TN 89 (11-23)

SI 00820.135 Wage Verification and Reported Wages Over $65 per Month

A. Procedure for developing “reported” wages

Use this chart to determine whether verification is necessary for “reported” wages (i.e., those indicated on the Supplemental Security Record (SSR) by a verification code of “0”).

When evaluating “reported” wages over $65 per month for a recipient or a deemor, take the following steps:




Does the diary data (DIAR) segment of the SSR contain an S2, K6, K7, S7, J3, or J5?

If yes, go to Step 2.

If no, go to Step 3.


Develop the wage interface diary according to relevant instructions. Develop all wages during the period being developed according to wage verification procedures in SI 00820.130C. Refer to the chart in SI 00820.135B in this section for a step-by-step chart.

  • SI 02310.055 – Master Earnings File (MEF) Match (K6 and K7 Diary)

  • SI 02310.056 – Master Earnings File (MEF) Match (J3 and J5 Diaries)

  • SI 02310.062 – State Wage Record Match (S2 Diary)

  • SI 02310.063 – State Wage Record Match (S7 Diary)

Proceed to Step 8 to develop IRWE or BWE when applicable.



Does the earned income (ENIH) segment of the SSR contain wages with a verification code of “0”?

If yes, go to Step 4.

If no, and wage verification is required per SI 00820.125, “When Wage Verification Is and Is not Required”, refer to the next chart in this section.

REMINDER: It is mandatory to attempt to recruit and train all recipients, deemors, and representative payees to report wages through electronic wage reporting systems (i.e., myWageReport, Supplemental Security Income Telephone Wage Reporting system, and the SSA Mobile Wage Reporting application), unless an exception or exclusion applies. For more information about recruiting wage reporters and monthly wage reporting, see SI 00820.143 and SI 00820.144.


Are there more than two consecutive months with an alleged wage amount (verification code of “1”) at any time during the period you are developing?

If yes, go to Step 6.

If no, go to Step 5.


Is the total number of months with an “alleged” (1) wage greater than the total number of months with a “reported” (0) wage and/or a “verified” (9) wage during the period you are developing?

If yes, go to Step 6.

If no, go to Step 7.


Develop all wages during the period being developed according to wage verification procedures in SI 00820.130C. Refer to the chart in SI 00820.135B in this section for a step-by-step chart.



The wages for the period being developed do not require verification. Consider the wages verified unless the system later posts a wage interface alert to the SSR.

Does the individual have impairment-related work expenses (IRWE), blind work expenses (BWE), or any other earned income exclusions that apply during the period that you are developing?

If yes, go to Step 8.

If no, then no further action is necessary. STOP.


Verify the IRWE or BWE according to the following instructions:

Develop any Student Earned Income Exclusions according to SI 00820.510.

B. Procedure for verifying wages over $65

Use this chart to determine what steps are necessary to verify wages over $65 per month for a recipient or deemor. Also, use this chart for an ineligible child, student, or a member of an eligible couple (if such wages, when combined with wages of the spouse, exceed $65).

If at any point, a single source of wage evidence does not cover the entire period of review, develop for a combination of evidence types per SI 00820.130A.3.

1. Chart for verifying wages over $65 per month




Does the individual have acceptable pay stubs for some or all of the period being verified? For information that must be shown on a pay stub for us to consider it acceptable evidence of wages, see the first bullet in SI 00820.130A.1.

If yes, go to Step 2.

If no, go to Step 7.


Were any wages deferred or set aside during the period covered by the pay stubs rather than paid on the normal payment date? For more information regarding wage advances and deferred wages, see SI 00820.115.

If yes, go to Step 3.

If no, go to Step 4.


Post and document deferred wages per SI 00820.115C.2. When posting wages to the SSI Claims system Wages page, complete the employer identification number (EIN) field when EIN information is available (e.g., listed on the wage evidence, available on the Detailed Earnings Query, etc.).

Go to Step 5.


Use SSI Monthly Wage Verification (SSIMWV) intranet application to:

input and document a wage report submitted with pay stubs. SSIMWV will automate the wage input to the SSI Claims system Wages page or (for non-SSI Claims system cases) to the SSR via the 1719(b) (SSI Post-Eligibility Input);

print and issue a work report receipt via SSIMWV and archive it to the Online Retrieval System (ORS) to serve as documentation of wages. For in-person and telephone reports, generate a receipt immediately, and give or mail to the reporter;

establish the work report for mailed, faxed, or dropped off reports in the FO, and mail the receipt to the reporter within 5 days of receipt of the information. For establishing work reports in eWork see DI 13010.020.

