TN 84 (05-23)

GN 00502.132 Selecting a Qualified Representative Payee

A. Policy for selection of a representative payee (payee)

Before you select a payee for a competent adult beneficiary, you must make a capability determination following the instructions in GN 00502.020.

Deciding whether an applicant will make a good representative payee is an extremely important decision. Make the determination to select a payee after you determine a beneficiary is incapable. For information on determining capability, see GN 00502.001. Your determination may greatly affect a beneficiary’s quality of life. You must weigh all available information including:

  • answers to questions collected from the payee application;

  • the applicant’s relationship to the beneficiary;

  • whether the applicant has custody of the beneficiary;

  • all known information about the applicant’s past payee performance (if any); and

  • criminal history.

1. Persons barred from serving as payee

We prohibit some individuals from serving as payees and we may never appoint them as payee under any circumstances. For information on applicants we bar from ever serving as payee, see GN 00502.133.

If the applicant is barred from ever serving as payee, use the Rep Payee Applicant “Note Type” on the Make Note screen (MS 07415.002) to document this information in the electronic Representative Payee System (eRPS) using the procedures in GN 00502.132B.2. in this section.

2. Individuals considered questionable payee choices

Some individuals are questionable payee choices, and you must not appoint them (or allow them to continue) as payee unless:

  • direct payment is prohibited, see GN 00502.001;

  • there is no suitable alternative prospective payee, for information on how to find payee leads see GN 00502.100; and

  • you determine the applicant poses no risk to the beneficiary.

Use the Rep Payee Applicant “Note Type” on the Make Note screen to document your suitability determination in eRPS using the procedures in GN 00502.132B.2 in this section.

Questionable payee choices include:

  • convicted felons (for crimes other than those listed in GN 00502.133);

  • applicants with a prior history of misuse;

  • applicants with a pending misuse allegation;

  • applicants who are non-responders for another beneficiary;

  • applicants imprisoned for more than 1 year; and

  • creditors of the beneficiary. For more information on a payee applicant that is a creditor, see GN 00502.135.

You must document your payee selection or non-selection determination using the Rep Payee Applicant “Note Type” on the Make Note screen in eRPS.

3. People with unsatisfied felony warrants (Martinez v. Astrue Class Action Settlement)

We may consider an applicant's suitability to serve as a representative payee if the individual has an unsatisfied felony warrant. If the applicant’s offense code is 4901, 4902, or 4999, do not select that individual to be a payee. There are no exceptions to this prohibition. For information on individuals considered fugitive felons, see GN 00502.133A.2. 

B. Procedure for processing and documenting eRPS alert messages

1. Reasons for storing information in eRPS

eRPS is an investigative tool to help you make appropriate payee appointments. eRPS displays alerts (MS 07401.003 Alert Messages) to historical negative events or other situations that need careful review prior to making the appointment determination. You must carefully review this screen for the presence of such remarks and thoroughly consider the information it provides prior to making the appointment determination. In addition, the payee application asks the applicant specific questions about certain types of criminal behavior. Information about how a person has previously performed payee duties is critical; therefore, it is important to record information about the payee’s performance, particularly occurrences of misuse, in eRPS so it is available for future consideration.

2. Documenting criminal alerts in eRPS alerts

For every criminal alert, you must fully document your payee selection or non-selection using the Rep Payee Applicant “Note Type” on the Make Note screen in eRPS. You must develop and document all criminal information you find relevant to suitability, such as:

  • the nature of the crime;

  • when the crime occurred; and

  • the sentence the applicant received.

You must document the applicant’s relationship to the beneficiary and custody information when making your determination.

NOTE: We bar a payee applicant convicted of certain crimes from serving as a payee, refer to GN 00502.133.

3. eRPS alerts and Rep Payee Selection-Decision screen edit remarks defined

The alerts listed below in this section display in the Alert Messages feature during the application path and again when you attempt to select the applicant on the Rep Payee Selection-Decision Screen (MS 07412.002).

When you receive one of the alerts listed below in this section you must:

  • Non-Select the Applicant using the Rep Payee Selection-Decision screen.

  • Select the appropriate Non-Select Reason (MS 07412.003).

