TN 47 (08-96)

DI 42586.020 Conducting Folder Search -- Stieberger

A. Introduction

Because of the manner in which SSI couple's claims are housed, a person's claim could be found in the same folder under the SSN of the person's spouse. Title II disabled child and widow/er claims are housed in the folder of the person on whose account the claim was filed.

B. Policy

All efforts to locate prior Stieberger claims must be recorded on the “Folder Retrieval Worksheet.” See DI 42586.095, Exhibit 7.

C. Reviewing query responses

Begin the search for prior Stieberger claims by reviewing the queries.


Look at the SSIRD(s) (DI 42586.015B.) and FACT (DI 42586.015F.) to determine if there is a claim(s) which meets the Stieberger class membership criteria.

  1. a. 

    If there is a Title II or Title XVI claim, annotate the folder retrieval worksheet with:

    • the date of each application or the alleged onset date;

    • the date of each denial/termination (if it can be ascertained); and, the basis code for each denial/termination (if it can be ascertained).

    NOTE: Only show those claims that were medically denied/terminated after 10/01/81. In multiple claim cases, the FACT will usually show this information only for the earliest application.

  2. b. 

    Assume the responder is not a class member if both the SSIRD and FACT show no record.

2. CATS alert

If the SSICCS shows NIF, an AR-25 will not be generated. NIF will be shown in the Folder Location Information field on the CATS alert instead.

  1. a. 

    Assume the folder was destroyed in 09/87 or earlier, if the CATS alert shows NIF.

  2. b. 

    Annotate the folder retrieval worksheet to show that the folder was destroyed.

3. AR-25

  1. a. 

    If an AR-25 record exists, review line 5 to determine the location of the folder(s).

L47 Folder destroyed - see d.
L0E Folder in SSANRC.
L86 Folder in Phila FRC.
L88 or 89 Folder in Seattle FRC.
L50,L90,J00 Prior search done and folder is lost.
L94, L95 Folder in Suitland, Md. FRC.
Blank Look at line 8.
  1. b. 

    Review line 8. Start with the most recent location and work back.

L47 Folder destroyed - see d.
L0E Folder has been cleared to SSANRC, but not yet receipted in.
Any FO Location Folder should be in that location.
  1. c. 

    If a subsequent location shows movement but never receipted in, check prior location.

  2. d. 

    Continue the search if the FRC field shows L47 and there is folder movement data prior to the RCRD EST date on the STALE query.

    NOTE: L47 is a systems generated indicator for destruction. However, the SSANRC does not record any action to notify the system that the folder has actually been destroyed. Therefore, materials which are pertinent to the claim, may continue to reside in the SSANRC or another prior location.

D. Procedure -- locating Title XVI folders

1. Telephone calls/FAX /administrative message

  1. a. 

    Start with the most recent location on line 8 of the AR25 and work backwards.

  2. b. 

    Contact each location until all Stieberger claims are located or otherwise accounted for, i.e., destroyed, lost, etc.

    EXCEPTION: Wilkes-Barre cannot be contacted by telephone. Folder retrieval requests will be made by Automated Recall (AR33 - see SM 01201.035) for folders currently reading in L0E, L86, L88, or L89 or by Administrative Message if a special search is requested.

  3. c. 

    Do not request the folder if the date in location is 60 days or more prior to the class start date.

  4. d. 

    Get the name of the person you should follow-up with if you do not receive the file.

  5. e. 

    Agree upon a date that you will follow-up before you hang up.

  6. f. 

    Document the folder retrieval worksheet with the results of each request (see DI 42586.095, Exhibit 7).

  7. g. 

    Establish follow-up controls, if necessary (see 2. below.).

2. Follow-up requests

a. Telephone call requests

  • After 14 calendar days, if the folder(s) is not received or there is no response to the original request, follow-up by telephone.

  • After 7 calendar days, if the folder(s) is not received or there is no response to the second request, follow-up by telephone with the designated Stieberger coordinator.

b. Wilkes-Barre AR-33 requests

L0E Location - After 14 calendar days if no folder(s) or unable to locate (UTL,) message is received, proceed as follows:

  • Obtain an SSI2 query.

  • Follow-up by Administrative Message to Wilkes-Barre only if the query does not show that the folder is in transit to the requesting office (MV field will show a cleared date) or does not show L50 (folder missing in FRC) in CFL field.

    L86, L88 or L89 Location - After 21 calendar days, if no folder(s) or UTL message is received, proceed as follows:

  • Obtain an SSI2 query.

  • Do not follow-up if the query shows that the folder remains in L86, L88 or L89.

    NOTE: After 45 days, if Wilkes-Barre has not cleared the folder, the SSICS automatically generates a UTL message to the requesting office and posts an L50 on the SSICCS. Until then, the folder cannot be considered missing.

    Wilkes Barre Special Search Requests

    L0E Location

    Follow DI 42586.020D.2.b.

    L86, L88 or L89 Location - After 21 calendar days, if no folder(s) or UTL message is received, proceed as follows:

  • Obtain an SSI2 query.

  • Follow-up by Administrative Message to Wilkes-Barre. Indicate “Special Search - Court Case.”

3. Documentation

Document the folder retrieval worksheet (Exhibit 7, DI 42586.095) to how the results of your search.

E. Procedure - locating Title II folders

1. Telephone Call/Administrative Message

  1. a. 

    Examine the FACT, ODIO Overnight, and OHAQ. In some cases, it may be necessary to obtain DDSQ and BDIQ to determine the current location of a folder.

  2. b. 

    Contact each office which may have a Stieberger claim until all prior claims are located or otherwise accounted for, i.e. destroyed, lost, etc.

    NOTE: The FRC in Suitland, Maryland cannot be contacted by telephone. All folder requests must be made through ODIO.

  3. c. 

    Follow the instructions in D.1.c.-g. above.

2. Follow-up requests

Establish follow-up controls as shown in D.2.a. above.

3. Documentation

Document the folder retrieval worksheet to show the results of your search.

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DI 42586.020 - Conducting Folder Search -- <Italic> Stieberger</Italic> - 05/15/2012
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