Subchapter List for FOREIGN CLAIMS — Marriage

PR 031: FOREIGN CLAIMS — Marriage
 PR 03100: FOREIGN CLAIMS — Marriage
 PR 03107: Domestic Partnership
PR 03107.262: Netherlands
 PR 03120: Ceremonial Marriage - Statutory Requirements
PR 03120.238: Mexico
PR 03120.288: Peru
PR 03120.290: Philippines
 PR 03130: Common-Law Marriage
PR 03130.070: Canada
PR 03130.080: Chile
PR 03130.090: Costa Rica
PR 03130.146: Guatemala
PR 03130.156: Honduras
PR 03130.238: Mexico
PR 03130.275: Panama
 PR 03140: Proxy Marriage
PR 03140.238: Mexico
 PR 03155: Validity of Marriage Performed Outside of State
PR 03155.112: El Salvador
PR 03155.138: Ghana
PR 03155.155: Iran
 PR 03170: Good Faith Belief in Validity of Marriage
PR 03170.290: Philippines
 PR 03185: Putative Marriage
PR 03185.070: Canada