  • Check “Send non-select notice to applicant” so eRPS sends the appropriate non-select notice automatically.

  • Look for a new payee applicant and consider direct payment, if appropriate.

a. RP convicted under Sec 208/811/1632

The “RP convicted under Sec 208/811/1632” alert means the person was convicted of Social Security fraud under one or more of these statutes. The law prohibits anyone convicted under these provisions from ever serving as a payee. There are no exceptions. The Office of Inspector General (OIG) provides SSA Central Office (CO) staff with a list of individuals convicted under 208/811/1632 of the Social Security Act, and SSA Regional Office (RO) staff then input the list into eRPS. eRPS alerts you when an applicant has this type of conviction posted in eRPS and does not permit that applicant to be selected as payee.

NOTE: The Rep Payee Selection-Decision screen error message is “History of Social Security fraud (Sections 208/811/1632)”. The non-select reason for this alert is “Social Security Act criminal conviction (Sections 208/811/1632, section 1136, and RP related fraud)”.

b. RP has committed RP related fraud

The “RP has committed RP related fraud” alert means the person was convicted of fraud directly related to their payee duties (misuse, conversion of benefits, etc.). However, they were convicted under statutes other than sections 208, 811, or 1632 of the Social Security Act. The OIG provides CO staff with a list of these convictions. CO staff sends the list to the RO staff. The RO staff inputs the information into eRPS. This alert appears when you access eRPS to make a query or take an application. We bar an individual with this alert from serving as a representative payee. Do not appoint a payee applicant who has committed payee related fraud. There are no exceptions to this rule. For more information refer to, GN 00502.133A.3 and GN 00502.133B.3.

NOTE: The Rep Payee Selection-Decision screen error message is “History payment fraud”. The non-select reason for this alert is “Social Security Act criminal conviction (Sections 208/811/1632, section 1136, and RP related fraud)”.

c. Representative/Health Care provider convicted under Sec. 1136

The “Representative/Health Care provider convicted under Section 1136” alert means the applicant is barred from serving as payee under Section 1136 of the Social Security Act. A representative or a health care provider convicted of any violation under Title XVIII of the United States Code may not participate in Social Security programs and therefore may not serve as a payee. The violations relate to the following:

  • Initial application for benefits;

  • Continuing entitlement to benefits;

  • Amount of benefits under Title II or Title XVI; and

  • An individual assessed with a Civil Monetary Penalty under section 1129 (a) (1) of the Act.

NOTE: The Rep Payee Selection-Decision screen error message is “History of Social Security Fraud (Section 1136)”. The non-select reason for this alert is “Sections 208/811/1632, section 1136, and RP related fraud”.

d. RP convicted of Barred Crime

The “RP convicted of Barred Crime” alert means the individual was convicted of one of the twelve felony crimes that bar an individual for serving as payee. Barred crimes only apply to individual payees, not organizations. See a list of the 12 barred felony crimes below:

  1. 1. 

    Human Trafficking

  2. 2. 

    False Imprisonment

  3. 3. 


  4. 4. 

    Rape and Sexual Assault

  5. 5. 

    First-Degree Homicide

  6. 6. 


  7. 7. 

    Fraud to obtain access to government assistance

  8. 8. 

    Fraud by scheme

  9. 9. 

    Theft of Government Funds/Property

  10. 10. 

    Abuse or Neglect

  11. 11. 


  12. 12. 

    Identity Theft or Identity Fraud

IMPORTANT: If an applicant self-discloses a felony that is not a barred crime, you must still ask for permission and run a criminal background check through eRPS.

NOTE: The Rep Payee Selection-Decision screen error message is “Barred Felon.” The non-select reason for this alert is “Barred Crime (1 of 12 barred crimes)”.

e. RP has a RP

The “RP has a RP” alert means the payee is a beneficiary or recipient with a representative payee. When this situation occurs, investigate and determine if the applicant is capable of managing their benefits, per GN 00502.020. As a person needing a payee, this individual cannot serve as a payee. Do not appoint an applicant as a payee if they have a payee. There are no exceptions to this rule.

