required signatures |
Form | Who must sign | Current instructions |
SSA-1696 | Claimant and
Representative | GN 03910.040
HALLEX I-1-1-10 |
SSA-1693 and other written fee agreements | Claimant and all representative(s) | GN 03940.003
HALLEX I-1-2-12 |
SSA-16 (This includes the online version of the SSA-16 application sent to the claimant with the SSA-L2 cover letter after a third party completes and submits the DIB/SSI internet claim),
SSA-8000, or
SSA-8001 | Claimant or proper Applicant | GN 00204.003 |
SSA-820 | Claimant, Beneficiary, or Representative Payee | DI 10510.025 |
SSA-821 | Claimant, Beneficiary, or Representative Payee | DI 10505.035 |