TN 89 (07-23)

GN 02607.792 Processing Title II 3BOP PUPS Alerts or Records

A. Procedure - Processing Title II 3BOP PUPS Alerts

1. PC/OCO-ODO Processing of Title II 3BOP Alerts

The PCs/OCO-ODO will receive title II 3BOP PUPS alerts that contain an inmate status code of “Y” EVS codes of “V” or “L” alerts that contain a date of conviction and a date of confinement of 4/01/00 or later; and, the confinement date is at least 30 days prior to the run processing date on the PUPS record/alert.

Process these 3BOP PUPS alerts as indicated below.

a. Inmate Identity is Not Questionable and All Necessary Information Is On The PUPS Alert/Record to Suspend The Title II Benefit

Process as follows:






Suspend benefits to the beneficiary. See GN 02607.700GN 02607.750 for processing instructions.



Suspend benefits to the beneficiary. See GN 02607.700 - GN 02607.750 for processing the suspension

b. Inmate Identity is Questionable or All The Inmate Information Is Not on the PUPS Alert/Record to Suspend the Title II Benefits

If the identity of the inmate on the alert is questionable, or additional inmate information is necessary before SSA can make an initial determination on the status of the PUPS alert/record, process as follows.

  • Update the PUPS record with REMARKS indicating what information is missing on the PUPS that SSA must obtain in order to make an initial determination.

  • Identify the FO that will develop for the missing inmate information.

  • Transfer the PENDING PUPS record to that FO for their development action and final processing of the 3BOP PUPS record. Transfer the PUPS PENDING record to the FO servicing the beneficiary's mailing address on the MBR. (See GN 02607.465 for information on transferring PUPS PENDING records.)

2. Transferred 3BOP Alerts to the FO

The FO will develop for missing inmate information and complete total processing of the transferred 3BOP alert. The FO will not transfer the PUPS record back to the PCs/OCO-ODO for final processing of the PUPS record after the develop action is completed, unless a PUPS automated processing exclusion exists on the record. See GN 02607.740 for instruction on processing PUPS automated processing exclusion cases.

B. Procedure – FO Processing of Title II 3BOP PUPS Alerts

1. FO Processing of Title II 3BOP Alerts

FOs will receive all 3BOP PUPS alerts and records that do not contain complete inmate information or have questionable identity discrepancies. See GN 02607.975C. for the distribution of PUPS alerts. In addition, the FOs will receive PUPS records that the PCs/ODO-OCO transfer to the FOs for development actions.

2. FO Review of the 3BOP PUPS alerts:

a. Inmate Date Received Under SSA/BOP Reporting Agreement beginning 04/04/02




V, L

Y, P

Accept the automated verification as correct unless other facts of the case cause doubt about the inmate's identity.

Check RPS to determine if the inmate is serving as a representative payee. If so, process per GN 00504.100.

Determine if more than 30 continuous days has passed since the date of conviction/official parole or probation revocation date (or date of confinement, if later than the date of conviction). If the conviction (revocation date) date is 30 days or less, develop to determine if the beneficiary will remain confined for more than 30 continuous days per GN 02607.790D.4.

V, L


Accept the automated verification as correct unless other facts of the case cause doubt about the inmate's identity. Close out the PUPS record as "No Suspension." The beneficiary was not convicted of a crime.

NOTE: If the inmate is convicted, BOP will send SSA a new inmate report for this beneficiary. The new PUPS Record will contain an inmate status code of “Y” and a conviction date.

2, 3, 4, A, B, E or F

Y, P

Review the identity discrepancy and resolve. Develop per GN 02607.790D.4. to resolve the identity problem.

Check RPS to determine if the inmate is serving as a representative payee. If so, process per GN 00504.100.

Determine if more than 30 continuous days has passed since the date of conviction/official parole or probation revocation date (or date of confinement, if later than the date of conviction). If other inmate data is missing on the alert that is needed for an initial determination decision develop per GN 02607.790D.4.

2, 3, 4, A, B, E or F


Close out the PUPS record as “No Suspension.” The beneficiary is not convicted. Do not develop the identity discrepancy now.