NOTE: The Rep Payee Selection-Decision screen error message is “Applicant has a payee”. The non-select reason for this alert is "Applicant has a payee".

f. RP has death alert DIPS

The “RP has death alert-DIPS” alert means that we received death data for an applicant in the Death Information Processing System (DIPS). When this alert generates, investigate and resolve the death alert. For more information on DIPS Alerts, see GN 02602.051 and GN 02602.065.

NOTE: The Rep Payee Selection-Decision screen error message is “DIPS death record for payee”. The non-select reason for this alert is “Death of applicant”.

g. RP has death alert NUMI

The “RP has death alert Numi” alert means eRPS detected a Numident Death Match Alert. These Death alerts generate when there is a discrepancy between the death data on the Numident, and the Master Beneficiary Record or Supplemental Security Record. You must resolve this alert. For information on Numident Death Match Alerts, see GN 02602.065 and GN 02602.070.

NOTE: The Rep Payee Selection-Decision screen error message is “Numident death information for applicant”. The non-select reason for this alert is “Death of applicant”.

h. RP has discrepancies between Client Numi

The “RP has discrepancies between Client-data Numi” alert means the SSN input into eRPS does not match the information on the Numident. Double-check that the information you input is accurate. If the applicant needs to update their personal information, see RM 10212.000 and RM 10200.000.

NOTE: The Rep Payee Selection-Decision screen error message is “Client identity information is discrepant from Numident identity information for applicant”. You must resolve this issue prior to any selection on non-selection of the applicant.

i. BN is a RP

The “BN is a RP” alert means the beneficiary is a payee for another person. A beneficiary needing a payee cannot serve as a payee for another person. If the beneficiary serving as payee is now incapable, you must develop a new payee for the other person. There are no exceptions to this rule. You must resolve the alert prior to a selection of the payee applicant.

NOTE: The Rep Payee Selection-Decision screen error message is “Beneficiary is payee for another beneficiary-develop payee for other beneficiary”.

j. RP is overpaid due to death of beneficiary

The “RP is overpaid due to death of the beneficiary” alert means that during prior service as a payee, the applicant received a check issued after the death of a beneficiary and did not return the check to SSA. A payee’s failure to return payments received after the death of a beneficiary is an indication that the applicant is not a suitable payee choice. For more information, see GN 02201.001B.2.e. If the payee has multiple overpayment liability indicators, you must resolve each specific indicator prior to appointing the payee.

NOTE: The Rep Payee Selection-Decision screen error message is “Payee overpayment due to death of a beneficiary”.

To determine the record involving the overpayment and verify the correctness of the alert message, take the following steps:

  1. 1. 

    Perform an individual payee, organizational payee, or a beneficiary/payee search on the eRPS home screen (MS 07401.002);

  2. 2. 

    On the Representative Payee Details tab, under the Case Details heading, click Beneficiary List, and then click Terminated List. Obtain a list of the payee’s terminated beneficiaries from the Terminated Beneficiary List screen (MS 07420.018).

  3. 3. 

    Look for a Yes in the Bene OP field on the Terminated Beneficiary List screen;

  4. 4. 

    Query the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR), Payment History Update System Queries (PHUS), Supplemental Security Record (SSR), Debt Management System (DMS), or the Treasury Check Information (TCIS) to verify when death occurred and if the check is still outstanding.

Do not appoint a payee applicant who has received and not returned checks issued after the death of a beneficiary unless you have evidence that:

  • the applicant poses no risk to the beneficiary;

  • there are no other more suitable applicants; and

  • the debt has been satisfied.

If a payee applicant meets all three criteria, take the following steps:

  1. 1. 

    On the Relationship Details Tab, under Case Details, select Overpayment Liability to access the Overpayment Liability screen (MS 07420.024);

  2. 2. 

    Delete the overpayment liability indicator and document your reason for deleting the indicator in the “Change Reason” text box.

If the payment records do not show that the specific debt has been satisfied, you may appoint the applicant if one of the following exceptions apply:

  • there is evidence the payee returned the overpayment due to the death of the beneficiary; or

  • there is a waiver/appeal pending for the overpayment due to death of the beneficiary.