If available, complete the employer identification number (EIN) field in SSIMWV and on the Wages page in the SSI Claims System.

No other action is necessary to document the report.

IMPORTANT: If processing multiple months of pay stubs in SSIMWV, you must issue a separate work report receipt for each month to meet the documentation requirements.

Was SSIMWV used to input all wages and document the wage report(s)?

If yes, ,go to Step 14

If no, go to Step 5.


Do the pay stubs cover earnings for the entire period that you are verifying? Or, if not, can you determine the wages attributable to the missing pay stub(s) by other evidence (e.g., year-to-date totals)?

If yes, go to Step 6.

If no, go to Step 7.


For documenting wages based on pay stubs, follow the procedures in SI 00820.130C.1.

Post the wages when received using the SSI Claims system Wages page or a 1719(b) (SSI Post-Eligibility Input).

Annotate the remarks of the SSI Claims system Wages page or a Report of Contact with the source of verification.

Issue a receipt to the reporter through the Document Processing System (DPS) via the SSA-L724 (Work Report Receipt) or by using eWork. See DI 13010.020 for instructions on using eWork to document work reports and issue receipts.


Go to Step 14.


Is the employer registered with an SSA-approved wage verification company?

If yes, follow the procedures to obtain and document wage verification SI 00820.147 and

then proceed to step 14.


If no, go to step 8.



Does the individual have evidence showing annual wage amounts, such as W-2 forms or Federal or State income tax forms? Is there a Master Earnings File (MEF)?


Is quarterly wage information displayed in the National Directory of New Hires (NDNH), Interstate Benefits Inquiry (IBIQ), or SSA Access to State Records Online (SASRO)?

If yes,

Confirm with the worker the months worked and, for third-party sources, whether they agree with the wage information on the query.

Divide the annual or quarterly amount by the number of alleged months worked, to arrive at a “verified” wage amount to post for each month.

On an Evidence Screen (EVID), signed statement or Report of Contact , document:

  • the annual or quarterly wage amounts and the source of the evidence;

  • the individual’s allegation of the number of months worked: and

  • whether the worker agrees with the wage information when the evidence is from third-party sources like NDNH.

Lock documentation pages or store signed statements in the Evidence Portal.


Do not save IBIQ/NDNH/SASRO printouts or queries in the Evidence Portal. See SI 00820.130C.3.b below for the required documentation.

NOTE: Posting the alleged months worked to the SSI Claims system Wages page alone is insufficient documentation. You must also record the allegation, wage amounts, and source on a signed statement, Report of Contact, SSA-795, or SSA-5002 to satisfy documentation requirements. For evidence from third-party sources, you must document that the worker agrees with the information that is being used to verify wages. If the worker does not agree with the third-party lead, you must develop other wage evidence. See SI 00820.130C.3 for more information about documenting evidence from secondary sources.

Proceed to Step 14.


If no, go to Step 9.



Does the person have wage information recorded in the Internet Ticket Operations Provider Support System (iTOPSS)? iTOPSS contains pay stub-level wage information for Ticket to Work users. The wage data is provided by employment networks and input by Ticket Program Managers. See SI 00820.130C.3 for more information.

If yes:

Compute and record monthly wages on the SSI Claims system wages page or a 1719(b) (SSI Post-Eligibility Input).

On a signed statement, or Report of Contact:

  • confirm that the worker agrees with the wage information provided;

  • document iTOPSS as the evidence source and the steps taken to obtain preferred evidence;

Lock documentation pages or store signed statements in the Evidence Portal.

Proceed to Step 14.


If no or if iTOPSS information is incomplete or inconsistent, go to Step 10.



Phone the employer to verify wages. Request information regarding when wages were paid, not earned. See SI 00810.030.

If the employer verifies wages and no deferred wages are involved,

post the wages when received, and

document the wage information obtained from the employer on a Report of Contact and lock it. Include:

  • the date of the call;

  • employer name;

  • the contact person’s name, title, and telephone number;

  • gross wages paid;

  • the pay date (if known);

  • time period covered by the oral statement;

  • if applicable, any deductions or exclusions from gross wages (e.g., cafeteria plans, certain child support garnishments, etc.)

In non SSI Claims system situations, document this information on an SSA-5002 (Report of Contact) and store it in the Evidence Portal.

If the employer verifies wages and deferred wages are involved,

post deferred wages per SI 00820.115B.2.,

post the remainder of wages when received, and

document the verified deferred wages on EVID, or on a Report of Contact page and lock it; or, in non-SSI Claims system situations, document the deferred wages and the employer contact information (i.e., date, contact person’s name, title, and telephone number) on an SSA-5002 and store it in the Evidence Portal.

