Depending on the agency’s PDP arrangement, the agency may include information about
how the worker can correct or dispute information provided by the PDP to SSA within
its notices. Text related to the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) will also be included
in any adverse action or change in payment notices, instructing individuals on who
to contact to correct their wage and employment information if they believe it is
incorrect. A copy of the notice which includes the name and contact information for
the PDP, can be located in the Online Retrieval System (ORS). The English and Spanish
versions read as follows:
We may receive wage and employment information from [PDP] that is part of a consumer
report. We may have used all or some of the wage and employment information we received
from [ PDP] to determine benefit eligibility, make a benefit decision, or calculate
a benefit amount. [PDP] played no part in our determination and is unable to supply
specific reasons for the determination we made.
[Wage Reporter's Name] has a right under the FCRA to know the information contained
in the consumer report. [Wage Reporter's Name] has a right to a free copy of the consumer
report from [PDP] if you request it no later than 60 days after you receive this notice.
In addition, if you find that any information contained in the consumer report is
inaccurate or incomplete, you have the right to dispute the matter with [PDP]. To
obtain a copy of or dispute your consumer report, contact [PDP] at:
[PDP Contact information]
Podemos recibir la información de sus salarios y empleador de [PDP] que forma parte
de un informe al consumidor. Es posible que hayamos utilizado toda o parte de la información
de su salario y de su empleo que recibimos de [PDP] para decidir si tiene derecho
a los beneficios, tomar una decisión sobre sus beneficios o calcular la cantidad de
sus beneficios. [PDP] no jugó ningún papel en nuestra decisión y no puede proveer
razones específicas para la decisión que realizamos.
[Persona que ha reportado los salarios] tiene derecho bajo la Ley FCRA a conocer la
información que contiene su informe al consumidor. [Persona que ha reportado los salarios]
tiene el derecho a una copia gratuita del informe al consumidor de [PDP] si lo solicita
dentro de 60 días después de recibir este aviso. Además, si encuentra que cualquier
información contenida en el informe al consumidor es incorrecta o incompleta, tiene
el derecho a disputar el asunto con [PDP]. Para obtener una copia o disputar informe
al consumidor, póngase en contacto con [PDP] en:
[PDP Contact Information]
While we do not encourage revocation as a means to resolve discrepancies with wage
and employment information received from PDPs, individuals have the option to revoke
their authorization at any time. This revocation applies at the time the technician
processes it through the system and a receipt is generated. Revoking authorization
for PIE also revokes authorization for manual wage verification with SSA-approved
companies like The Work Number. See SI 00820.147 for more information on wage verification companies. For information about revocation
and instructions for processing a revocation request, see GN 00204.150.D.