If one of the exceptions applies, take the following steps to appoint the applicant and track the case:

  1. 1. 

    Document the evidence of the returned overpayment or pending waiver/appeal on the Overpayment Liability screen (MS 07420.024);

  2. 2. 

    Select “Remittance/Waiver /Appeal Pending” check box on the Overpayment Liability screen. This action will establish a work issue with a 180 day tickle;

  3. 3. 

    If the work issue is outstanding after 180 days, eRPS will issue the alert, “RP is overpaid due to death of beneficiary (evidence expired).” For additional instructions on appointing the applicant after the 180-day work issue, follow GN 00502.132B.4.o in this section.

4. Rep Payee Selection-Decision Screen Alerts when a Note is required

The alerts listed below in this section, display on the Rep Payee Selection-Decision screen because you must:

  1. a. 

    Document the note box in eRPS on the Selection-Required Notes screen (MS 07412.007).

  2. b. 

    Use the Rep Payee Applicant “Note Type” to document your justification for appointing the applicant.

Some alerts require manager approval. If manager approval is required, the manager must take action on the Approve Selection screen under “Manager Actions” from the eRPS overview screen (MS 07412.006).

a. RP prev fug felon match-verify status

The “RP prev fug felon match-verify status” alert means that in the past this person was identified with an offense code of 4901, 4902, or 4999 by the Fugitive Felon/eRPS system match process. For fugitive felon prohibition, refer to GN 00502.133A.2. and GN 00504.102. When the fugitive felon/eRPS system identifies a person through the match process, the system builds a fugitive felon match indicator of “Y” on the eRPS. If this remark appears during a new RP application, ask the applicant about their fugitive felon status on the Criminal Warrant Questions screen (MS 07410.005). If the applicant alleges the outstanding felony warrant is satisfied or is for an offense other than 4901, 4902, or 4999, verify this information before you make your determination (Refer to GN 02613.500A.2.). If you confirm that the warrant has been satisfied, update the eRPS on the FUGFEL Crime Record Listing screen (MS 07410.003).

If the warrant has been satisfied, update the warrant disposition on the Fugitive Felon System Control File Database (FFSCF). (For further instructions on the FFSCF, see MS PRISON 006.003 and MS PRISON 006.006). Use the Rep Payee Applicant “Note Type” on the Make Note screen to document this information in eRPS. For more information, refer to GN 00502.132B.2 in this section.

b. RP pre-4/1/09 FF match – ver status

The “RP pre-4/1/09 FF match – ver status” alert means the fugitive felon match process identified the payee before the April 01, 2009, changes required by the Martinez Court Case agreement. (For more information on the Martinez court case see GN 02613.860). It also means the applicant may have an outstanding felony warrant.

You must verify the offense code and if the applicant satisfied the warrant to determine whether the offense code prohibits the applicant from serving as payee. You are required to document this information when a Note box appears in eRPS. For instructions on determining if the warrant is satisfied, see GN 02613.500A.2.

c. RP self-reported fugitive felon

The “RP self-reported fugitive felon” alert means the payee applicant answered “yes” to the payee application question asking, “do you have any unsatisfied felony warrants for your arrest?” Prohibit a person from serving as a representative payee if they have an unsatisfied felony warrant issued for one of the following three offenses:

  • Escape from custody (offense code 4901),

  • Flight to avoid prosecution, confinement, etc. (offense code 4902), and

  • Flight-escape (offense code 4999).

There are no exceptions to this prohibition. If the warrant is satisfied and the individual is no longer a fugitive felon under these three codes, then the individual can serve as payee if they are the most suitable applicant and no other prohibited conditions exist.

If the warrant is satisfied or is for an offense code other than 4901, 4902, or 4999, carefully consider the nature of the crime and how the applicant resolved the warrant. Do not appoint the individual as payee if you determine that they pose some risk to the beneficiary. For further instructions for payees with past criminal behavior, see GN 00502.133. Document your non-selection or selection in eRPS. For more information on persons who should not be appointed as representative payees, refer to GN 00502.132B.2. in this section.