NOTE: When the inmate is convicted, BOP will send in a new inmate record for this inmate. On the new inmate record, the inmate status code should change to “Y” and a date of conviction should be added to the record. If the inmate identity is still questionable when SSA receives the new record, develop the identity discrepancy per GN 02607.792C.1.

b. Inmate Date Received Under SSA/BOP Reporting Agreement for 10/01/99 to 4/03/02




V, L

Y, N, S

Accept the automated verification as correct unless other facts of the case cause doubt about the inmate's identity.

Check RPS to determine if the inmate is serving as a representative payee. If so, process per GN 00504.100.

Determine if more than 30 continuous days has passed since the date of conviction (or date of confinement, if later than the date of conviction). Develop to determine if beneficiary will remain confined for more than 30 continuous days per GN 02607.790D.4.

V, L


Accept the automated verification as correct unless other facts of the case cause doubt about the inmate's identity. Close out the PUPS record as "NO SUSPENSION." The beneficiary was not convicted of a crime.

NOTE: If the inmate is convicted, BOP will send SSA a new inmate report for this beneficiary. The new PUPS Record will contain an inmate status code of “Y” and a conviction date.

2, 3, 4, A, B, E or F

Y, N, S,

Review the identity discrepancy and resolve. Develop per GN 02607.790D.4. to resolve the identity problem.

Check RPS to determine if the inmate is serving as a representative payee. If so, process per GN 00504.100.

Determine if more than 30 continuous days has passed since the date of conviction (or date of confinement, if later than the date of conviction. If other inmate data is missing on the alert that is needed for an initial determination decisions develop per GN 02607.790D.4.

2, 3, 4, A, B, E or F


Close out the PUPS record as “No Suspension.” The beneficiary is not convicted. Do not develop the identity discrepancy now.

NOTE: When the inmate is convicted, BOP will send in a new inmate record for this inmate. On the new inmate record, the inmate status code should change to “Y” and a date of conviction should be added to the record. If the inmate identity is still questionable when SSA receives the new record, develop the identity discrepancy per GN 02607.792C.1.

c. EVS Codes on PUPS Alerts

Social Security records such as the MBR, SSR, NUMIDENT and Alphident can be used as tools to help resolve discrepancies in identity between the incoming prisoner record and the information that SSA gathered on an individual based on their interactions with SSA. If the records do not provide sufficient information to resolve the identity discrepancies, you must develop and obtain the information from the individual to resolve the discrepancy. See GN 02607.975A. for EVS codes that are on PUPS alerts or records.

C. Procedure – Developing for Missing 3BOP Inmate Information

1. Developing for an Identity Discrepancy

  • If there is a discrepancy between SSA's records and the beneficiary's allegation, ask the beneficiary to provide an explanation.

  • If the explanation is satisfactory, document the file to explain how the discrepancy was reconciled. (See RM 10212.200 on changing enumeration data other than name. See RM 10212.015 to correct the name on the enumeration record.)

  • If the explanation is not satisfactory, and you cannot obtain additional information to resolve the identity discrepancy from the third party sources listed in GN 02607.790D.1. Resolve the identity issue per GN 02607.792D.

  • If the development uncovers some fraudulent activities, pursue the development of the fraudulent aspects per SI 04070.020.

2. Developing for Missing or Questionable Inmate Information

  • Develop to obtain missing or questionable incarceration data on the 3BOP PUPS alert/record, if applicable. Contact the sources listed in GN 02607.790D. for missing information.

  • When developing for additional information on an individual, ask about earlier periods of incarceration. BOP may not have provided SSA with the earlier incarceration period. Provide the sources mentioned above with available information on the inmate (e.g., inmate name on the incoming PUPS alert, inmate number on the PUPS record, etc.) to help them locate the individual in their records.

  • Inquire about transfers to or from another institution. BOP may transfer the inmate from one institution to another. Resolve the inmate's incarceration history. Consider all periods of incarceration. Review and correct PUPS, if necessary, to reflect the inmate's total period(s) of incarceration.

  • Verify that the benefit suspension is correct based on the inmate data annotated on the alert, and take the appropriate suspension action through PUPS based on your development.

3. Developing for Missing Facility Identification Code

See GN 02607.792D.2. for instructions on determining a missing 3BOP facility code.

D. Procedure – Processing Development Information to Resolve Case Processing

1. Processing Development Information

a. Resolution of Action After Development Completed for Missing Inmate Data:

Contact for Source of Development Request

Response on Development Request

Action on Development

Beneficiary or representative payee

Provides missing inmate information or resolves discrepancy

Send advance notice per GN 02607.970 and suspend per GN 02607.700 - GN 02607.750.

