TN 99 (03-25)

SI 00820.148 Automated Wage and Employment Information from Payroll Data Providers (PDP) Received through the Payroll Information Exchange (PIE)

CITATIONS: Public Law 114-74 The Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015, Section 824; Social Security Act §§ 225, 1184(a), 1631 (42 U.S.C. §§ 425, 1320e-3, 1383) 20 CFR 404.702, 404.703, 404.1588, 416.701, 416.702, 416.708, 416.709, 416.988, 422.150.

A. Introduction to PIE

Section 824 of the Bipartisan Budget Act (BBA) of 2015 enacted section 1184 of the Social Security Act (Act), which allows the Social Security Administration (SSA) to enter into an information exchange with payroll data providers (PDPs) to obtain wage and employment information. Employers who participate in a payroll service with a PDP send their wage and employment information to the PDP. The payroll information exchange (PIE) automates the reporting process by transmitting information from the PDP and helps reduce improper payments by ensuring timely and accurate submission of wage and employment reports.

To obtain information through PIE, the recipient, deemor or ineligible child must provide authorization and work for an employer that reports payroll information to a participating PDP.


B. Collecting wage and employment authorization for new participants

1. General information about collecting wage and employment authorizations

Before we receive wage and employment information from a PDP, we must obtain authorization from the recipient, deemor, or ineligible child. See Wage and Employment Information Authorization MS 09401.002. Providing authorization is voluntary and not an SSI eligibility requirement. For more information on the authorization to receive wage and employment information, see GN 00204.150.

2. Special considerations for wage and employment authorizations when appeals are involved

The system will only request information for recipients, deemors, and ineligible children who have an active authorization during the monthly PIE run. In cases where a claim is denied for any reason and terminates in the SSI Claims system, the authorization will effectively end if it is beyond the appeals period for the claim (i.e., 60 days plus 5 mailing days). Due to a system limitation, authorization may also end in the system if a reconsideration is not requested or processed by the end of the calendar month in which a denial posts to the record. Handle wage and employment authorizations during appeals as follows:

For reconsideration requests:

  • If a reconsideration is filed and the request is processed within the same calendar month that the denial posts, the authorization remains active. No additional steps are required to record authorization.

  • If a timely reconsideration is filed after the calendar month in which the denial posts but within the appeal period (60 days plus 5 mailing days), input authorization manually when the appeal is loaded. However, technicians do NOT need to contact the recipient, deemor, or ineligible child to request authorization again. In these cases, the original authorization is only inactive due to a system limitation and the original authorization itself remains active from the time the request for reconsideration is processed until the Agency makes a final adverse decision on the claim.

For all other appeal requests:

  • For hearings before an administrative law judge, appeals council requests, and court reviews filed and processed within the appeal period (60 days plus 5 mailing days), the authorization remains active until the Agency or a court makes a final adverse decision on the claim. No additional steps are required to record authorization.

  • For late filing of an appeal (after 60 days plus 5 mailing days), the authorization will end after the appeal period expires. Contact the individual to request a new authorization. The Wage and Employment Information Authorization (WEIA) questions automatically appear in the SSI Claims system path.

When appeals are involved, there may be a gap in wage and employment information received until we reload or obtain authorization again. If the appeal is filed after the calendar month in which the denial posts and eventually approved, the technician must use other wage verification methods to request wage evidence for any months we did not receive information from PIE. For more information on evidence of wages, see SI 00820.130.

C. PIE process

1. Request

At the beginning of each month, prior to the Goldberg-Kelly Notice Cutoff, we request wage and employment information for the prior month from the PDP for individuals who have an active authorization. The PDP returns wage and employment information through PIE for individuals whose employer(s) participate in the PDP service.


As part of this automated exchange, we will request wage and employment information for the prior month's wages ONLY. This data will accumulate in the Wage and Employment Information (WEI) repository for as long as we have an active authorization.

2. Receive

Information received through PIE automatically post to records and may also be accessed manually through the WEI repository. The WEI repository is accessed from IMAIN and displays results based on search criteria for wage and employment information provided by a technician, see MS 09601.001 and MS 09601.002. This information is used for matching purposes in the SSI Claims system to determine whether to post the wage and employment information to the Wages page on the appropriate record. For SSI cases, wages update to the record before the Goldberg-Kelly Notice Cutoff date each month.

IMPORTANT: When taking claims, processing redeterminations, or handling wage-related workloads, be sure to complete the Employer Identification Number (EIN) field on the Wages page accurately for all active employers listed in the SSI Claims system, see SI 00820.143B.3.

3. Automate

As part of PIE’s automated process, the SSI Claims system attempts to match employer information to an individual’s record. The EIN from the PDP attempts to match to any EIN on an individual’s SSI Claims system Wages pages for SSI and concurrent cases.

  1. a. 

    Successful Match

    When a successful match occurs, (i.e., the SSI Claims system record contains a Wages page with a matching EIN):

    • The Wages page that contains income or wage data with a matching EIN automatically updates with the wage information received from the PDP through PIE.; and

    • The wages will be submitted to the Supplemental Security Income record (SSR) to affect payment prior to the Goldberg-Kelly Notice Cutoff. In adverse action cases, the system automatically sends the Notice of Planned Action including information about appeal rights, payment continuation, and any applicable Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) disclosures. See Overview of Goldberg/Kelly (GK) Processing, SI 02301.301.