NOTE: The fugitive felon provisions for payees differ from those for benefit payments. The representative payee provisions do not apply to those persons who are parole and probation violators and they do not provide good cause exceptions for those with unsatisfied felony warrants (with offense codes 4901, 4902, or 4999).

d. RP self-reported felon

The “RP self-reported felon” alert means that the current or prior payee application indicates the applicant reported they were convicted of a felony. When this situation occurs, ask for additional information about the type of crime, when it occurred, and the sentence the applicant received. There are certain felony crimes that bar some applicants from serving as a payee. For a list of these crimes, see GN 00502.133.

You may not appoint a payee applicant convicted of a felony crime listed in GN 00502.133A.4 unless there is no other suitable applicant and they are:

  • custodial parent of a minor child for whom they are applying to be payee;

  • custodial spouse for the beneficiary for whom they are applying to be payee;

  • custodial parent of an adult beneficiary who has a disability which began before the beneficiary attained age 22, for whom they are applying to be payee;

  • custodial grandparent of the minor grandchild for whom they are applying to be payee;

  • custodial court appointed guardian of a beneficiary for whom they are applying to be payee;

  • parent who was previously payee for their minor child who has since turned 18 and continues to be eligible for benefits; or

  • the recipient of a presidential or gubernatorial pardon for their crimes.

For other felony crimes not listed in GN 00502.133A.4, do not appoint the applicant unless you have evidence that they pose no risk to the beneficiary and there are no other more suitable applicants. Use the Rep Payee Applicant “Note Type” on the Make Note screen to document this information in eRPS. For more refer to GN 00502.132B.2. in this section.

e. RP applicant on PUPS database

The “RP applicant on PUPS database” alert means that a PUPS query exists for the payee. If this remark appears during a new RP application, you must query the PUPS record and discuss the prisoner information with the applicant.

If you encounter the alert “RP applicant on PUPS Database”:

  • Query the applicant’s PUPS record, and

  • Review the information on the PUPS record.

A PUPS record shows the date of confinement, date of conviction, and the release date. Some records may show blanks or 0000s for these dates. If the information is incomplete, ask the payee applicant to provide the missing information following the procedures on verifying criminal history in GN 00502.117B.3. Use the Rep Payee Applicant “Note Type” on the Make Note screen to document this information in eRPS. For more information refer to GN 00502.132B.2. in this section.

If the payee applicant is also a title II beneficiary or SSI recipient, consider the effect of the incarceration on their own entitlement or eligibility.

f. RP incarceration for over 1 year

The “RP incarceration for over 1 year” alert means that during the current or prior payee application, the applicant responded that they were incarcerated for more than 1 year. When this occurs, ask for additional details about the crime. Use the Rep Payee Applicant “Note Type” on the Make Note screen to document this information in eRPS. For more information refer to GN 00502.132B.2. in this section.

By regulation, persons incarcerated for more than 1 year may not serve as payee unless you determine that the applicant poses no risk to the beneficiary and you determine it would be in the best interests of the beneficiary.

Do not appoint a payee applicant imprisoned for more than 1 year unless you have evidence that they pose no risk to the beneficiary and there are no other more suitable applicants.

Do not appoint a payee applicant imprisoned for more than 1 year if they have been convicted of a felony crime listed in GN 00502.133A.4. unless there is no other suitable applicant and they are:

  • custodial parent of the minor child for whom they are applying to be payee;

  • custodial spouse of the beneficiary for whom they are applying to be payee;

  • custodial parent of an adult beneficiary who has a disability which began before the beneficiary attained age 22, for whom they are applying to be payee;

  • custodial grandparent of the minor grandchild for whom they are applying to be payee;

  • parent who was previously payee for their minor child who has since turned 18 and continues to be eligible for benefits; or

  • the recipient of a presidential or gubernatorial pardon for their crimes and there are no more suitable applicants.

Use the Rep Payee Applicant “Note Type” on the Make Note screen to document this information in eRPS. For more information, refer to GN 00502.132B.2 in this section.

g. Applicant between 15 & 17 years old. Document your capability determination

The “15 & 17 years old” alert means the applicant is under age 18. You must justify your capability determination and selection reason because this applicant is a minor child. Minor children are generally presumed to be incapable. For more information regarding a child’s capability, see GN 00502.070.