Third party source

Provides inmate information or resolves discrepancy.

Send advance notice per GN 02607.970 and suspend per GN 02607.700GN 02607.750.

Beneficiary or Representatives Payee

Cannot or will not provide SSA with missing information or help to resolve discrepancy.

See processing guide in GN 02607.792A.1. for instructions.

Third party source

Cannot or will not provide SSA with missing information or help to resolve discrepancy

See processing guide in GN 02607.792A.1. for instructions.

NOTE: Use the facility code, located on IRCS, to respond to inquiries about a beneficiary's/recipient's benefits. You may also use the name of the BOP correctional facility when preparing notices to the beneficiary/recipient to inform them of the reported place of incarceration.

b. Title II Suspension Processing Guide For Missing Inmate Information--04/01/00 and Continuing

If contact was made with the beneficiary, representative payee, or other third party as identified in GN 02607.792A.1.b. and they cannot supply the required missing inmate information, process as follows:




Date of Conviction is blank or

Date of Parole/Probation Revocation is Blank


Y, S, N, P

Deem the date of conviction to be equal to the date confinement (deemed date of conviction).

Determine if the inmate will remain confined for more than 30 continuous days from the date of confinement (deemed date of conviction). If yes and more than 30 continuous days is not met, diary via MDW for 31 days from the date of confinement (deemed date of conviction).

After diary matures, send 30-day advance notification and input suspension through PUPS per GN 02607.700.

Post the deemed date of conviction to the PUPS record.

Input the suspension effective with the date of conviction.

Post REMARKS to the PUPS record to explain that SSA deemed the date of conviction for this record based on this procedural reference.

Date of conviction is blank or all zeroes

D, C

Do not suspend. Close out the PUPS Alert "No Suspension Necessary." Individual has not been convicted of a crime.

NOTE: BOP will send a new inmate record to SSA when the inmate has been convicted and sentenced.

Date of conviction is valid date (i.e., MM/DD/


Y, S, N, P

(code was already received by SSA as "D" or "C")

Determine if more than 30 continuous days has passed from the date of conviction. If not, diary via MDW for 31 days from the date of conviction.

After diary matures, send 30-day advance notification and input suspension through PUPS. (See GN 02607.970 for the type of advance notification to send the beneficiary. See GN 02607.972 for the exhibit notices to send the beneficiary.)

Facility ID code is blank

Y, S, N, D, C or P

See GN 02607.792D.2. for determining missing Facility ID codes.

2. Determining the Missing FID code on a 3BOP Alert

If the FID code is blank on the PUPS alert, take the following steps to locate the SSA 6-digit FID code to annotate to the PUPS record.




Check the PURS screen on the PUPS record to locate the 3-digit BOP Facility ID Code.


Use the internet and go to BOP's web page at Scroll down until you find "Federal Bureau of Prisons Facilities." Click on this item.


Go through the list of BOP facilities on the internet site until you find the facility with the same 3-digit code on the PUPS record. Write the facility's name and address down for reference.

NOTE: PUPS will display the 3-digit BOP facility code on the PURS screen for SSN you are working on.


Use IRCS to locate the 6-digit SSA code that corresponds to the BOP facility's name and address. (See MSOM PRISON 002.016 for instructions on locating FIDS and RIDS on IRCS.)

Go to the QRI2 screen in IRCS to view the SSA 6-digit FID codes and the names of the facilities corresponding to these codes.

NOTE: You will see most of the 3-digit BOP facility codes on the QRI2 screen before the name of the corresponding BOP correctional facility. This will assist you in finding the BOP facility more easily.


Verify that the name of the BOP facility you have located is correct by querying IRCS using the 6-digit SSA FID code you located from the QRI2 screen. (See MSOM PRISON 002.016 for instructions on locating FIDS and RIDS on IRCS.)


Add the correct 6-digit SSA FID code to the PUPS record when you are updating the PUPS record with the suspension or other required action.

NOTE: Do not call the Bureau of Prisons for information about their facilities or for additional inmate information. If you cannot locate a FID for a BOP facility, contact your RPC for assistance. See GN 02607.990 for a list of the RPCs.

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GN 02607.792 - Processing Title II 3BOP PUPS Alerts or Records - 09/11/2014
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