  2. b. 

    No Match Between SSI Claims system Wages Page and EIN

    When the SSI record contains a Wages page without a matching EIN, a PDP Pending Wage page and an EE diary are created.

    For more information on the EE diary, see MS 08114.123.

    For instructions on how to process the EE diary when there is an unsuccessful EIN match, see SI 02310.200.


    As common practice, technicians should review Wage pages and verify that the EIN is on the record to prevent future PDP Pending Wages pages and EE diaries from being created.

  3. c. 

    New Employment

    When we receive wages for records that do not contain any Wages pages:

    • A new Wages page is created using the information from the PDP;

    • The Work Expenses and Substantial Gainful Activity pages are added with a page status of "Unfinished" where applicable. The technician must complete these pages with the appropriate information;

    • The Quarterly Wages Summary page will be added; and

    • The wages will be submitted to the SSR to affect payment prior to the Goldberg-Kelly Notice Cutoff. In adverse action cases, the system automatically sends the Notice of Planned Action including information about appeal rights, payment continuation, and any applicable Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) disclosures. See Overview of Goldberg/Kelly (GK) Processing, SI 02301.301.

  4. d. 

    Force Due or Manual Deeming

    When we receive wages for the records with Force Due or Manual Deeming present:

    • The PDP Pending Wage Report page is added with a reason of "Force Due" or "Manual Deeming" (as appropriate);

    • The appropriate issue is added to the Development Worksheet; and

    • The technician needs to review the claim and take the appropriate action(s) to post the wages.


Individuals are still required to report monthly wages for employers that do not participate with the PDP. This includes any employer who stops participating with the PDP service. When appropriate, encourage individuals to submit their wages using other electronic wage reporting methods to report wages for any employer that does not subscribe to a PDP's service. For more information on available reporting methods, see SI 00820.144.

4. Notify

We will notify the individual when their wage reporting requirements change through an automated notice. This notification is based on whether we receive wage and employment information from the PDP through PIE.

  • Reduced Reporting

    The system will send an automated notice informing the individual that they no longer need to report their wage and employment information for a particular employer(s) if we receive it through PIE. Recipients and representative payees are still required to report wages from all other employers. They should also report, for all employers, wage and employment information we would not receive through PIE, such as work expenses related to their medical conditions.

  • Increased Reporting

    The system will send an automated notice informing the individual that they must begin reporting their wage and employment information again for a particular employer(s) if we stop receiving that information through PIE for three consecutive months. This notice is sent in instances where a reduced reporting notice was previously issued.


For force due or manual deeming cases, the notice will be sent when the recipient is placed in another active pay status (for example C01 or N01) and the Wage page and the SSR are updated with PDP wage information through automation. Technicians do not send a manual reduced wage reporting notice for force due or manual deeming records.

D. How to resolve reporting discrepancies with the PDP for SSI

1. Appeal requests related to wage evidence from PDPs

Individuals may contact us if they believe PDP wage evidence is incorrect.

If the individual disagrees with the payment for a month based on wage evidence from PDP that presented in a Notice of Planned Action (NOPA), they may file a request for reconsideration. A request for reconsideration can be express or implied, but it must be in writing.

If a request for reconsideration is filed, process the request per SI 04005.020 and SI 04020.000.

For guidance on initiating the appeals process with someone who has contacted the agency by phone or in person, see SI 04020.020.

See Also: 

  • SI 02301.310 Appeal and the Right to Goldberg Kelly (GK) Payment Continuation  

  • GN 03102.000 Reconsideration (Title II and Entitlement Under Title XVIII) - Table of Contents  

  • DI 13010.145 Reconsideration or Reopening of Continuing Disability Work Issue Cases - Title II 

     DI 13010.185 Due Process in Work Issue Cases

2. Discrepancy in wage amount alleged but employer is accurate

If a recipient, deemor, or payee questions PDP wage evidence or alleges a discrepancy, including receiving inaccurate information from a PDP:

  1. a. 

    Advise the worker to contact the payroll data provider to correct the error following SI 00820.148D.4.

  2. b. 

    If an appeal was requested, process the request according to SI 00820.148D.1.

  3. c. 

    Request paystubs from the individual and develop other evidence of wages as necessary according to SI 00820.130C. When other acceptable evidence would result in a more accurate determination, use that evidence to document the wages. If other acceptable evidence confirms the PDP evidence, continue to use the PDP information.


    We will not subject individuals who give authorization to certain administrative sanctions for errors or omissions in wage and employment information a PDP gives us through PIE. For more information, refer to GN 00204.150B.4.

3. Handling disclaimed earnings

In cases where the worker alleges the wage and employment information from the PDP does not belong to them or alleges identity theft:

  1. a. 

    Advise the worker to contact the payroll data provider to correct the error following SI 00820.148D.4.

  2. b. 