NOTE: This edit will only appear on the Rep Payee Selection-Decision screen.

h. Confirm FFS status and insurance is still valid.

The “Confirm FFS status and insurance is still valid” alert means there is a FFS issue. A non-governmental FFS organization must be bonded in order to be authorized by SSA to collect a fee. Bonding constitutes a bond or insurance contract that protects the beneficiary from financial loss caused by the action or inaction of the organizational payee, or officer(s), or an employee of the organizational payee. For more information of the status of FFS organizations, see GN 00506.105 and GN 00506.400.

i. Misuse allegation pending

The “Misuse allegation pending” alert means the applicant is currently under investigation for misuse. An allegation or information that raises a suspicion of misuse may take various forms and come from many sources. For information on investigating and developing Misuse Allegations, see GN 00604.020.

NOTE: Manager approval is required for this selection. Document management’s justification for selecting the payee applicant on the Selection-Required Notes screen (MS 07412.007).

j. eRPA form in the past year pending

The “eRPA form in the past year pending” alert means the applicant did not complete and return the Annual Representative Payee Report in the prior 12 months. This alert notifies you that a current non-responder is filing an application to serve as the payee. As part of the payee application, question the non-responder to determine if a change of payee is needed for current beneficiaries served and if the payee is most suitable for the application being filed. Management override is required for stuck eRPA cases. For more information on Non-Responders, see GN 00605.085.

NOTE: Manager approval is required for this selection. Document management’s justification for selecting the payee applicant on the Selection-Required Notes screen (MS 07412.007).

k. RP has a history of misuse

The “RP has a history of misuse” alert means that eRPS contains information that the payee applicant was previously a payee and misused the beneficiary’s benefits. eRPS generates a Misuse Allegation Records screen reflecting information about the past misuse occurrence. While prior misuse is not an absolute bar to representative payee service, it is a very strong indicator that this person is not a good payee candidate.

Do not appoint a representative payee applicant with prior history of misuse unless:

  • the applicant has repaid or established a plan to repay the misused amount,

  • you have evidence that the applicant poses no risk to the beneficiary, and

  • there are no other more suitable applicants.

NOTE: Manager approval is required for this selection. You must prepare a 3 month diary for follow up per GN 00502.134B.2. Document management’s justification for selecting the payee applicant on the Selection-Required Notes screen (MS 07412.007).

l. Payee has a history of being non-selected for poor performance

The “Payee has a history of being non-selected for poor performance” alert means the applicant is a questionable payee choice. You should not appoint an applicant with a history of poor performance unless you determine there is some compelling reason for doing so.

NOTE: Manager approval is required for this selection, see GN 00502.134 for more information regarding poor past performance. Document management’s justification for selecting the payee applicant on the Selection-Required Notes screen (MS 07412.007).

m. Chronic non-responder 2 of 3 recent reports

The “Chronic non-responder 2 of 3 recent reports” alert means the applicant was a non-responder 2 of the last 3 reporting periods that occurred within the past six years. Social Security law and regulations require representative payees to complete accounting report every year. The annual accounting report is used to monitor how the payee spent or saved the benefits on behalf of the beneficiary. This alert provides information on if an applicant is able to fulfill their payee reporting responsibilities. For general information on Non-Responders, see GN 00605.270.

n. Interview was other than Face-to-Face

The “Interview was other than Face-to-Face” alert means the application was taken over the phone or via Video Service Delivery (VSD). You must justify why the payee application was not taken in a face-to-face setting using the Rep Payee Applicant “Note Type” on the Make Note screen. Interview each payee applicant, including parents with custody who are completing an application for Social Security benefits and Supplemental Security Income for a child, in a face-to-face setting unless:

  • doing so would cause undue hardship;

  • the payee applicant previously had a face-to-face interview and is currently serving as a payee and is qualified to do so; or

  • the application is being processed in a centralized processing unit and the applicant is a parent with custody of the beneficiary who is their minor child or a spouse with custody of the beneficiary who is their spouse.

