed (C-stop). Refer to GN 02406.125 for a description of the nonreceipt codes on POS screens for Title II inputs and their relationship to the stop codes used by SSA and Treasury.

The following description of these stop codes also explains the circumstances that may lead to a payment over cancellation (POC).

1. Nonreceipt stop codes

a. B-stop

When the FO/PSC/TSC transmits a stop code of “B” (NRT = 1 or NC code B), the RFC will screen the claim and issue a courtesy disbursement if a check for the amount reported was issued and if the original check has not been returned. The claim is then sent to the Check Claims Branch (CCB) for processing. If the check has not been presented for payment (outstanding), CCB cancels the original check and uses the “credit” to fund the courtesy disbursement check.

b. C-stop

When the FO/PSC/TSC transmits a stop code of “C” (NRT = 2 or NC code C), the claim goes to the RFC first to determine if the original check was returned, if the check was issued, and to provide the check number and symbol. Then the RFC sends the claim to CCB who investigates to determine if the original check has been cashed and presented to Treasury for payment. If the check has not been negotiated, CCB cancels the original check, and notifies the RFC to issue a replacement check. The “credit” for the cancelled original check is used to fund the replacement check.

c. G-stop

When the FO/PSC/TSC transmits a stop code of “G” (NRT = 4 or NC code G) and the original has not been cashed, a credit is returned to SSA. The check can be reissued, if still due.

2. Mass Loss

If the Mass Loss procedure applies, the FO/PSC/TSC will transmit a stop code of “A” (NRT = 3 or NC code A) for Title II and Title XVI checks. When the “A-stop” is transmitted, Treasury will issue a courtesy disbursement if the check has not been returned to the RFC. The claim is then sent to CCB for processing. If the check is outstanding, CCB cancels the original check and returns credit to SSA. (See GN 02406.700 for additional information about mass loss.)

3. Payment over cancellation (POC)

A POC is negotiating any check for which Treasury has put under a stop payment order. For example, when Treasury cancels the original check, issues a courtesy disbursement check, and the original is later cashed, this is a possible POC.

Due to updates to Treasury  regulations, the FI must take reasonable measures to avoid POCs or the FI will be liable for the negotiated check payment. Treasury upgraded its post payment system to provide check return information to financial institutions (FI) and ensure they have current and accurate check information. This update will help reduce monetary losses arising from situations when Treasury puts a stop payment on a check, but the FI still negotiates payment on that check. Additionally, Treasury will no longer charge the issuing agency (SSA) in POC situations...[BT1]   [BT1] This is based on EM -23074 SEN REV

B. SSA process when a nonreceipt stop code is input

When Treasury cancels the original check, issues a courtesy disbursement check, and the original is later cashed, this is a possible payment over cancellation (POC), as well as a double check negotiation (DCN). For additional information on DCNs, see GN 02406.300.

The following events take place when this action occurs:

  • Treasury debits SSA when the original check was cashed after being replaced.

  • SSA's system posts a debit on PHUS for Title II and a “U” (credit reversal for either the original or replacement; dependent on the circumstances and timing of the Treasury transactions) in payflag 3 for Title XVI.

  • REACT generates an alert for the PC technician to input an F-Stop on the courtesy disbursement or replacement check.

    When Treasury's final disposition for the stop payment is posted to the PHUS record, REACT takes the appropriate action. If the courtesy disbursement or replacement check is uncashed, no further action is taken by REACT. If the check has been cashed, a DCN overpayment now exists and REACT establishes the overpayment on ROAR and the MBR.

  • If REACT cannot automate the notice, it will generate an alert for the PC technician to send an overpayment notice to the beneficiary about the DCN overpayment. The REACT alert will show a remark "BOUD NOTICE REQUIRED".

1. If nonreceipt input was a B-stop:

  • If a B-stop generated the courtesy disbursement check, for Title II the claims package goes to the PC from Treasury; for Title XVI cases, the claims package goes to the FO via the Division of Benefit Certification and Systems Analysis (DBCSA) for routing to the claimant.

  • See GN 02406.310 for procedures if claimant denies cashing one or more of the checks and requests reconsideration of the overpayment.

2. If nonreceipt input was a C-stop:

  • If a C-stop generated the replacement check (GN 02406.150), Treasury will send the claims package directly to the claimant.

  • If the claimant denies cashing one or more of the checks, see GN 02406.310 for procedures on reconsideration of the overpayment.

3. If nonreceipt input was a G-stop:

  • If a G-stop was input (because an endorsed check is lost, stolen or destroyed), and the check has not been presented for payment, Treasury will send credit to SSA so the check can be reissued if still due (GN 02406.235).

  • If the check is later cashed, Treasury will send a claims package to SSA and debit SSA for the POC.

C. Procedure to determine status of the courtesy disbursement check

1. Determine if the courtesy disbursement check has been returned:

  1. a. 

    Title II: Examine PHUS to see if the courtesy disbursement check has been returned. If so, no action is necessary.

  2. b. 

    Title XVI: Examine SSR to see if the returned check is indicated by an “S“ in

    Payflag 3.

2. Courtesy disbursement check not returned:

  1. a. 

    Title II: If the courtesy disbursement check has not been returned, input an F-stop through thePESP screen or SSA-4510 web application (MSOM MS 05602.005 and MS 05602.005), in order to determine the status of that check (TSCs and FOs will have to request that this action be taken by the PC). Obtain the check range and pay date from the listings provided by Treasury or from TCIS. Prepare a 30-day PCACS diary to ensure that the stop payment processes correctly. Take the appropriate action once the final disposition is received from Treasury. When interim/final disposition information is received, see SM 00609.610.

  2. b. 

    Title XVI: When the original check is cashed, the SSI nonreceipt system automatically transmits an F-stop on the courtesy disbursement check. If Treasury determines this check has been cashed, an overpayment is computed and posted to the SSR.

3. If courtesy disbursement check was:

  1. a. 

    Returned and cancelled, no further action is necessary.

  2. b. 

    Not cashed, Treasury will cancel the payment and return the credit to SSA. No further action is necessary.

4. If courtesy disbursement check negotiated:

  1. a. 

    Follow DCN procedures found at GN 02406.300.

  2. b. 

    If the original nonreceipt claim was Mass Loss, process per GN 02406.700.

D. References

  • GN 02406.150 When to Request Payment after Status C-Stop - Normal and Dire Need Situations

  • GN 02406.235 Holder in Due Course (Theft, Loss or Destruction of Check After Negotiation by the Original Payee)

  • GN 02406.300 Original and Courtesy or Replacement Check Cashed – Double Check Negotiation (DCN) – Potential Overpayment

  • GN 02406.310 Request for Reconsideration of DCN Overpayment or Forgery Determination

  • GN 02406.700 General Information on Mass Loss of Checks and the Payment Delivery Alert System (PDAS)

  • SM 00609.610 Treasury RFC and CSD Disposition Codes

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