    Using a signed statement or Report of Contact, obtain the worker's allegation disclaiming the earnings.


     Do not request the worker provide pay stubs or evidence of the wages and employment information they are disclaiming.

  3. c. 

    Investigate the allegation of erroneous or discrepant wage and employment information per RM 03870.060B.2. Attempt to obtain other wage evidence per SI 00820.130C.

    • For wage inaccuracies and employment discrepancies involving the Master Earnings File (MEF), see RM 03870.001.

    • For identity theft allegations, see RM 10220.055 and RM 10220.060.

  4. d. 

    Accept the worker's allegation unless other primary wage evidence exists to refute the allegation. Correct the record.

    See also:

    • RM 10220.055 Identity Theft and Social Security Number (SSN) Fraud

    • RM 10220.060 Assisting Identity Theft Victims.

    • RM 03870.045 Scrambled Earnings - General

    • RM 03870.048 Development of Scrambled Wages

  5. e. 

    If an appeal was requested, process the request according to SI 00820.148D.1.

4. Advising the individual to correct or dispute information with a PDP

Depending on the agency’s PDP arrangement, the agency may include information about how the worker can correct or dispute information provided by the PDP to SSA within its notices. Text related to the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) will also be included in any adverse action or change in payment notices, instructing individuals on who to contact to correct their wage and employment information if they believe it is incorrect. A copy of the notice which includes the name and contact information for the PDP, can be located in the Online Retrieval System (ORS). The English and Spanish versions read as follows:


We may receive wage and employment information from [PDP] that is part of a consumer report. We may have used all or some of the wage and employment information we received from [ PDP] to determine benefit eligibility, make a benefit decision, or calculate a benefit amount. [PDP] played no part in our determination and is unable to supply specific reasons for the determination we made.

[Wage Reporter's Name] has a right under the FCRA to know the information contained in the consumer report. [Wage Reporter's Name] has a right to a free copy of the consumer report from [PDP] if you request it no later than 60 days after you receive this notice. In addition, if you find that any information contained in the consumer report is inaccurate or incomplete, you have the right to dispute the matter with [PDP]. To obtain a copy of or dispute your consumer report, contact [PDP] at:

[PDP Contact information]


Podemos recibir la información de sus salarios y empleador de [PDP] que forma parte de un informe al consumidor. Es posible que hayamos utilizado toda o parte de la información de su salario y de su empleo que recibimos de [PDP] para decidir si tiene derecho a los beneficios, tomar una decisión sobre sus beneficios o calcular la cantidad de sus beneficios. [PDP] no jugó ningún papel en nuestra decisión y no puede proveer razones específicas para la decisión que realizamos.

[Persona que ha reportado los salarios] tiene derecho bajo la Ley FCRA a conocer la información que contiene su informe al consumidor. [Persona que ha reportado los salarios] tiene el derecho a una copia gratuita del informe al consumidor de [PDP] si lo solicita dentro de 60 días después de recibir este aviso. Además, si encuentra que cualquier información contenida en el informe al consumidor es incorrecta o incompleta, tiene el derecho a disputar el asunto con [PDP]. Para obtener una copia o disputar informe al consumidor, póngase en contacto con [PDP] en:

[PDP Contact Information]


While we do not encourage revocation as a means to resolve discrepancies with wage and employment information received from PDPs, individuals have the option to revoke their authorization at any time. This revocation applies at the time the technician processes it through the system and a receipt is generated. Revoking authorization for PIE also revokes authorization for manual wage verification with SSA-approved companies like The Work Number. See SI 00820.147 for more information on wage verification companies.  For information about revocation and instructions for processing a revocation request, see GN 00204.150.D. 

E. Systems requirements

For SSI purposes, PIE is designed to automatically request and receive wage and employment information whenever active authorization exists and the SSI Claims system contains an active claim.

The following systems conditions stop successful transmission of wage and employment information through PIE, either by preventing the exchange or by preventing the automatic updating of wage and employment information to the SSI Claims system:

  • The case is not active in the SSI Claims system (i.e. non-MSSICS case);

  • Termination of the current Supplemental Security Record (SSR) (RIC: T);

  • SSR has a payment status code of N12 or N27 through N54; or

  • Data discrepancies exist between the SSI Claims system and the PDP information.


Records that have one of the characteristics above will not qualify for the PIE process. Follow SI 00820.130 and SI 00820.135 to develop wages for these records.

F. References

GN 00204.150 Authorization to Obtain Wage and Employment Information from Payroll Data Providers via an Information Exchange for the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Programs

SI 00820.130 Evidence of Wages or Termination of Wages

SI 00820.135 Wage Verification - Over $65 Per Month

SI 00820.143 Monthly Wage Reporting

SI 00820.144 Monthly Wage Reporting for Recruiting Reporters

SI 00820.147 Wage Evidence from Wage Verification Companies

SI 02301.100 Assessing Penalties

SI 02301.301 Overview of Goldberg/Kelly (GK) Processing

SI 02310.200 Payroll Data Provider (PDP) Wages Received through the Payroll Information Exchange (PIE) - EE Diary

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