NOTE: If the applicant meets one of the above exceptions to a face-to-face interview, you must conduct a telephone or VSD interview.

o. RP is overpaid due to the death of beneficiary (evidence expired)

The “RP is overpaid due to death of beneficiary (evidence expired)” alert means the applicant provided evidence of returning an overpayment due to the death of a beneficiary; however, the remittance processing was still outstanding after 180 days. You should not appoint the payee applicant unless there is an additional delay in the remittance processing of the payment, there is no risk to the beneficiary, and there are no other more suitable applicants.

There may be instances in which a payee has both the “RP is overpaid due to the death of beneficiary (evidence expired)” alert and the “RP is overpaid due to the death of beneficiary” alert. Address the “RP is overpaid due to death of beneficiary” alert using the instruction in GN 00502.132B.3.j and the “RP is overpaid due to the death of the beneficiary (evidence expired)” alert by using the instruction in GN 00502.132B.4.o.

NOTE: Manager approval is required. Document management’s justification for selecting the payee applicant on the Selection-Required Notes screen (MS 07412.007).

p. Vendor communication error, background check must be performed outside of eRPS

The "Vendor communication error, background check must be performed outside of eRPS" alert means the eRPS failed to conduct the background check due to a service communication error. In addition to the manager alert, the Background Check Results screen will display a message of the service communication issue. For more information, see MS 07409.024. You must perform the background check on the payee applicant outside of eRPS.

To perform a background check outside of eRPS you must:

  1. 1. 

    Access LexisNexis Accurint outside eRPS. SI 01140.105 provides detailed instructions on how to request LexisNexis Accurint.

  2. 2. 

    Input manager confirmation of background check by selecting the "background check completed" box on the Selection-Required Notes screen. For more information, see MS 07412.007.

5. Other alerts

a. PUPS/eRPS match alert

eRPS generates a PUPS/eRPS alert when current prisoner data is matched against eRPS and a match is found on someone with an active payee record. The alert means we received information from a prison that the payee was (and may still be) incarcerated and therefore we must investigate this person's suitability to continue as payee. This is a post-entitlement process, which produces an alert to the field and establishes an issue in eRPS. For processing instructions on payee identified by the PUPS match, refer to GN 00504.103.

b. Fugitive felon/eRPS match alert

eRPS generates the fugitive felon/eRPS match alert when fugitive felon data is received and matches an active or pending rep payee record in the eRPS. Effective April 1, 2009, only unsatisfied felony warrants with offense code 4901, 4902, or 4999 run against the eRPS (parole or probation data screened out). This is a post-entitlement alert process which:

  • produces an alert item to the field,

  • establishes a fugitive felon indicator of “Y” on the representative payee’s record (for fugitive felon alerts see GN 00502.132B.3.c. in this section), and

  • establishes a Work Issue on the Add New Issue screen (MS 07408.007) in eRPS.

For processing instructions on representative payees identified by the fugitive felon match, refer to GN 00504.102.

c. Notification that a Civil Monetary Penalty (CMP) was imposed

eRPS receives notification any time a CMP is imposed on a current representative payee. Referrals to OIG can result in the imposition of a CMP. OIG imposes a CMP when they determine the individual’s conduct was bad enough to merit its imposition.

Weigh the circumstances that caused the CMP and determine if the payee remains a suitable payee choice. Use the Rep Payee Applicant “Note Type” on the Make Note screen to manually record information about the CMP in eRPS.

C. References

  • GN 02201.001 What is a Title II Overpayment

  • GN 02613.500 Reinstating Benefits

  • GN 02613.860 Martinez Court Case Settlement — Overview

  • GN 00502.133 Payee Applicant is a Felon or Fugitive or Has Been Convicted of Other Criminal Act

  • GN 00504.102 Representative Payees Identified by the Fugitive Felon Match

  • GN 00502.020 Determining Capability-Adult Beneficiaries

  • MS 07412.002 Rep Payee Selection-Decision screen

  • MS 07412.006 Approve Selection screen

  • MS 07412.007 Selection-Required Notes screen

  • MS 07415.002 Make Note screen

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GN 00502.132 - Selecting a Qualified Representative Payee - 05/23/2023
Batch run: 10/21/2024