If the employer will not provide wage verification and refers you to a non-SSA approved wage verification company for wage information, go to Step 12.

If the employer verifies wages, but you determine that an oral statement is insufficient, go to Step 11.

If the employer is uncooperative, or you cannot reach the employer by phone, go to Step 11.


Send the employer an SSA-L4201-BK (Letter to Employer Requesting Wage Information).

If the employer verifies wages and no deferred wages are involved,

post wages when received,

document SSA-L4201-BK evidence on EVID or on a Report of Contact and lock it, or in non SSI Claims system situations, store the SSA-L4201-BK in the Evidence Portal

Proceed to Step 14.

If the employer verifies wages and deferred wages are involved,

post deferred wages per SI 00820.115C,

charge the remainder of wages when received,

document the information extracted from the SSA-L4201-BK on EVID, a Report of Contact and lock it or, store the SSA-L4201-BK in the Evidence Portal.

Proceed to Step 14.

If the employer will not provide wage verification and refers you to a non-SSA approved wage verification company for wage information, go to Step 12.

If the employer is uncooperative or cannot be located, go to Step 13.


Is the wage verification available from a non-SSA approved wage verification company?

If yes, request that the worker obtain the wage verification from the non-approved company. Accept the wage verification from the non-SSA approved wage verification company only when provided by the individual.


Important: Do not access or create accounts on non-approved wage verification company websites to obtain wage verifications or enter any personal or claimant information onto the site.

Proceed to Step 14.

If no, go to Step 13.


Obtain the individual's allegation of the amount and frequency of wages.

NOTE: If the only evidence is an individual's allegation of annual wages, divide the annual wage amount by the number of months of alleged work to arrive at a “verified” wage amount to post for each of those months.

Post the verified wages as verified in this step. Code the wage amount with “9” verification indicator.


Record the individual's statement on either a signed Person Statement (SSA-795) or Report of Contact page (SSA-5002). Include the following:

  • gross amount, frequency, and duration of wages; and

  • the steps taken to obtain acceptable primary and secondary evidence, and why they were unsuccessful.

Lock documentation pages or store signed SSA-795 form statements in the Evidence Portal. For instructions on electronic evidence documentation and retention, see GN 00301.286.

Proceed to Step 14.


Does the individual have impairment-related work expenses (IRWE), blind work expenses (BWE), or other earned income exclusions that apply during the period that you are developing?

If yes, go to Step 15.

If no, STOP.


Verify the IRWE or BWE according to the following instructions:

  • SI 00820.540 – Impairment-Related Work Expenses (IRWE)

  • SI 00820.535 – Blind Work Expenses (BWE)

    Develop any Student Earned Income Exclusions according to SI 00820.510.

2. Evidence lacks credibility or discrepancy

If you question the credibility of pay stubs or an oral or written statement from an employer and the employer does not subscribe to a wage verification company, or if the annual amount of wages reported by an employer differs from the annual amount on a DEQY in file you must:

  • use other acceptable evidence of wages to resolve the wage amount and any discrepancy by obtaining acceptable evidence of wages per SI 00820.130, and

  • document the wage determination on a Report of Contact and lock it; in non-SSI Claims system situations, use an SSA-553 (Special Determination) and store it in the Evidence Portal.

C. References

  • SI 00820.115 Wage Advances and Deferred Wages

  • SI 00820.130 Evidence of Wages or Termination of Wages

  • SI 00820.131 Income Summary Worksheets

  • SI 00820.140 Wage Verification - $65 or Less

  • SI 00820.141 Alternative Wage Verification – Periodic Reports With Evidence

  • SI 00820.142 Alternative Wage Verification – Sheltered Workshop Pays $65 or Less Per Month to All

  • SI 00820.143 Monthly Wage Reporting

  • SI 00820.144 Monthly Wage Reporting — Recruiting Reporters 

  • SI 00820.147 Evidence of Wages – Wage Verification Companies

  • SI 02302.060 Quarterly Verification of Earnings

  • GN 00301.286 Electronic Evidence Documentation and Retention

  • GN 00301.287 How Evidence is Recorded on EVID and Report of Contact page in the Consolidated Claims Experience (CCE) in PE Situations

  • GN 00301.288 What Information is Needed on EVID and the Report of Contact page in the Consolidated Claims Experience (CCE) in PE Situations to Identify the Type of Evidence Submitted

  • MS 05209.001 Interstate Benefit Inquiry (IBIQ)

  • MS 05203.015 National Directory New Hire, Wage, Unemployment Menu (NDNH)

  • MS 01701.003 Evidence Screen (EVID)

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